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Im done with our BF2 Server

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    Im done with our BF2 Server

    The attitudes are horrible.
    The people that whine are the same ones doing spawn camping and dropping bombs from their jets on our main map protected spawns.

    I'm just tired of the same 5 people and I find that its those people that ruin the game for most or all of us.


    Can't say i've noticed {CLR}s spawn raping uncaps. Then again, i don't get to play that often. What are they doing to show they have horrible attitudes?

    Any reason as to why the 5 are remaining annoymous? Your not really giving us much to go on here.


      Now that is one Angry Hamster............... Sorry you had bad times Hammie. I really haven't seen it but will keep my eyes open.


        I have seen a few jackasses as well, but none are CLRs. There were a few on last night that were camping our uncap on Daqing, and when I complained one of them said "well you should go capture another flag then." Of course it is kinda hard to cap a flag if you get killed every time you spawn...


          I've noticed it too although not enough to warrant a screen shot. I've noticed some clan stacking, I know it's not against the rules but how can they always wind up on the same side? It seems the server loves to switch me back and forth to the other team just about every round lol.
          Old school or the new, doesn't mean a thing if your heart's not true...


            i wouldn't call its clan stacking, well in my opinion anyways. when you join the game it puts you on one side automatically. everybody should just auto select like it does for you, start a squad up and they will come.


              I'm going to save the debate here and just keep those people to myself.
              It's not personal, and naming them makes it such instantly.

              Point is, that a couple of these people were on during my Friday unpleasantry and it is now my decision to quit playing our server- just like the others who used to come along.

              When I'm spawning in our "protected" zone, and some jerkoff decides to camp the watch tower and shoot us as we spawn, I'm going to call it how it is.

              Next, when someone drops an entire payload on the spawn point, RIGHT after I have called "stop camping our spawn" twice, you are going piss me off.

              Lastly, when you fly a copter into the protected zone and destroy everything in sight, despite having every flag capped on the map, I'm going to call base rape everytime.

              Extra credit goes to the people who are gloating their accomplishments as half the team quits over the poor sporstmanship and "high-fives" going on publically over the "EVERYONE" channel.

              If I have to make the suggestion that you should congratulate yourselves over the team channel, then I sincerely doubt you will have the self esteem to both understand and not get offended when I make mention of the in-game problems.

              I dont care about how well I play the game, in fact- I only hope to play well enough to contribute. But when I can hardly move, hardly attack, and hardly team within the game, it basically becomes an unplayable game- and I have better things to do than use that environment.

              Other servers, believe it or not, are more fun.
              Here is how I see it
              My proof is found in a thing called FULL SERVER that is:
              and is HARD TO LOG INTO
              thanks to the POPULARITY
              that is made possible by the PLAYABILITY
              and the GREAT ATTITUDES
              fostered by FAIR TEAMS
              and STRICT RULES.

              I only wish we had the same thing here.


                I've tried to play a couple of times since the BF2 server came back up. Here's how it usually goes:

                Log on to server.
                Population around 15-20.
                Wonder why so few people are playing.
                Run around, shoot some people, get shot by some people.
                Killed by jet.
                Killed by jet.
                Killed by chopper.
                Killed by jet.
                Killed by jet.
                Killed by chopper.
                Killed by jet.
                Killed by jet.
                Realize why so few people are playing.
                Log off.

                Log on to a server running Karkand/Sharqi or IO.
                Population around 60-64.
                Wonder why so many people are playing.
                Run around, shoot some people, get shot by some people without getting spammed to death.
                Realize why so many people are playing.




                  The reasons I quit are similar. Teams are stacked and getting on the opposing team would be the only way I'd get to fly a jet or a chopper, which is a dire mistake in itself since before reaching the end of the runway or full rotor you are blown to bits by an enemy jet/chopper or either some douchebag on your team TK'ing you for the machine. The command position is usually the only thing I go for since trying to cap a base is going to result in an explosion as soon as the flag hits the bottom of the pole, and usually only 1 or 2 people are brave enough to go after a base. Trying to populate the server when it is waiting for a round to begin has been difficult since TK'ing seems to be more fun than killing the enemy while the wait for that last player is underway.
                  Spawn.. two steps...bang
                  Spawn... jump in a jet... taxi... bang
                  Spawn ... jump in a tank ... bang
                  Spawn.... hide.. Watch everyone else go bang.


                    Played for a few hours last night and it wasn't so bad.

                    When the jets keep to killing jets, then its fine, as they have less time to bomb everything else. What gets bad is when one team steal the other team's jet...then the air rape starts

                    Played Kark, Dalian, Daquin and Sharq before I logged.

                    Server stayed at a low 10-15 people for most of the time.

                    It made for some interesting squad play and strategies. The game on Kark lasted for a long time, but the MEC just kept holding on and taking a few flags here and there. Was actually a challenge getting over the bridge and taking some flags, which is fun.

                    Lastly, when you fly a copter into the protected zone and destroy everything in sight, despite having every flag capped on the map, I'm going to call base rape everytime.
                    If the chopper stays, then yes. If its a single fly by, then its just strategy. If the chopper keeps flying by, and just circles in and out just to say that he is not camping, then I call that totally unsportsman and lame. But whatever.

                    If the game is aggravating you, then by all means, head off to another game. Probably a good thing for everyone's sanity.

                    Its all good, its a game. We play, we win, we lose, we move on
                    [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                    So all you get is this crappy text]


                      Originally posted by -IRC-MIKE View Post
                      Trying to populate the server when it is waiting for a round to begin has been difficult since TK'ing seems to be more fun than killing the enemy while the wait for that last player is underway.
                      Knife fights FTW!
                      [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                      So all you get is this crappy text]


                        I have to beg to differ about the 'other servers are populated' issue. It's not because they have better rules but they're situated servers. They've probably been running since BF2 started. People have them added to their favourites and join that server whenever they load the game. And more players tends to me less raping, simply because people don't have the opportunity.

                        To all the people that are playing other servers, and think other servers are better because they're more populated. You're not helping, in fact your making our server less playable.

                        Is it nice thinking just about yourself, and not other people, or the server as a whole? I hate getting bombed over and over, but i stick around not because i'm happy but the fact that i know what can happen when people start to leave the server.

                        This is just my opinion, and doesn't represent the opinion of other admins or anyone else here.


                          I'm with you on that. I have only played on one server on BF2 since the server has been up. I get aggravated and leave.. play COD4 or WoW. I choose not to play on other bf2 servers. I try to help populate the server when I can or when I have the time. Usually I get slaughtered repeatedly but I try to use different tactics. When it seems like it is pointless and/or I get so frustrated that I feel an aneurysm coming on, then I usually leave.


                            Yeah, aneurysms can kinda suck. Good idea to leave before it comes on

                            I must say though that I am learning some new anti-chopper tactics, which is pretty fun. While I'm still killed 6 times in a row before I can get my revenge, having them blow up from my little mounted MG on my little ol' jeep is pretty fun
                            [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                            So all you get is this crappy text]


                              Ok before this devolves into a giant air debate. All of you step back from it and forget about jets or copters. Us pilots get owned to by superior ace's (such as BenKenobi_WWII).

                              I have noticed that the people who are better at this game will stick to one side and not try to even things up.

                              Its not really clan stacking, but its more like powerstacking. When all the gifted and talented people are on one side, the otherside leaves. I should know because ive been on both sides. When im on the side opposing the powerstacked, i cant even leave the spawn point. When im on the side that is powerstacked, i cant even get a kill. It is not fun. When you are dominating another team, guess what, you are powerstacked. Sometimes you cant do anything about it, but when you see its like 8v7 and you're the 8. Send one of your better players on the otherwise. Every CLR ive seen on there is guilty of staying on the dominating team. I am too.

                              In otherwords, just because we don't have an XP shuffle, doesn't mean we can't do it ourselves.


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