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Im done with our BF2 Server

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    I know exactly how you guys feel. Granted I cant play much and I have just started playing, I hate getting spawn raped. Massacre and I did pretty good one night against some choppers when we were in a tank. He was driving and I was in the machine gun and he nailed some choppers with the cannon while we both were shooting the machine guns at it.


      I have a confession.
      I was only on for about an hour last night and if darqis ( is that the one with 4 large round tanks in the center ) and I did drop bombs on the base once or twice max.

      Though in my defense it was 6 vs. 4 and hawkeye was owning the skies for the "basically CLR team" and I was just trying anything and everything to get the other 3 "non communicating" team members on my team to grab a few flags.

      So I apologize for bombing an uncap, which I know better.


        this is why i only tend to play karkand and mashturr when im on the server and sharqi at times. and when dalian and daquin come into play its less playable as people just fly around n dont care about the flags.
        Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


          I like to fly around and cap bases...I'm satisfied with just the Huey, but I like to fly the others too. The only thing is, the more seasoned players are always in them and want you to give them up. It doesn't much matter to me either way. I'm happy playing COD4 or WoW just as much as I like to fly on BF2. It really doesn't affect me either way anymore since I choose to play other things. I won't get on BF2 if the more seasoned players are doing their thing.


            Originally posted by AngryHamster View Post

            Lastly, when you fly a copter into the protected zone and destroy everything in sight, despite having every flag capped on the map, I'm going to call base rape everytime.
            That's the problem....what defines the "uncap?"

            What are the boundaries? IE - on Dalian Plant, if I'm in the USMC helo I will fly as far as the main entrance base aiming towards the PLA uncap, but not usually fly past those mountains. It's not fair either if we can't point/aim that way when the PLA chopper can take off, spot us hovering near the Main entrance, and TV us either.

            Same goes for the PLA chopper crew, define the "limits" of the US Carrier "airspace?" At what point can a PLA chopper NOT go past? It's too hard to limit. Myself, I like to stay on the land, and hate when pilots take me over the water towards the carrier, because it's really easy to shoot into the mist and take out an outbound USMC chopper.

            Also, remember, with Sharqi, the Hotel IS NOT an uncap, and although I discourage my pilots (or when I pilot) to "rape" the helopad atop that building, I know the other team will shoot into the mist towards the MEC helopad as well.

            Kill or be killed

            I also haven't seen any other CLRs do it and I play A LOT of BF2, way too much. It's probably the boundaries which are upsettting you. Yeah, dropping bombs right at the PLA airfield in Dalian is lame, but getting TVed as your flying out of the moutain area IS NOT uncommon. Take a different route out, etc, fly high, fly lower, whatever it takes.


              BA is right you really are an angry Hamster !!!

              OK, you brought up several issues all at once:

              1) In BF2 aircraft dominate the battlefield - Yep, that has always been an issue, SF fixes it but not many folks bought SF. 2142 also fixed this issue.

              2) I keep getting raped by aircraft - See number 1 above. On a full server 64/64 it is still annoying as Hell, but there are more folks to take shots at aircraft and eventually down one.

              3) Our server, rules, Admins and regulars suck - Hardly. Our folks are really some elite players, particularly our pilots - who are some of the best that playe BF2, but refer to Number 1 above when a large percentage of our folks are also flying aircraft over a small battlefield. Now that we have established that our players are OK, I can assure you that our Admins and our rules are also fine. We used to have the No.1 busiest BF2 server on the planet, until I migrated us to 2142 (which also became the busiest 2142 server on the planet). Juneau is correct, not as many folks playing BF2 now and the ones that do keep playing on their favorite server, and are not looking for a new one. I knew it was gonna be a longshot, but I wanted to give our folks a chance to play together here again - and most have had a lot of fun. I'm gonna guess you are fairly new to BF2, it is frustrating how much a top pilot can dominate the entire battlefield.

              Spawn Raping - that shouldn't be happening, our pilots should know better.

              I'm probably gonna try Project Reality soon.... Let's see how we like it...

              Alternatively I can put up SF and leave it up for a solid week... I like it better and it is much tougher for choppers to dominate, and SF has no jets.


                I agree that generally I don't enjoy playing the jet maps, Wake, Dalian, and Daqing. It is just too easy for one team to dominate the other if they have all of the good pilots. I don't mind maps with choppers; it doesn't seem to me that they are as dominant. Also, they are more susceptible to SAMs.

                I have tried IO servers, and personally I don't like them either. Having no vehicles at all sucks.

                EDIT: Just saw Cain's post. I am all for going SF!


                  Basically, everything I have seen that was bad in BF2 was fixed in BF2142... yet, people complained that 2142 was a let down. I thought it was great.

                  for $10 I'm not all too angry with this game... the spawncamping gets annoying and I feel its either me or the other team that just dominates a whole night. Jets suck, the guns suck, and I can't for the life of me see why everyone has to be made of the same brown sludge behind them. Maybe my mood will improve when I get more guns, I don't know.

                  Btw, Im not getting SF until it goes to at most $20. I'm not spending $30 more when I have more fun on TF2 or CoD4.


                    Yep, I liked 2142 a LOT more myself ...


                      2142 was a let down, because players exploited it.

                      I can have my team easily win if I am getting bombed by a jet, while the rest of the team caps flags or kills people. In titan mode (the mode we ran), people always wanted to attack the titan, or people wanted FREE KILLS and defend the titan. Hardly ANYONE would care if they won or lost and kept silos, thus being one team easily winning.

                      Though I myself don't care for jets (I love doing stunts), the gunships would be hogged and people would still try to force teamkills on other people or just teamkill for the gunship.

                      If you wanted to play titan, you either get a low score and have teamkilling on, or have it off and people would bunny hop the hell out of the spawn pods with RDX or just place APM's EVERYWHERE or those annoying damn droids.

                      BF2 has bad guns? You've obviously haven't played enough to know what you're talking about. These guns are great, and compared to 2142? The only gun I miss in that game is the Transport of Doom's turrets. If BF2 had accurate guns like COD4, then there'd be hardly a challenge, or the people that already can get headshots in 1 shot would dominate the whole battlefield.

                      Sure, you can't have asshats uncap raping with titan mode, but it was the same thing in Conquest, I can't even begin to explain how many times that god damn walker or APC was in the uncap on that city map. But once the titan shields go down, it's hell. People spawn camping the titan, people just sitting in there while retards run into the hallways to get killed... or just people throwing nades while sitting on an ammo pack.

                      Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to offend you on having your opinion about BF2142 being better. I did like the game, it was a lot of fun, but compared to BF2, I don't really get why 2142 would be a "better game"

                      just my 2cents.


                        What it basically comes down to is two things:

                        Rule obeying

                        and Skill

                        If you have a very skilled pilot, not much can take him down. So just work around that or catch him off-guard.

                        I can't tell you how many times a few of you in this thread have just completely dominated me in a tank, chopper, or even a jet. It is frustrating, but remember. These people have played in that specific role more than you have, and/or have a natural talent for that role. There's always going to be someone more superior than you. So just deal with it, its frustration, but all you can keep doing is trying. Giving up is letting them win.

                        Obeying the rules. Earlier today there was confusion on the limits of the Uncap.

                        Especially on the oilfields. "what is the uncap?"

                        fairly obvious. Whatever spawnpoints cannot be taken are uncaps.

                        This is what happened, someone used the reasoning that because my team had all the flags, he could attack our uncap because we can "spawn somewhere else". Now, what kind of reasoning is that? Just because one team is dominating you, means you can attack their uncap? No.

                        Here's a thought, if you are losing, and youve been flying and not getting flags. Why not get out of your little vehicle, and get some flags.

                        If you're infantry and not in a vehicle, not many people can light you up unless they have a keen eye. Thats why you should stick to cover. What i like to do is hop into a little FAV or something, race to the flag, jump out, and hide within range of capturing the flag. If you hear a vehicle nearby, run.

                        Other than that there is not much you can do.

                        Pretty much just deal with it like i do. Most of you own me on a regular basis, and it gets annoying, but thats part of any game. So when you get dominated and owned by someone constantly, now you know how your victims feel. Frustrated and annoyed. But do you care? No. You're winning.


                          Originally posted by Cain View Post

                          I'm probably gonna try Project Reality soon.... Let's see how we like it...

                          Alternatively I can put up SF and leave it up for a solid week... I like it better and it is much tougher for choppers to dominate, and SF has no jets.
                          I'm sure Hawkeye and I sound like a broken record by now, but I think that PR would help alleviate the problem. We have crack jet pilots, and when Hawkeye is in a Cobra and I'm gunning, there is very little chance of any armor or enemy gunships surviving.

                          I think in this case PR is the perfect compromise - instead of punishing the great pilots we have on the server by going SF or IO because of something that's "broken" in the game, why not fix it and continue to let everyone play? In PR in order to fly you need one of a limited number of pilot kits. In addition, air respawn times (like all vehicle respawn times) are 10-20 minutes. This makes the air assets more strategic and valuable - you will see far fewer ramming and suicide runs with the same guys back in the air 45 seconds later.

                          As I mentioned in a previous thread, I think that PR will bring new life to the server, not choke the last of it out of BF2. Vanilla BF2 is "old". PR is "new" and lets people that don't have high horsepower machines play and have fun. There are several quality 64p PR servers out there - with the Cain's Lair reputation I wouldn't be surprised if we could do the same here.


                            Originally posted by nikaios View Post
                            I'm sure Hawkeye and I sound like a broken record by now, but I think that PR would help alleviate the problem. We have crack jet pilots, and when Hawkeye is in a Cobra and I'm gunning, there is very little chance of any armor or enemy gunships surviving.

                            I think in this case PR is the perfect compromise - instead of punishing the great pilots we have on the server by going SF or IO because of something that's "broken" in the game, why not fix it and continue to let everyone play? In PR in order to fly you need one of a limited number of pilot kits. In addition, air respawn times (like all vehicle respawn times) are 10-20 minutes. This makes the air assets more strategic and valuable - you will see far fewer ramming and suicide runs with the same guys back in the air 45 seconds later.

                            As I mentioned in a previous thread, I think that PR will bring new life to the server, not choke the last of it out of BF2. Vanilla BF2 is "old". PR is "new" and lets people that don't have high horsepower machines play and have fun. There are several quality 64p PR servers out there - with the Cain's Lair reputation I wouldn't be surprised if we could do the same here.
                            i overheard hawkeye saying he was better in a helo on pr than he was in bf2.


                              Originally posted by VashTheStampede View Post
                              i overheard hawkeye saying he was better in a helo on pr than he was in bf2.
                              I'll let him speak for himself, but it's still more difficult, and if you crash you get really bored for 15 minutes. On average I'd say he and I get shot down at least three times a round in vanilla BF2, more if SOPEK is playing


                                Originally posted by nikaios View Post
                                I'll let him speak for himself, but it's still more difficult, and if you crash you get really bored for 15 minutes. On average I'd say he and I get shot down at least three times a round in vanilla BF2, more if SOPEK is playing

                                Hey ive shot him down more than 3 times in a game.

                                well shot/humanmissileramming (purely acciental though)


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                  Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                  7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                                  Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

                                  Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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