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A moment of truth

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    A moment of truth

    I was one of the happiest to see a ranked Cain's Lair BF2 server come back. I am a little suprised to see it falter like this. I've been in the server off and on checking to see if anyone will join but it's not looking good. I have been on some other servers recently and I long for the "good ole days" when we had such a fun server to play on. Even if you did have to bang away at it for 10 minutes just to get in. It's hard to find a crowd like Cain's Lair. One server I've been on recently actually incourages their admins to abuse their power and kick people just to get a vehicle. I don't think I'm going back there. I've only found 1 other server that comes even close to being playable. And it's still not as good as our server used to be.

    If BF2 is to die a lonely be it. I will not ask to see it come back. But if we really want this server, we need to try and make it work. If we can't get it going by the end of next month I think we should say goodbye to BF2. That's sad but that's life. I'd rather see it go away than be a dead server. Ultimately the decision is up to Cain. If it does shut down then maybe we could plan a group photo like we did for BF2142. There wouldn't be the huge crowd of people disrupting our photo op. We could set up a pretty nice screen shot on a bright sunny map like Wake.

    What's it to be?

    P.S. I've been working alot of overtime lately. I normally have 4 days off a week to hang out but since I havn't been around as much as I want, I may be missing the busy times. I am usually on around 4:00 PM Pacific Time till 8:00 or 9:00 PM.


    MAN, I?m with you Hatter I was so happy and excited about the bf2 server coming back. And I enjoyed it the first two weeks.

    By the third week we had Whiners that were regular to the server with the CLR tag. Not to mention most of those whiners were not welcoming new players but rather accusing them of cheating. This is what?s killing the server and drives me away.

    but ever since Cain took off some maps (ex. Dalian plant, ?that most of you hate, for some reason?) off the rotation and set karkand as the 1st map, AND Turn it to I/O (infantry only) I don?t join unless I?m the 2nd player... ?I mean what is there to do??

    Here is my suggestion
    Set the server to its normal settings 64p. Maps, 2 rounds (*please on that last part*), And we ease on the whining I think we can have another chance.

    Now if that doesn?t work in a couple of weeks or ONE month, then I think the game is pretty much dead for NEW/RETURINIG bf2 communities. We do have to face it ?though? it?s a 3 year old game. It?s asks too much to run and perform AND it has SO MANY BUG?s or GLITCHEs (?whatever you want to call it ). For example shooting Madhatter with a shotgun to the face and doesn?t kill him? COME ON. (Cheater)

    Originally posted by MR_Madhatter
    One server I've been on recently actually encourages their admins to abuse their power and kick people just to get a vehicle. (and kicked for 100 int. ping)
    *First day playing bf2* 10 minuets passed I was kicked out of two servers the third one was Cain's and the rest is History


      Good call Hatter. I feel the same way you do, longing for the old days. But games have moved along since. Many of the BF2 crowd (not just CLRs, but in general) are hitting up games like COD4 these days, making a much smaller gaming community.

      And yes, things were great for the first week, maybe 2, but then the whining and complaints started. I have seen more people come and leave within a single map on the server than ... [insert "your momma" joke here] ...

      The game was great. We had a great community around it when it was in its prime. It brought alot of amazing people to the forums, many of whom are still around and are now regulars to whatever game Cain is running.

      I think the switches to different styles was testing the waters to see what would draw people in. But no matter which server setting was used (I/O, SF, maps,...) things would spike for 1-2 days then just flatline again.
      [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
      So all you get is this crappy text]


        Originally posted by MR_MADHATTER View Post
        I was one of the happiest to see a ranked Cain's Lair BF2 server come back. I am a little suprised to see it falter like this. I've been in the server off and on checking to see if anyone will join but it's not looking good. I have been on some other servers recently and I long for the "good ole days" when we had such a fun server to play on. Even if you did have to bang away at it for 10 minutes just to get in. It's hard to find a crowd like Cain's Lair. One server I've been on recently actually incourages their admins to abuse their power and kick people just to get a vehicle. I don't think I'm going back there. I've only found 1 other server that comes even close to being playable. And it's still not as good as our server used to be.

        If BF2 is to die a lonely be it. I will not ask to see it come back. But if we really want this server, we need to try and make it work. If we can't get it going by the end of next month I think we should say goodbye to BF2. That's sad but that's life. I'd rather see it go away than be a dead server. Ultimately the decision is up to Cain. If it does shut down then maybe we could plan a group photo like we did for BF2142. There wouldn't be the huge crowd of people disrupting our photo op. We could set up a pretty nice screen shot on a bright sunny map like Wake.


        I too was happy, but a lot of people whined about "there's too many jets, or I'm getting pwned too often by jets." Or "AHHH, the people in the helos pwn me, helos are stupid." Sorry to say, but it's not my fault you weren't playing once CL got off line - myself, I continued to play on other servers.

        So yeah, I think if the server were to go back to default settings, 64player, 2-rotation rounds, NO I/O, etc others would join. I do believe I noticed MORE players when the maps were NOT IO


          I'm going to go out on a limb and side with both sides here.

          Copter kiddies and jet hoars liked dominating the maps to the point of congestion.

          The rest of us, the afore mention "whiners" wished they would go away.

          50/50 and we didnt get along with each other, so in a nutshell, we all stopped playing rather than resolving the differences.

          Lots of strong opinions with finger pointing blame here, and quite honestly, thats not going to fix anything. So the moment of truth here should be:

          This is what happens when people dont collaborate.


            Not sure if the intent of this thread is to find blame or reasons why it went bad. I think those of us who were in there know pretty much what happened and why it happened. We all have our own individual perspectives here, making not 1 right or wrong.

            I think the intent here is what can we do to help fix the server that many people love, and if there is nothing we can / want to do, then lets just pull the plug. Always better to go out a champ than a chump type of thing (although going out as a champ was pulling the plug when we did the first time around)
            [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
            So all you get is this crappy text]


              I would love to see the server get back up. I went out and got BF2 recently because you guys started the server again and now I love BF2. It has been tough for me to get in there because its the end of the semester and im really busy finishing up. Hopefully in the very near future my schedule will open up again and I can happy snipe people once more.


                Thx for the post Mad.....

                I knew when we brought back a game this old that its odds of succeeding were very, very, very long, but hey we gave it a shot....

                Since our Community is not that large it is tough for us to break a server into an older game, since folks already have their favorites and they rarely go looking for any new servers.

                the fact that it did poorly on the restart had nothing to do with maps, or settings, etc. it was simply a matter of not enough players willing to sit in there for hours daily and make it busy - and by that I mean we have about 35 BF2 players while some of the larger Communities have thousands of BF2 players...

                The server is coming down on May 16th.. I think that is our last day, but do not despair !!

                Once it comes down we will be putting up a Project Reality server.

                I think that game, since it is a niche game, and because 10 players in a PR server can really get one going - may have a shot to be fun and attract some new folks.

                Stay tuned !!

                -- Cain


                  I wish I could play it decently, but I can't. If I could, I would


                    Every opininion about jets and helis ... and maybe tanks or anything can`t change server status - SERVER IS EMPTY !!!
                    Many of us was playing on Cains BF2 server when game was on top, now many of us want server back... and WE HAVE SREVER but only few ppl want play on it...
                    week when I was sick I spend on talking with very very old friends about BF2- they was lookinn for good server to play on it. I said try Cain`s server - and it works for ! single day. Server was full or almost full by great preiod of 1 day.... later only few of us was on line trying to populate game.

                    Now we should stop talking about game and START playin on Cain`s server.
                    BTW map rotation or IO or SF is GOOD I can play on any maps rotation , even if every one map will be with jest or helis. The point is that We all have "OUR" server where we can have lots of fun like 2 years ago.
                    But how long 1 person can be alone on server ??????????????
                    This are my 3 cents.
                    I like BF2 very much and I will play till this game die. (maybe I`m stiupid or something, but thats me)


                      Wow this is a kick in the teeth. First bf2142 now this. The worst part about it is by the time i saw the thread about the bf2 server being up it had already died


                        Project Reality....I'm gonna need someone more familiar with that mod to walk me through it. I've played it a few times but I got pretty confused when it came to the command stuff. How to get a chopper pilot kit, ect.ect. It's not ranked but I've already got Major General and will probably have Leutinent General by the time we go to PR so who cares. Just so I get to piss off Sopek...HEHEHEHEHEHE

                        What version are you gonna run Cain?



                          Project Reality server. ?Ewww that is so ICKY?

                          I present you AIX mod *my choice for obvious reason.*

                          It took a while for it to pick up, but I think it?s the new mod everyone is playing.

                          I have PR, BUT boy do I hate it. I had it ever since it was on beta or the actual release. Honestly, I will cry like a? 12 year old little girl if you put PR On. You?re gonna? have to drag me to get in there.

                          Look into AIX mod?:S) just look at the maps and vehicles

                          Originally posted by SOPEK
                          You?re gonna? have to drag me to get in there.
                          HA! MADHATTER, still I?ll go to the end of the world just to hunt you down


                            Tried running PR when cain brought back the server and every time i fired PR up it would crash back to desktop on me


                              Nothing will ever match BF2 for me. It's like my first sweetheart and no one will ever be better (always in hindsight though).

                              I would love to try PR. I have put a bunch of hours into it in the past on earlier versions and it was lots of fun.


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