So I downloaded the demo and played Battlefield 2 for the first time today, and I have to say, it's an incredibly fun game. The one moment that really sticks out in my mind is when I was trying to kill three snipers who were all on top the the hotel near the pool on Gulf of Oman, and I was on the building with the satellite dish near the construction site. I fired a couple shots and noticed that I was just hitting the concrete below them, and then I realized there was bullet drop, so I peak out of cover again, and aim just a little bit above each of their heads, and pick up three kills with three shots. Aircraft and I don't get along though, I got 4 teamkills when I accidentally rammed a Humvee full of allies with my jet. I'm still pretty bad at it, but now I really wish I had bought it when it was still hosted by Cain. Oh well, there's always another game
