I don't know I find bf2 much more fun. But i'm a die hard helo specialist and to me it seems like they made the jet/choppers too easy to fly but not maneuverable enough. I havn't a clue as to why they changed the control system or the tv missile, why fix it if it aint broken. I think they could have done much more productive things with the "BF2 MOD(BF2142)". For example why do I feel like my Zeller sniper rifle is a pellet gun compared to my old L96A1, honestly I gotta say the only things I actually like about bf2142 are the new knifing system, titan fights, and the speed boost. To tell ya the truth I would have been much happier paying for a new map pack or even a new equipment menu for vanilla BF2 rather than buying 2142.
