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Rooftops....Yea or Nay
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If people can't get up there because they're not in squads, zomg join a squad. It's not THAT difficult. It's also the point of the game - squad based combat.
It's not 'glitching' it's simply manuevering the pod. Not against the rules, you can do it on any map. I never liked TWL or CAL myself, but won't get into the reasoning behind that -- personally I think the reason they do this is because people whine too much because they think it's unfair -- There's about 8 different ways to get anywhere in the game, who said you had to go by THAT particular roof? If you don't like it, don't go near it. That simple.
Secondly, perro, you can spawn on a roof if you put a beacon down. If EA/DICE didn't want this, there flat out wouldn't be a surface there. Also if they didn't want it, they'd have patched it out already. So where's your point?
If a commander doesn't want to help his team mates by killing guys who have the higher ground, he shouldn't be commanding imo. But that goes back to my whole argument that commanders run the full gamut.
Annoying? Yeah if you keep rushing it sure, but it's part of the game. People sitting in the titan dropping APMs and RDX in every entrance is annoying to me, but it's part of the game.
A piping hot dish of cold love here: get over it.
Very good points perro. The main thing is if it does give a advantage and is it fair. The fact is if this is using a glitch no CLR should be doing it, because we believe in sportsmanship and not cheating.
Now Ive played on twl and the other ladder have generally the same concept for rules. Ive seen TWL go both ways on glitchs.
1)they said its in the game and its on the map so its fair
2)they redid the rules and considered glitching in walls a cheat and made it illegal.
(any ut ctf`er im sure remeber nov`s flag run glitch. thats the ex i used above.)
This provide you any advantage thats why you do it, and i know you do it i kill you severals times. If EA or DICE dont like this why when you put a beacon down of a roof you cant spanw, because you are not supose to be there, only a lucky guy can get up top of the roofs so. If you need a commander to kill a beacon up top of the roof isnt fair because if the commander dont want to kill you he will not do it so.
I send multiples msg to cain to restric this as SPANW RAPE and he dont say nothing, but if enough ppl complain he will do something. Just tell me if you want to get kill everytime in your spanw and i will start doing that in fall of berling, a map with only 1 route, only 1 way to get any flag, so isnt fair for the PAC.
But he wont make a rule because a few people use a lame tatic to get points. If the overall community feels this is a form of cheating it will be addressed as such.
I dont think this will hurt us as this can hurt you, i can say if i get kill another time with a guy who use a glitch from the game i will take a SS and report to BFROE.COM thats all, isnt going to be anymore with cain. if you dont have a APC, GUNSHIP or CHOPPER to easy get rid of that beacon you cant use that glitch in the game to spanw all the time you have.
But its every players right.
This seems to be a fairly new issue though. since its hasnt generated any complaints outside of this thread.
The best thing to do for any situation . Is test your theories of why its a glitch. take screenshots and submit them to a admin or cain along with exact reasons why its unfair and how it ruins the fun of others.
But until then we dont have a rule against it so there is nothing against doing it. But be warned that if this is a form of exploiting then people will report those players to cain and they wont wanna be caught for cheating here. As Cain is part of the punkbuster network where he shares bans not only on his servers but to every server on the punkbuster network.
But we have to keep in mind. Cainslair is a public community thats not bound by ladder rules like TWL or setup for competitive play. So our rules dont reflect what they might have.
Why would BFROE.com have anything to say about server admins allowing/disallowing something in-game that has never been discussed by EA ??? It's not as if they're running a knife-pistol only server or something else geared so people can illegally gain points or ranks ... it may not be my place to say it , but I think it's very disrespectful to come into someone else's forums and threaten BFROE when you disagree/don't like something
I'm fairly open minded, even if my post seemed direct. I'm just saying that a lot of the stuff he's pointing out as to why it's unfair are because people are unwilling to do things -- drop artillery etc -- to kill whoever is up there. I think my response was more or less to validate my point of view based on what he's saying are the bare bones reasons that something is an exploit based on personal bias and complaints.
I think it's being made an issue because someone is getting mad that they're getting killed. That's really it. It's like when someone says "man that shuko/bianchi is way overpowered" or if someone complains that battle walkers own too much.
I agree with what =IR=genEricSVG said, in that it is sort of disrespectful to run around threatening BFROE.
Originally posted by DaNIGHTummm. question i have to ask is did i miss the dice guy talking about rooftops?
Personally I think rooftops should be fair game.
Ill use bf2 as a ex. on strike people would get on the warehouse but the mec side could not get on the gas station roof.
yes, MEC defends it fanaticly but its not an uncappable
Originally posted by DaNIGHTA few good points...
No sense in having people report this if it is in fact a legitimate strategy. And of course, if the "powers that be" decide the roof is off limits, we should all abide by that and stay off of them.
So.....is it glitching? Perhaps, but many things in the game are. I think the real point is whether or not its an abusive "feature", regardless of if it was intended or not. It only takes 2 people in order for you to make the rooftops available. This does of course make most roofs unreachable by lone-wolfs. But as Zurog stated, this is a squad-based game - its not that hard to get one other person to squad up.
Also, there ia almost ALWAYS more than 1 roof available to pod up to. so even if the enemy has an entire roof covered, you can just combat them by spawning on a nearby roof. And most roofs are so high that the enemy HAS to look over the edge in order to fight, making them prime sniper/rifle rocket fodder (as Apache and Limey deftly alluded to). And of course there is always the orb strike that is quite good at cleaning all but the most stubborn roof rats
Doing things to benefit your team and your squad is smart tactics. As long as it is fair and equally available to all (ie not an UNFAIR advantage). BFROE doesn't really even apply here, because this is far more of a "house rule" than a abusive exploit. If you are on a roof directly next to an uncap, then of course that is spawn camping and should be dealt with accordingly.
And as for the spawn beacon roof access......just spin to win.
Il admit, this doesn't seem like the most beneficial exploit if it is indeed one.
When i think game altering exploits, first thing comes to mind is landing helicopters in the the core of the titan.
Keep in mind, im like you all and just talking about it. I'm just curious about it.
From being a admin here i know if it has anything to do with exploits people will complain in time. Its not to say there is anything wrong with that and in fact we encourage it. Thats why i say be weary of doing it. But if you can get there via legit means (via podding) then it is fair game. It just took a little skill to do it.
Thank you for posting about it. Its a interesting topic and very insightful.
Personally, I dont have a problem with it. They have to show themselves over the edge, and i got an easy 4 kills the other night shooting at the roofline with the basic assault gun and I have less than 2 hours into this game. At most, it is one full squad and their mobility is severely curtailed, so they only have a small tactical part on the map. This isn't like the building glitches inside allowing you to shoot outside with no fear of counterattack like certain BF2 versions, that is a glitch/exploit. This is more of a creative use and some skill guiding a spawn pod! In comparison, in BF2 you can get onto every single building on wake island map if you know how. It's not that great of an advantage adn a commder orbital strike should clear out annoyances if they are big enough! Man, as soon as someone uses some creativity the enemy cries foul, ban him, I havent figured out how to do that and you must be hacking! Get over it and adjust to the situation, there is always a counter, you just have to come up with it.
Originally posted by PerroI have to say 2 things.
Just the glitch of a beacon can get you on a roof top, so no one without a squad can go up there and kill you, this give you a advantage of the enemy since they cant stop the spawn and they cant kill you. so its glitching and ilegal in TWL, CAL and CPL.
This provide you any advantage thats why you do it, and i know you do it i kill you severals times. If EA or DICE dont like this why when you put a beacon down of a roof you cant spanw, because you are not supose to be there, only a lucky guy can get up top of the roofs so. If you need a commander to kill a beacon up top of the roof isnt fair because if the commander dont want to kill you he will not do it so.
I send multiples msg to cain to restric this as SPANW RAPE and he dont say nothing, but if enough ppl complain he will do something. Just tell me if you want to get kill everytime in your spanw and i will start doing that in fall of berling, a map with only 1 route, only 1 way to get any flag, so isnt fair for the PAC.
I dont think this will hurt us as this can hurt you, i can say if i get kill another time with a guy who use a glitch from the game i will take a SS and report to BFROE.COM thats all, isnt going to be anymore with cain. if you dont have a APC, GUNSHIP or CHOPPER to easy get rid of that beacon you cant use that glitch in the game to spanw all the time you have.
Perro, I respect your opinion and you are a great player from what I have seen and play fairly. However, you have made 2 questionable assertations here:
#1 "I will take SS and report to BFROE.com" I spent over an hour at BFROE.com reading through their Roe and could not find any concrete rule against roof spawn beacons. There are a couple of forum subjects about it, but no rules I saw against it. Closest thing I could see was http://www.bfroe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1639. If you have the rules against this, I would love to see it posted.
#2 "isnt going to be anymore with Cain" Huh????? What is this, a threat? Why? Are you some sort of super secret EA/Dice inspector with allmighty powers who is going to shut down the server because you dont like the way a couple of ppl on there play? You come across as somebody who is going to report everyone in an attempt to get them banned/stats reset and is not even giving CAin a chance to make policy on this "glitch", as you call it. Bottom line, you are not an admin and you are not the owner. This is CAin's server and he is the one who pays for it, therefore he makes the rules and he also has to abide by the ROE of EA! I guess I am ranting on here, but I feel that you threatened me personally if I ever use that roof spawn technique. So far it is not against the rules and I don't like being threatened. I apologise in advance if I am coming across to strongly, but I just say what is on my mind with out any BS and I am not trying to start a flame thread, sorry Perro. this is a new game, lets give Server owners the benefit of the doubt and i'm sure if this is a huge problem a future patch will come out to prevent it. For now, it is part of the game, adapt and survive.
[quote="tigershilone"]Personally, I dont have a problem with it. They have to show themselves over the edge, and i got an easy 4 kills the other night shooting at the roofline with the basic assault gun and I have less than 2 hours into this game. At most, it is one full squad and their mobility is severely curtailed, so they only have a small tactical part on the map. This isn't like the building glitches inside allowing you to shoot outside with no fear of counterattack like certain BF2 versions, that is a glitch/exploit. This is more of a creative use and some skill guiding a spawn pod! In comparison, in BF2 you can get onto every single building on wake island map if you know how. It's not that great of an advantage adn a commder orbital strike should clear out annoyances if they are big enough! Man, as soon as someone uses some creativity the enemy cries foul, ban him, I havent figured out how to do that and you must be hacking! Get over it and adjust to the situation, there is always a counter, you just have to come up with it.
I agree that in most instances the people on the roof have absolutly nothing to gain, EXCEPT in a few maps...one being the fall of berlin(think thats the name), where one team needs to break through the spawn and it becomes routs way to easily. Also in that map you can just stand on the outcropping above the flag and just take it back without touching the ground. Commander artillery isn't anything like it was in bf2(wish it was) where people really feared it coming down. Yea you run but splash damage is very minmial and apms/nades have a larger damage splash radius then the commander artillery.
I have the right to report any player i think its glitching, just think about this:
Only 1 of 6 players spawn on top of the building, you have to make another squad to put another beacon in the roof.
This make you die, spanw and see if you got lucky, place another beacon and start fighting against the 6 players in that roof.
You almost cant see down but to 2-4 guys trowing nades to defend a flag will be efective. and you will not get kill because you dont have to see the ppl in the flag, just trow nades like crazy no one will kill you. you will kill thats for sure.
If someone kill you, you will be spawning again, no one can stop that since the enemy cant destroy the beacon (only the commander).
Why EA make those buildings really high, maybe because they dont want ppl there. even with a APC its really hard to reach one of the roof.
Why you do it, maybe because like most of the people say its a easy kill because they have to be outside of the buiding to shoot. so the half of the team waste their time just covering that flag, this will give to your team lots of advantage since half of the other team its trying to kill those 6 in the roof. not all the time its a easy kill.
To me isnt fair play since you have to covert the ground and start looking of all the building to see anyone up there.
If this isnt a greath thing why you want to do it?, why you like to do this?
What happen if everyone in the game its on a roof? did you think the game was made to fight in a roof?
Only a few spots give you the chance to reach that roof, isnt in any place of the map so.
I report almost anything in the server to keep it clean, if no one do nothing or say nothing i will do it with the BFROE since they check that. what happen when you get push into the crates in any building its almost the same only a few can do it and no one can kill you and you can kill anyone close to that crate.
In berlin ppl put that beacon to spawn into the building in the 1st flag, this give you a perfect way to trow down demopacks and defend the flag, ppl shoot the APC in a UCB, ppl kill in a UCB so.
I say i will report and i will do it im just dont want to report ppl who have CLR tags thats why i say it, i can just do it and no say nothing so this isnt a bad thing look at the good thing. They maybe dont do nothing or EA will fix this (lol again waiting for ea to fix the game) but you dont want ppl saying you are a exploiter and a lot of ppl who dont know to reach that roof will think its hacking.
Like i say if you want to do it, just do it its ok for me. i will check every roof in the map and then focus on the ground to get a flag.
Stats padder always go to the EA forums and say, ISNT OUR FAULT, WE DONT DO NOTHING, ITS A MALFUNTION OF THE GAME, WE JUST DO IT ITS EA FAULT NOT US. its the same for this, so if you have any chance to get into a chopper and do the choper exploit or glitch or what ever you want to call that do it, they can kill you, you just get 100 points per min so. its fair game.
yahdie yahdie yahhhh and all that.
When cain's conquest server is full i go play on a 64 man 24/7 berlin map and its nothing but roof camping, nade thowing, spamming, wh*res. Infact, since that server is packed all the time and roof camping is such a constant, nearly everyone does it. Infact, one round when i was PAC we had all the flags capped, but there were over 3 full squads on 3 different roofs surrounding the PAC uncap. That was spawn rape, and it certianly was spawn rape when we had yet to cap the crossroads. Before a few hours ago i had no clue myself as to how to get on to those roofs. I was trying to do it using APC pods and quickly learned they don't fly nearly high enough. So because the answer was not obvious to me, i felt it to be out of intended, and proper game play. This community will only likely grow from new players who aren't as familar with these mechanics as most of you are. So it is intimidating, and for some people, just not any fun to get raped from roof tops. Because face it, when you first started playing Berlin, and you got shot by someone you didn't see. You didn't look at the roofs and wonder. But you have to now. I'll admit its a creative use of beacons and game mechanics. But other than that i find it to be distateful.
And while you may expose yourself to fire while you're on that roof. Most of the time if you get sniped while up there, you will have a teammate able to res you. So its not nearly so simple as we shoot you, you die, you have to run back there. And to further illustrate that, you have to be in a squad to do it, someone in that squad is likely to atleast have the defibulator. And if not, oh well you take your chances dropping onto the roof again.
I'd like to see it prohibited by every server community if DICE won't man up and do it.
I play titan almost exclusively , and as such have never really seen anything to gain by getting on the rooftops (except to get killed by helo gunners) , but I would agree that if they have to go through a specific set of actions to trick the game into letting them into/on said area , then that probably should be disallowed
There's no trickery to it. It works on the same basis of getting on the top of your own titan by using the pods; You just aim for it.
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