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What do you say to me who moan about Martyrdom

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    Well hucking 1 nade per spawn isnt that but, but when someone comes with the tube + suicide nade then it gets annoying. It doesnt help it when my playstyle makes me impatient to sit at the back and letting enemies come into my sights. I am a very aggressive player hence I like charging into the thick of it, getting upset when a nade lands directly on my head.

    I dont mind if I die after getting some points, but when I get blown up to airstrikes,gunships, noobtube and grenades 5 seconds into a spawn it gets somewhat annoying. I will admit that I ve hucked nades randomly but thats because I am annoyed to the point where I go "If you cant beat em, join em"


      2) Vacant sucks, Grenade Spamming sucks. Here I'm speaking for the majority, I always see it after that map when the scoreboard shows. "that map sucks" "this map is horrible" "that's crap". Grenade spamming... let's take a vote. WHO HERE LIKES BEING SPAMMED BY GRENADES?
      What server are you playing on? Because i dont see that or constant complaints. There is probably like 15,000 players who play here because they find it fun, you dont speak for the majority. The majority of gamers like to play their favorite maps (Cain likes to run the most popular maps). Ive been playing cod4 since beta and vacant is one of the most popular maps and has been since beta. The majority of comments i see after each round is GG.
      If nades sucked and the maps suck and thats crap then why do 15,000 players visit here?

      Look how fast the server became popular. Sorry dude but ive been around here for years and seen cain run many servers for many different games and the basic ideas apply in every game. Your trying to tell me you speak for the majority, and im telling you the majority of players play here because they have fun. If they weren't having fun and didn't like the maps they wouldnt play here.

      Its fine if you dont like something. To each their own. But you shouldnt try and make people play the way you do because you think thats the best way. IW offered the choice to customize and thats what people do.


        To Everything Danight has said....

        And I love Vacant.... NightVision FTW !!


          DA... dont get me wrong.. Im not busting your chops or trying to give you a hard time. Im just trying to share experience with you.

          Ive played in clans and ive played on ladders, ive played scrims and ive played on public servers. The prob many people have is when they start. Everything is fun. As they get better the forget what it was like to be a noob and how they learned. Most important how they had fun learning here.

          Im sticking up for those people. Im sticking up for the people who might be visiting the server for the first time. Trust me when i say this. A pro player or a hard core clanner knows what to expect when they see 50 players in any game (nothing they see here as far as weapon use will surprise them). But when they play here they dont expect the rounds to be like scrims or ladder matchs. They expect a relaxed setting for fun. In the public eye the lair is a public server thats open to everyone. Its open to pro players and its open to the player just playing his first online game.


            Martyrdom is something I can't even begin to force myself to pick. During the first day or two, I ran into martyrdom nades like it was some sort of contest. However, after that, I've rarely been killed by martyrdom. It's usually much to easy to either 1) stand put, assuming you're far enough away, 2) duck behind a close object, shielding you from the blast, or 3) make a quick sprint away. If you're being fired on, in a tight spot, and don't have much room to move, martyrdom can be a killer. But, I much prefer steady aim or deep impact to help with kills while still alive. I understand why some people like it, but it's just not my thing.

            Since it's received some attention: "Nade Spam." The only thing that really irks me is to see players randomly (I'm talking 45-degree guess-and-toss, point-to-the-sky-let-one-fly type thing here) throw nades, get a mega load of kills, call in an Air Strike, get more, and grab the first Helicopter of the round. In a 48 player server, throwing a 45-degree nade is almost bound to hit someone on the enemy team. After flying such a far distance, the fuse is nearly gone, giving the victim little time to react. That's the idea, though, kill the other team? (in TDM, anyway) In HQ, there's not nearly as much nade spam, mostly because the focus changes from "kill 'em all!!" to teamwork. To each his own, but I've had loads of fun in the HQ server where nades are often used a little more strategically, and not as a weapon to just throw like crazy as soon as you've spawned. Now you can shoot me in-game for being ignorant.


              If the man has an opinion he can voice and shouldn't be told to shutup. You can disagree with him but, he can say his piece as long as he's civil




                  Wow,... hate to know what you all think of me since my standard loadout is noob tube and martyrdom,....

                  And I love every kill I get from them!!!!!!!



                    I'm a big fan of the Last Stand Perk.

                    I find GREAT PLEASURE in killing Rand as he runs right thru me as he ussualy does, only now he take an extra shot to finish the job.

                    I dont mind dying as much.
                    Call it cheap Flame Away

                    Last Stand FTW !!


                      Originally posted by Premonition
                      DA... dont get me wrong.. Im not busting your chops or trying to give you a hard time. Im just trying to share experience with you.

                      Ive played in clans and ive played on ladders, ive played scrims and ive played on public servers. The prob many people have is when they start. Everything is fun. As they get better the forget what it was like to be a noob and how they learned. Most important how they had fun learning here.

                      Im sticking up for those people. Im sticking up for the people who might be visiting the server for the first time. Trust me when i say this. A pro player or a hard core clanner knows what to expect when they see 50 players in any game (nothing they see here as far as weapon use will surprise them). But when they play here they dont expect the rounds to be like scrims or ladder matchs. They expect a relaxed setting for fun. In the public eye the lair is a public server thats open to everyone. Its open to pro players and its open to the player just playing his first online game.
                      I understand what you're trying to say but you don't understand what I'm trying to say, from what I'm seeing.

                      I'm not wanting the settings to be major hardcore, the problem is vacant isn't the map to welcome new players to the game. If I saw that map as my first map, I'd want a refund. The maps a nade spam, and the only "excuse" I here why people like it is "they know how to move around the map". I don't expect a new player to know how to move around the map when 95% of the people on that map don't know how to.


                        Its fine if you dont like something. To each their own. But you shouldnt try and make people play the way you do because you think thats the best way.

                        Again, not what I'm saying at all. Tell me which map gets more "that map sucks" then any other map.


                          Originally posted by thedeadlyassassin
                          Its fine if you dont like something. To each their own. But you shouldnt try and make people play the way you do because you think thats the best way.

                          Again, not what I'm saying at all. Tell me which map gets more "that map sucks" then any other map.
                          Downpour, but that's besides the point.

                          Originally posted by <<~ViTO~>>
                          I find GREAT PLEASURE in killing Rand as he runs right thru me as he ussualy does, only now he take an extra shot to finish the job.
                          Then you'll probably be happy to know that extra bullet or three that put you down for good usually mean I'm reloading when Drisel, Aquataine, Carbon, or someone else just turned the corner.

                          On another topic...LET'S GET BACK TO THE SUBJECT. Every thread doesn't have to turn into a constant back and forth that doesn't get the rest of us anywhere.


                          Edit for name typos

                          Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
                          Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                            On another topic...LET'S GET BACK TO THE SUBJECT. Every thread doesn't have to turn into a constant back and forth that doesn't get the rest of us anywhere.

                            I agree, I'm sick of these threads going off topic because someone disagrees.


                              Originally posted by thedeadlyassassin
                              On another topic...LET'S GET BACK TO THE SUBJECT. Every thread doesn't have to turn into a constant back and forth that doesn't get the rest of us anywhere.

                              I agree, I'm sick of these threads going off topic because someone disagrees.
                              Disagreement is not the problem. Forums would be boring as hell if people always agreed. Its when people are not able to get their point accross or when they are not able or willing to discuss that gets tiresome.
                              [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                              So all you get is this crappy text]


                                Being able to disagree without getting angry is the key.

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                                Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                                I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                                Frank Lloyd Wright


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                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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