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Okay Now I am Mad

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    Okay Now I am Mad

    I die alot! Can not get off those 3 burst hip shots off so now they all have forced my hand. I will now have the Power Rangers too help me get lots of points on COD4 as I need all the help I can get. Godzilla never showed up and I gave up on him so the Power Rangers have too help me. Not it's only a joke. Thought I would stir things up with a joke.

    Speaking of Power Rangers...I saw a commercial for Power Rangers just Saturday night. They're still on!?! Jeez, it's been at least...what, 10 years? That's crazy., he's just unreliable. But, the Power Rangers are supposed to answer your calls for help. Shame on them.


      Oh cool Tails_Kitsune! I can not believe there still on! Well I am alot older than them as believe it or not the Power Ranger of the time for me in the 70's was Ultra Man. And like al good things, they come too a end. Time is short I will turn 46 this year and all those great times back then were great. My God times does fly the older you get.



        I GOT A NADE!!!!!


          Originally posted by Premonition

          I GOT A NADE!!!!!
          Was waiting for someone to post this lol
          [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [url=]
          You will donate to Cain's. Now.[/url]


            There is a rumor that if you can play this song on guitar hero 2 and get perfect you will summon a power ranger.


              I love it man!


                which ranger though is it random someone try it and find out as there has got to be about 30 maybe 40 different rangers now lol.
                but i watched it the other week and it is exactly the same as the very first ones as in the way it is filmed the stunts the acting even the zords are done the same.
                that song took me back and i just looked it up they managed to make 15 different shows about them since 1993.


                  I doubt anyone remembers this old show called "Space Giants". There was a boy named Miko Mura and his father was a TV reporter.. This show took place in japan and the video quality was parallel to that of "Godzilla". The boy had a whistle where he could summon his friend called "Gam" which was a boy with a helmet that could turn into a rocket. His mother and father could turn into a rocket too and their names were Goldar "the father" and "Silvar" the mother. The boy, Miko, was a normal boy and would blow the whistle once for GAM, twice for Silvar and Three times for GOLDAR.. Goldar was the daddy rocket and he was 50 feet tall. I used to love that show and it just disappeared and never returned. I have only found one post in the entire world (that I can access throught my work's content filter) where someone else remembers it:

                  There are other links in the search engine but are blocked by the content filter at work, here.

                  I was just wondering if anyone remembers this old show. It was made back in the late 60's but aired in the mid-late 70's


                    Here is the search:

                    but I can't access most of the links, especially this one on videofind.



                      I remember it briefly. I recall the son,mother and daddy rockets and the kid with the whistle. I dont remember specific episodes though.


                        Originally posted by Premonition
                        There is a rumor that if you can play this song on guitar hero 2 and get perfect you will summon a power ranger.
                        That song is not in Guitar Hero 2. There is a way to hack the PS2 version of the game on a modded console and insert your own songs and notecharts, that's what they did here.


                          Originally posted by Thrashdragon
                          Originally posted by Premonition
                          There is a rumor that if you can play this song on guitar hero 2 and get perfect you will summon a power ranger.
                          That song is not in Guitar Hero 2. There is a way to hack the PS2 version of the game on a modded console and insert your own songs and notecharts, that's what they did here.
                          yeah i was wondering if anyone was gonna notice that This can only be played on certain ps2`s and xbox 360`s. But the song looks crazy hard to get perfect on. especially during the knee,kneee,kneee,kneee part of the song.

                          Btw mike you utube link is dead video was removed.

                          But back ontopic, how many threads can get hi-jacked by power ranger thats pretty cool in itself.


                            Ultra Man was awsome!! Cept he had cheap batteries in his suit or something and could only fight for a few minutes and then had to go back to space. He got the beat down laid on him once and his whole ultra family had to jump in swinging chairs throwing cell phones. And he could strike a Bruce Lee pose and laser beams would shoot out of his hands! OK, maybe there were no cell phones.


                              You its sad I never heard of Space Giants. Local channels never showed it.

                              Hey JohnyRico0 do you remember when Ultra Man's light would start to blink meaning he was getting weak and would have too always fly off when he was getting wooped up on and Hiyata ( Do not know if I spelled his name right ) would then appear as if he was never missed.


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                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

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