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2nd COD4 server

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    Originally posted by Tuck View Post
    I played in the new server this weekend and I absolutely LOVE it. It's like a completely different game.

    With the hardcore setup and friendly fire on, it is now much more of a thinking man's game. You have to THINK about tossing that nade before you throw it, because if you kill one of your teammates, the damage is reflected back to you and YOU die as well. If you hate nade spam, constant airstrikes and LMG spam, you'll like the other server, too.

    Love the setup, Cain. Thanks.
    +1 the HC server is a vast improvement for the thinking man, this is more of a skill game!


      Agree on that, it add some difficulties and make the game more strategic, what it's not with no HC and FF on TDM.


        Yes, with FF on, you rarely see a nade kill, and certainly no nade spamming....


          Any chance we could bump the respawn to 3 seconds?

          I can't remember but it seemed like it was at 7 last night to me.
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            I thing is 10 second, I agree that 3 second could be better


              That would lead to you runnin' n' gunnin' a bit more I'd think. If you have to wait 8 seconds or so until you spawn again, you have to be more careful in movement. Just a thought. I don't mind waiting the extra few seconds. At least not yet. !


                I like the spawn delay. It creates an incentive for players to stay alive, thus cutting down on the mindless running and gunning. In truth, I'd rather see it 20-30 seconds, but I'm sure that would run some players off.

                The whole point of the hardcore mode (I think) is to make the game a little more realistic. Well, it's unrealistic for a soldier to run around with reckless abandon. I think a spawn delay rewards players for being smart and staying alive, while simultaneously penalizing RNGers who place no premium on their own lives.

                I'd like to see it go further by rewarding players with points for staying alive. If you ask me, it's better to finish a round 12-2 than 20-18.


                  From that view, I'm totaly with you on that.


                    Actually the respawn is set to 8 seconds, and 20 seconds if you TK someone ..


                      I alternate between loving and hating the TK system. Sometimes when people run blatantly into shots it is annoying but then again I've played on servers where there is no reflect and there can be massive TK sprees. I like it overall. I pretty much like everything about the HC server right now. The settings are probably the best I've played.

                      Like Tuck said, spawn delay is useful in making you think about what you're doing at least a little.


                        I still want my MINI GUN........


                          Originally posted by flaran View Post
                          I alternate between loving and hating the TK system. Sometimes when people run blatantly into shots it is annoying but then again I've played on servers where there is no reflect and there can be massive TK sprees. I like it overall. I pretty much like everything about the HC server right now. The settings are probably the best I've played.

                          Like Tuck said, spawn delay is useful in making you think about what you're doing at least a little.
                          Yeah, that happened to me last night. I was firing at an enemy when a teammate ran right in front of me. Of course, I shot him and the TK system killed me. In the original server, teammates running in front of you was a nuisance. In the new server it gets you killed.

                          Still, I like the setup. All the punishment for the TKs falls on the guy pulling the trigger, so the teammate who got shot or naded is unaffected. That's good because it means no hard feelings.

                          I also like that the reflected damage doesn't seem to be 100%. That means you can hit a teammate, but still live if you catch your error quick enough. Otherwise, even a single bullet hitting a teammate could mean instant death.


                            I like it a lot. I have thrown grenades without completely being sure if my teammates weren't there and died. It has happened about 4 times. It's nice to know you have be sure our you pay the price.


                              if it's a 1 hit kill weapon and you shoot your teammate it takes 2 shots


                                While I was in the server, I saw someone join. I didn't recognize the name and I thought it was nice to see a new person. The second he spawns he tries to shoot me deliberately. He got a surprise from the reflect damage .


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                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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