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Favorite complete loadout

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    Favorite complete loadout

    Show us a photo, like Bobytt did (in the photo below) of your favorite load-out, and then explain each perk, weapon & setting and why you like your load-out the best.


    My mayhem kit... Used on the non HC server.
    3 stuns... well sometimes i drop them on myself... so better than flashs
    double tap, well more rounds per second
    and steady aim, I 'Panic' fire a lot, ie turn corner there be baddie, so it helps there

    same really, except used only in HC..
    clays, for that extra 'OMG SIREX!!!' effect.
    Jammer for that, 'where did you come from' thing
    and same reason for steady

    Both same weapons, I do have the ACOG,
    but I find its more of a pain for me to use than the dots...

    Pistol, well it works

    I'm not insane. I'm just overwhelming!

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      Speaks for itself really. I love sneaking behind enemy lines as much as possible and create havoc when i do. My motto is 'You can never have enough nades!'


        Maybe I need to try that MP5 in HC!!


          mp5 might suit you cain, your shooting style is similar to mine, so it could do you.

          Everyone is different thou, why some use G3, some use M4 etc.
          MP5 suits my style.

          I'm not insane. I'm just overwhelming!

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            I like the P90 over the MP5. The game needs an MP10.

            Where do you put the Bayonet?
            Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
            I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
            Frank Lloyd Wright



              The Mp5 and G3 are my main weapons for Hardcore. I usually pick the weapons in accordance to which map is being played.

              This is my TDM gun and its awesome there's really nothing else to it. It's deadly and gets the job done.
              X...Noob Slasher...X


                there is my picture again

                And what i have here Golden shotgun for close range. almost unstopable.
                Sniper for long range in case i have somebody that pothers me from long distance. Smoke so i can go to enemys line without to be shoot from their long range shooters. 3 granades for nade spam. marty to kill whoever survive my shotgun and kill me

                Overkill so i can cover long and short distance in the map.


                  Don't have pic, but here's my loadouts.

                  M4 w/ red dot

                  Smoke so I can get to where I want to go without being sniped out...
                  bandolier because the next perk eats up projectiles like they are nothing
                  Double tap, because 5.56 isn't as strong a 7.62, and it's fun to spray
                  extreme conditioning. Because if i'm using smoke them i'm going a long distance and i'd rather not have to stop in the middle of the run to catch my breath.

                  P90 w/ silencer, 50 rounds, and it normally take 2-3 to take a person down in HC
                  .45 silenced, green sights are easier to see...
                  stun, just because its better then flash

                  Fragx3, Because id rather kill the person then stun them and have to use projectiles as well...
                  uav jammer, P90 is silenced, so it wouldn't make sense to not have this perk...
                  dead silence, i'm already running around in HC like a mad man, i'd rather nobody hear me running up on them.

                  m4 w/ nade launcher
                  ak-47 w/ nade launcher

                  perk 1 is taken
                  overkill, because I like tubing people, it's sooo much fun.
                  extreme conditioning, same as above, but remove the smoke part.

                  1014 w/ red dot. For some reason I do better with red dot then with grip, and grip also takes up the perk 1 spot...
                  stun, just in case

                  frag x3, just because fraging people is fun.
                  slight of hand. Only 4 rounds in that gun, if i've got to re-load i'd rather do it quick then slow...
                  extreme conditioning. I can get over halfway across bloc before I have to go prone for a moment to catch my breath, and that's just a good thing.

                  .50, because i'd rather shoot then one then twice
                  smoke, so I can get to my spots

                  claymore x2, so I can't get snuck up on. I'll at least hear them coming if they don't die from the explosion.
                  stoping power. Kinda pointless on this weapon, but if they've got jug then they still don't stand a chance
                  deep impact. I will kill you if you go behind a wall with this when combined with stoping power...


                    Melee choice
                    Primary Weapon: M1014
                    Side arm: Deagle
                    special Grenade: Smoke

                    Perk 1: Grip (for now will be switching out later, for frags most likely)
                    Perk 2: UAV Jammer, for those long knifing sprees
                    perk 3: Martyrdom, for booms when shotty isn't enough =D

                    Primary Weapon: M21 (will be Barret when i hit 49 =\ )
                    Side Arm: Deagle
                    Special Grenade: Stun

                    Perk 1: Bandolier (always seem to run out of ammo otherwise and i'm not really good and scavenging with the pistol helps keep Killeath ratio down or up however you look at it)

                    Perk 2: Stopping power (nothing worse the just clipping someone and letting them live)
                    Perk 3: Iron lungs (for taking extra long breathes while you wait for those peakers to show their ugly mugs =P)

                    Trying to find a good SMG that fits my playstyle working with the MP5 and P90 right now but can't decide.

                    Wish there was a "Knife Faster" perk that would help you get that knife out of your last victim faster


                      auto shotgun(no attatchment
                      desert eagle
                      stopping power


                        I've been trying out a new set up in HC, seen a couple people do it so I decided to try it out, it will take time for me to master it thou, maybe a month. I just noticed I have stopping power in HC, what's wrong with me? I'm putting something else


                          I tend to switch off between a silenced P90 or a silenced MP5 with either 3X Frag or 3X Stun. 3x Frag is a lot of fun because grenades are a lot of fun. More grenades=More fun. With 3 grenades, you don't have to worry about picking up that grenade you just pegged a guy to death with to throw at his teammates that are behind him, you can simply toss another. The 3X Stun is great because you can toss one in a room, and it'll let you know if someone is in there. Also, it stuns them so they can't turn away from the door they're camping, and I just loop around for the quick knife. Juggernaut helps absorb a few extra bullets as I close in. And of course, martyrdom, because steady aim is for people who shoot.


                            Last edited by BLAZE86; 31 Jul 2008, 02:22 AM.


                              Themed kits always put alittle more flavor in the game and it makes you stay that much longer.


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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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