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Can someone please tell me WHAT constitutes a ban? Someone was talking about gang rape the other day. Does that constitute a ban? Doug mentioned in another post that 6Pounder started that Acme dropped 1 f-bomb and he wasn't warned or banned. Even after using racial slurs and other curse words. Eventually he just left. I guess I would like a clear picture of what constitutes a ban and what doesn't. Then I can decide whether or not I want to continue playing on Cain's Lair. If it doesn't match my values then I know it isn't the server for me and I will gracefully bow out and play elsewhere. I know I am only one person and you may or may not care about whether I return or not, I just want to see your rules enforced and your server cleaner than it is.
Here's what we do on our server, and I share it to give food for thought. I'm not trying to enfore our "government" on Cain's Lair. I'm just trying to help make it better. I speak from experience because I am an admin for our server. We give one warning for cussing, disrespect, etc. After that they are temp banned, which is a 3 hour ban. If they come back again and start their garbage, we perm ban. Does Cain's Lair do the same? One other suggestion, get some tier II admins, ones that can help police the server. Give them admin rights to kick and temp ban people who are not following your rules and guidelines.
Again, I love the 50 player TDM. And there's a lot of great people that play on a regular basis. It's the few idiots that come on and just ruin it for everyone else.
Chickie plz don't give up on cainslair
Last night I jumped out of the game to the forum and DougBob was in so I asked him to come in and deal with a players name that I felt was inappropriate. He did so expediently ( thank you dougbob )
I don't feel that banning is always the answer especially if a dialog can be started to get a player to tone it down. But agree that there's a point that action of some sort has to take place like you stated a punt to let the offender know they're serious and if they cant get the message a ban
There's a place in the forum for those who've been banned to plead they're case
The admins at cainslair do a good job but we have to remember that they like to play the game too and don't always see all the infractions that happen in the game
My suggestion is if you see something that ya don't like go to the forum and see if there's an admin you can get to come in and deal with it
If there's no one there ( sometimes there just ain't ) get they're guide a couple screen shots and report em to the report a jerk file ( warning: If ya report to many people the admins get an attitude at ya for reporting to many people to the report a jerk file )
Last resort is to just ignore em or turn it off ( there's 20,000 other servers cainslairs not the only 50 person server or take a break ) Cainslair's a good server and all we can do is hope that by us playing here that we can make it better
Can someone please tell me WHAT constitutes a ban? Someone was talking about gang rape the other day. Does that constitute a ban? Doug mentioned in another post that 6Pounder started that Acme dropped 1 f-bomb and he wasn't warned or banned. Even after using racial slurs and other curse words. Eventually he just left. I guess I would like a clear picture of what constitutes a ban and what doesn't. Then I can decide whether or not I want to continue playing on Cain's Lair. If it doesn't match my values then I know it isn't the server for me and I will gracefully bow out and play elsewhere. I know I am only one person and you may or may not care about whether I return or not, I just want to see your rules enforced and your server cleaner than it is.
Here's what we do on our server, and I share it to give food for thought. I'm not trying to enfore our "government" on Cain's Lair. I'm just trying to help make it better. I speak from experience because I am an admin for our TLB FFA server. We give one warning for cussing, disrespect, etc. After that they are temp banned, which is a 3 hour ban. If they come back again and start their garbage, we perm ban. Does Cain's Lair do the same? One other suggestion, get some tier II admins, ones that can help police the server. Give them admin rights to kick and temp ban people who are not following your rules and guidelines.
Again, I love the 50 player TDM. And there's a lot of great people that play on a regular basis. It's the few idiots that come on and just ruin it for everyone else.
I hope it helps in some way.
(:TLB Chickie
I think we have said enough on this topic in the last few days.
Respectfully, the server is Cains- Not your clans.
The governance is set forth by tolerance for most people, with a specific focus on guiding behavior via information first, then action second.
We've gone over this so many times that I am convinced that you and Jabroney are not interested in listening, but interested in forging the environment the way you would like it to be or promoting your server.
If you have to leave, I'll refer you to the Goodbye Cruel Lair section of our forums so that you have an appropriate platform for the exit speech. otherwise, I'd reccommend focusing on the the People of Cainslair, and the Games we play here. It is our motto-
You will come for the games, but stay for the people.
For your information Hammy, I am not interested in pushing our philosophy on Cain's Lair. Again, as stated in my post above, I offered a suggestion to help make it better. It's up to the owners and admins if they choose to go that route or not. I would accept any open suggestions to make TLB better, always. Whether we go that route or not is up to us. The open door policy we have has proven very beneficial to our success. Ideas are freely shared and respectful debating has forged many friendships. Is there something wrong with making suggestions here? Is there something wrong with pointing out that your server has a bunch of foul mouthed idiots that disrespect even your own clan-mates? Wouldn't you WANT to do something about that? I'll use your report a jerk section, no problem. But in the meantime kids on your server are getting an education in racism, hatefulness and crude behavior. Ya'll want to condone that and let it continue, so be it. I listed a few things that can nip it in the bud and won't overwhelm your current admins. There are solutions if Cain's Lair owners and admins are willing to toss around some ideas to make it better. Mine certainly aren't the only solutions out there.
Saying that your posts fall on deaf ears is simply not true. Nor have I promoted my server via my posts here either. You made three posts in this thread and they were read with care. Again, I will use your report a jerk section if need be. Or I can choose to just leave which I will do when it gets too offensive for me.
There was no disrespect in my post, only suggestions which I hope will be thought over.
Since we are talking about our admining experiences, here's mine. I was an admin (full, not partial) on my clan's 50 slot TDM server. We had hackers almost every couple of hours. My clans policy was to warn, warn again, then kick, if returned, warn, and perma-ban. I however did not follow the rules. I banned many people from the server right after their second warning. And surprise, surprise, the server stayed full almost 24 hours a day. Oh and we had the "PB Bad Word" list. Anyone repeating 2 words from that list will be kicked for with a message "PLAYER kicked for bad language, behave next time or be banned from 'SERVER NAME'"
Oh and P.S. that policy was not for hackers, the policy was autobot = insta/perma ban and reported to PBBans and PunksBusted.
And one more thing, there is such a thing as PB power. It is when a certain player (GUID) gets partial admining rights to kick players. Each player require 10 PB votes to be kicked, if 2 players with PB power of 5 decide to kick then they simply type in "/pb_kick ##" and they will be done for a 5 minute kick.
Now I know Cain/admins probably know about those things. I am just pointing it out to other people who have only played here and/or doesn't know basic stuff.
@Howler, believe it or not, I actually appreciate the work you do reporting even thou they are never banned or kicked, I still appreciate it
Oh crap, one more thing. Stop blaming admins and Mods for not kicking or banning, it is all up to Cain and when they were asked to be admin (Yes, you get asked to be an admin, you don't ask to be an admin) they were given rules to kick/ban by. So please layoff Gene, Dennis, and that other one(s).
I dunno dude, all I've seen are posts talking about the negative aspects of the server and focusing on what seem to me like a couple of incidents - and recommendations on how Cain can better run his server for you.
There are plenty of people that have played on Cain's Lair, and Cain has been running servers for a very long time. I'm quite sure he's come up with his way of running things and what works for him.
It's still amazing to me the crowd of people I've grown to know and like around here. There are so many awesome people that play on the Lair, and I'm glad to have met a great majority of them.
To me - there's a lot more good things outweighing the bad things. I can take a douche cursing every once in a while or the one hacker I've seen since January - I make my report, or find an admin on the forum and now steam. I've played other servers, and they never really seem to have as close-knit a community as this one.
Also, exaggerating points about "kids learning racism, hatefulness and crude behavior" - I have never seen that. We have quite a few young CLRs here, and I haven't seen them "learn" anything from the few idiots that may wander in. Reconsnipe, BatmanSide, Nailik, all good younger kids that abide by the rules. Just makes me laugh that these guys are able to control themselves in the server when there are dudes my age (26) who are acting like a-holes. Proud to know the younger members
So I guess in summation, I'm usually quite diplomatic, but srsly dude, the only posts I've read from you are lecturing the admins and Cain on how to run this server, and pointing out how incensed you are that a couple of people have cursed at you.
maybe a swear filter is the way to go.... but make it like 5 warnings then a 10 min kick 5 more = 30 mins and so on up to like 20 warnings then a temp ban (like a week or two maybe?)
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