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Sorry Guys -- No Server Until Friday

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    Sorry Guys -- No Server Until Friday

    Sorry Guys looks like no server until Friday Evening....

    Work is getting in my way !!

    If I can find a downloadable server I'll get it up much sooner, possibly tomorrow, but if I have to buy the game and drive to Columbia to load it, that's gonna be late Friday..........

    Originally posted by Cain View Post
    Sorry Guys looks like no server until Friday Evening....

    Work is getting in my way !!

    If I can find a downloadable server I'll get it up much sooner, possibly tomorrow, but if I have to buy the game and drive to Columbia to load it, that's gonna be late Friday..........

    How did you have to do COD4? I'm guessing it'll be very similar unless they've made some changes to the server client.

    Friday will still be before i have the game.


      Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... oooo... ooo... oo... o.....

      It's ok, we can wait

      Edit: I forgot, they included this in their patch readme

      * License key is no longer required to run a Dedicated Server.
      Soooo, does that change anything?
      Last edited by K PhaNTOM; 11 Nov 2008, 10:38 PM.


        I will get the game this weekend Hopefully after school on Friday, but if not i will pick it up on Saturday or Sunday.


          Yep with COD4 which we didn't get until that game had been out over a month, I had to buy the DVD then drive to Columbia, and loading it was a pain because none of my servers had a DVD Drive!!

          The good news is the new Box DOES have a DVD drive so loading it will be much easier than COD 4 was...

          Who wants to sit on standby Friday evening and help me by hopping in there ASAP and be the first ones into our new server ??

          And Yes K_P that is good news, it means I won't have to buy two copies of the game.


            Always ready to hop in, I just don't trust my internet Hopefully I'll be here.


              Cain count me in too, well if i get my game on friday which i hope, if not i will be sad, very sad..but i would like to help too.. No problem just let me know, umm who has msn or Xfire, steam?

              Made an pre-order so i should get it on friday YAY!

              I can have all on!
              MSN i have:
              XFire: swetoryu72
              Steam: {CLR}72Toryu

              P.S. Or just pm me here!




                  Unless something unexpected comes up I will be there.

                  Where do you put the Bayonet?
                  Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                  I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                  Frank Lloyd Wright


                    I'll be on too as soon as it'll be up. Here my username for different game service :

                    xfire : foxtae
                    stream : foxtae
                    COD5 Friend : NMZL-F0X

                    Let me know if anything else by P.M.


                      O that the reason i couldnt get in,i put in the IP address and nothing happen,Owell,tryed to download the patch,that was a real pain,last night i went to,took i waited till 4am,patch took load,so far everything is working,i hope,So CAIN I will be there Friday night,with my FLAME PROOF,PINK TUTU,BLOND WIG,and BALLET SLIPPERS,and ready to playmoe.


                        Cain , can you see if you can adjust the time between the spawns are changed? Its really bothering to change spaws every few seconds...


                          Originally posted by bobytt View Post
                          Cain , can you see if you can adjust the time between the spawns are changed? Its really bothering to change spaws every few seconds...
                          I actually think they improved spawns very much. I don't see the point.


                            Originally posted by [nmzl]f0x View Post
                            I'll be on too as soon as it'll be up. Here my username for different game service :

                            xfire : foxtae
                            stream : foxtae
                            COD5 Friend : NMZL-F0X

                            Let me know if anything else by P.M.
                            Hmmm can't find you in steam!!! Your foxtae i can not find!


                              Originally posted by Toryu72 View Post
                              Hmmm can't find you in steam!!! Your foxtae i can not find!
                              I had just try it in steam and it work.. I don't understand why it doesn't work on your side. At least XFire work, I had just accept you


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