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Update on me

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    Update on me

    Update on me gang....

    Last Friday I lost my job ....... Yesterday was my last one at work there.

    I spent this week at work tying up lose ends, collecting on invoices where companies owed my old company money, and trying to make my staff feel better about what had happened ... (that one isn't happening any time soon).

    Bottom line I'll be just fine, but all this is causing me to fall behind on my Game Server responsibilities....

    Also we need to get new IP addresses for all of my servers so we need to get that done before I put up a COD5 server.....

    Take care and thanks for your patience....

    -- Cain

    Well... Wow.. That's what I call a shitty week...

    You know that we're all behind you on that and considering this, you're totally apologize to me for the delay to put the server up... You have some major reason to haven't done it yet.

    You better sort your things out first and then come back stronger than ever


      Sorry to hear the Bad news Cain hope something turns up for u soon.


        All the best Cain, lets hope things get sorted for you soon.



          Be strong! Things will work out if yea keep going and going and going...oops that is the energizer bunny XD but same principle


            All the best Cain, hope that You can sorted all personall things.
            We`ll be here waiting...
            Last edited by marvindecrain; 22 Nov 2008, 12:55 PM.


              honestly- the Servers are the last thing I care about in a situation like this. I mean- I've had this happen to me and I can't really say that Gaming would have been on my mind at that time.

              Take care of yourself- we'll be here when you have the time and availability to get it done.

              It's never been about the games- I mean we could have just as much fun doing Yahoo Games Spades or Hearts togeather.

              Keep your focus man. The rest will just fall into place behind you.


                Oh no Cain.. No worry's Cain!

                You put an server when you can! No problem!


                  Take your time Cain


                    Well on the bright side you will have some extra time to game

                    But I hope you can get sorted at a new job.


                      Sorry to hear things are not going so well. We are here for you if you need anything. Things will work themselves out, they always do. Stay Strong!
                      We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins.

                      Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.


                        Im so sry Cain,if there is anything that i can help you with,call me you have my Phone number,just call me collect,Im here for you Buddymoe.


                          As is true for all of Cain's officers and Cain, and should be for all CLR's. Personal life takes Precedence.

                          Just that this is a life changing instance, and Cain is the boss, makes it a good deal more revelent.

                          Remember that this is just a game. We enjoy the community and the fun, but all in all, it is still a back seat to Real Life.

                          All of Cain's people felt a huge hit when Cain lost his job. We are family, and this hit us all hard.

                          We all take a punch to the gut when something like this happens to a member, but oh so much more when our leader takes the fall.

                          Our hearts are with Cain while he goes through this difficult period.
                          ??Click me to donate??


                            Guys thank you so much for the thoughts and the kind words.

                            Since many folks at my old Company read these Forums I need to be a little bit careful what I say here, but let me quickly summarize ....

                            1) I went to work for a company with less than 1,000 employees.

                            2) Today that Company has over 43,000 employees.

                            3) The Company has been bought and sold twice since I joined it.

                            4) The man that hired me left the Company three years ago, and I was on my second new Boss in that period of time.

                            Perhaps that paints a clearer picture.

                            I'll be perfectly fine guys, all the implants have been removed, my wounds are healing nicely and Locutus of Cain is doing great !!


                              Good to know Cain that you are OK.
                              Past is past ... let`s think about feature


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

                                Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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