Hi all,
I'd like to say.. Where is an admin when you need one? First we were all dealing with some sexist piece of chit named Russian something or another.. Kept saying that anyone with a Vagina needs to leave the server! Then went on to keep trolling by saying horrible things about America and how we're gonna get nuked to Amerika sucks as he spelled it..
Then.. If that's not enough.. This idiot named "Global_Marco" comes into the server.. Starts team attacking people every round.. And kept doing it to me.. When I told him to stop.. He decided to troll me more by calling me a fat bitch and continually team attack me down to 20 health and less almost every round.. I was typing as if I was telling Cain to try to make him stop.. But instead.. He decided to troll even more.. I have a partial demo of him attacking me and then me getting killed immediately after..
I went ahead and reported a jerk section with this stuff too!
I'm just so mad right now.. I wanted to play.. I finally got some time to play in there.. And what do i get? Trolled and team attacked over and over again!
I'd like to say.. Where is an admin when you need one? First we were all dealing with some sexist piece of chit named Russian something or another.. Kept saying that anyone with a Vagina needs to leave the server! Then went on to keep trolling by saying horrible things about America and how we're gonna get nuked to Amerika sucks as he spelled it..
Then.. If that's not enough.. This idiot named "Global_Marco" comes into the server.. Starts team attacking people every round.. And kept doing it to me.. When I told him to stop.. He decided to troll me more by calling me a fat bitch and continually team attack me down to 20 health and less almost every round.. I was typing as if I was telling Cain to try to make him stop.. But instead.. He decided to troll even more.. I have a partial demo of him attacking me and then me getting killed immediately after..
I went ahead and reported a jerk section with this stuff too!
I'm just so mad right now.. I wanted to play.. I finally got some time to play in there.. And what do i get? Trolled and team attacked over and over again!