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Binding keys...

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    Binding keys...

    How do I bind messages to keys that is not a "voice" in game???

    bind "key" "asdf"


      Originally posted by Jeffro View Post
      bind "key" "asdf"
      Exactly, like if you wanted to bind the j key to say welcome to the lair or something like that it would be:

      /bind j "say Welcome to the lair"
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        Don't forget the quotes around the key you want to bind.

        Where do you put the Bayonet?
        Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
        I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
        Frank Lloyd Wright


          I have also been wondering about this thanks guys ill try it out.


            You have to have the word say in front of it DB? just wondering I'll check once I can get on.


              Originally posted by Pumpkin_Jack View Post
              You have to have the word say in front of it DB? just wondering I'll check once I can get on.
              Yes, or you can use say_team if you want it to go through team chat only.
              "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a Communist."
              - Dom Helder Camara


                I tryed what you said Doug and it didnt work.


                  Recon I'll take a look at it when I get home and if it doesnt work can always reinstall x-fire to do it.


                    type it into console (` key above tab)

                    bind “ < keyname > ” “ < command > ”

                    also found these for the keypad keys
                    / - KP_SLASH
                    * - *
                    - - KP_MINUS
                    + - KP_PLUS
                    ENTER - KP_ENTER
                    7 - KP_HOME
                    8 - KP_UPARROW
                    9 - KP_PGUP
                    + - KP_PLUS
                    4 - KP_LEFTARROW
                    5 - KP_5
                    6 - KP_RIGHTARROW
                    1 - KP_END
                    2 - KP_DOWNARROW
                    3 - KP_PGDN
                    0 - KP_INS
                    . - KP_DEL

                    also some handy voice commands.
                    Take this ammo- voice_takeammo
                    Fire in the hole- voice_fireinhole
                    I need backup- voice_backup
                    I need ammo- voice_needammo
                    Squad, covering fire- voice_cover
                    Go, go, go- voice_gogogo
                    Prepare for assault- voice_attack
                    Sniper- voice_sniper
                    Incoming fire, left flank- voice_fireleft
                    Area clear- voice_areaclear
                    Incoming fire, right flank- voice_fireright
                    Flank left- voice_left
                    Flank right- voice_right
                    Cover the flanks- voice_coverflanks
                    Fall back- voice_fallback
                    Cease fire- voice_ceasefire
                    Hold this position- voice_hold
                    Stick together- voice_sticktogether
                    Displace- voice_displace
                    Smoke ‘em- voice_usesmoke
                    Get a grenade in there- voice_usegrens
                    Use the bazooka- voice_usebazooka
                    Panzerschreck- voice_bazookaspotted
                    Grenade, take cover- voice_grenade
                    Enemy position knocked out- voice_wegothim
                    Enemy ahead- voice_enemyahead
                    Enemy behind us- voice_enemybehind
                    We need an MG up here- voice_moveupmg
                    MG position ahead- voice_mgahead
                    Yes, sir- voice_yessir
                    Negative- voice_negative
                    Nice shot- voice_niceshot
                    Thanks- voice_thanks
                    Medic!- voice_medic
                    Drop your weapons- voice_dropweapons
                    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot- voice_wtf

                    and little extras.
                    %c broadcasts your class.
                    %l broadcasts your current location (or nearest landmark).
                    %h broadcasts your current health level.
                    %t broadcasts the current time.

                    you can combine them to do and say somehing like this.
                    bind “h” “dropammo;voice_takeammo;say_team Ammo can dropped near %l”

                    hope that helps out .

                    (not my guide found it by googleing "key bind day of defeat")


                      bind "j" "say Welcome to Cain's Lair!"

                      That didn't work?
                      "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a Communist."
                      - Dom Helder Camara


                        Originally posted by H0ly-H@nd-Gr3nade View Post
                        bind "j" "say Welcome to Cain's Lair!"

                        That didn't work?
                        You forgot the underscore between say and Welcome.
                        bind "j" "say_Welcome to Cain's Lair!"

                        Where do you put the Bayonet?
                        Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                        I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                        Frank Lloyd Wright


                          Originally posted by Apache Warrior View Post
                          You forgot the underscore between say and Welcome.
                          bind "j" "say_Welcome to Cain's Lair!"
                          you don't need one... well ive never needed an underscore maybe i just have a supercool computer that knows what i want it to do


                            bind "leftmouse" slay "Jeffro"


                              Originally posted by The Jackal View Post
                              bind "leftmouse" slay "Jeffro"
                              [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                              So all you get is this crappy text]


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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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