all my settings are the default for dod and im located in maryland, i have been on the server almost everyday since may and have only had a problem this past week and others have noticed it too. i don't know what "kevlar arms" is but i don't think that is the problem because i can see the blood spots where my bullets hit them but they didn't take any dmg as well as the shovel and knife/fist leaving blood marks and making the flesh sound but doing 0 dmg which is common with registry problems(atleast in css). back when i ran my own dods and css servers i had this same problem and fixed it by having the logs cleaned out. it may be a connection issue like you suggested but considering the amount of time it is has taken place and the number of ppl i have talked to who are exp. a similar problem this past week i think it is a registry issue. i am no expert and everything i say and suggest is based off issues iv had on my own servers so as long as this is looked into im happy
BrigadeF?hrer Khazard
BrigadeF?hrer Khazard