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Modern Warfare 2 newest trailer "Infamy"

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    Modern Warfare 2 newest trailer "Infamy"

    YouTube - Modern Warfare 2 Infamy (Official HD)

    I wish they would put more effort into a trailer with more of the multiplayer and coop side of the game and less trailers about the single player campaign that will prolly be 3 to 4 hours long

    Well, I'd rather have them spend ALL of their time on getting the game ready on time for its least that's my way of looking at this positively. Nice graphics, btw.


      Originally posted by Skud View Post
      Well, I'd rather have them spend ALL of their time on getting the game ready on time for its least that's my way of looking at this positively. Nice graphics, btw.
      You know, this is something that is bothering me. 4zero2 has said the game is done since the begining of Sept. and they are "polishing" the game. 4zero2 also said there will be no beta release. Something tells me the game could come with full of bugs since we can't try it out and report our findings as we all know our PC's are not the same.

      Who knows, maybe their game testers are good and Im just over reacting. maybe they will do a beta release but they are just beening hush hush about it. Either way, Im ready and have my reserved. I hope the gamestop I reserved the game from will have a midnight release. I already ask for the day off from work... I will be stocked up on Monster and Dr. Peper drinks


        I want this game more and more every day. I am looking forward to the sp campaign. I have just been wanting a good sp mode to play through (to the point I just beat bioshock...again) and cod4's was one of the better ones in recent memory. It may not be the best in terms in story but the execution will no doubt be great.


          I have mine pre-ordered through Amazon. I know when it comes out all other game servers will probably be dead for quite a while. I think this is gonna be their biggest sale yet. Everyone has been foamin at the mouth in anticipation.Me included.

          I wonder if Cain is gonna up the score count some. There are always rank up servers at the start of any of the new ones that come out. Just wondering.
          [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


            Originally posted by {CLR} Cobalt View Post

            I wonder if Cain is gonna up the score count some. There are always rank up servers at the start of any of the new ones that come out. Just wondering.
            I hope not, actually. If I remember correctly it's when our WAW server went to 1,000 pts per kill or whatever that numbers started to drop. After all the hype I don't want to level out in five days: I want the game/challenges to last.


              Originally posted by Skud View Post
              I hope not, actually. If I remember correctly it's when our WAW server went to 1,000 pts per kill or whatever that numbers started to drop. After all the hype I don't want to level out in five days: I want the game/challenges to last.

              Makes sense to me. But, there will be some that will come and join us that have leveled up to the top. Kinda puts the rest of us at a disadvantage. I'm kinda torn on that from both sides. I dont mind the competition, but on the other hand some weapons and perks do help people overcome inadequacies and give advantage where you might have none. I guess its a trade off.

              Kinda like dead silent in Cod4. That one perk alone can give one heck of an advantage. Specially if you're playin and there arent too many people in the game. When a lot is goin on , not so much.

              I"m with you on this one Skud, but unfortunately most kiddies dont think the same way we do. And its all about being on top and showin off. Guess that comes from us being old.
              [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


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                by Sirex
                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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              • Reply to hey yall!
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                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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                :O hey Pidgeot!

                Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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