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Sad "news" for all of the PC community of the world

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    Originally posted by {CLR} Major.Massacre View Post
    Controllers have come a long way Cobalt(they have more than 1 button now woot!) I personally dont care what I play on. I own on all platforms. Improvise, adapt, overcome! Something tells me that when you tried playing a console you got your ass handed to you. I dont have that problem. Even though I started pc fps gaming back when Rise of the triad came out, I didnt get my first gaming rig till December 2005. So that would make me pretty green when it comes to experience on the pc compared to alot of others, and I still owned them all.
    I dont think you fully understood the gist of what I was getting at. I wasnt real clear. I played on an eggs bogz for almost a year. I also used the newest controllers they had. When the wireless ones came out. I just didnt like the way it handled. Too much movement all over the dang game pad. Not concise and not as compact as the PC.Not even gonna comment on the connections and kiddies in the game yappin all the time with some racial slur or curse word.

    Sure there are guys that are good at using them, but I still hold premise that a good PC pro will wipe the floor with a console player going head to head anyday. If they used their respective controls.

    There are a myriad of benefits of PC over the consoles. Its just that consoles can be controlled by money grubbing bean counters and PC's for the most part cant. Well up until whats happening now. Plus the console kiddies dont give a crap about price, momma and daddy have to pay anyway. Microsoft knew that and now IW is trying to jump on the money train at the expense of alienating a whole demographic of players.

    And on top of that, consoles contributed absolutely nothing, helping these gaming companies get to where they are today. That one thing by itself makes me sick.

    I'm happy that you're happy playing a console. Not mad at you but as you can see whats happening, the gaming industry is at a crossroad right now. And what happens with this deal will go a long way in setting precedent in the future.

    I for one dont like it and dont have to give them my money....ever.
    [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


      Originally posted by {CLR} Cobalt View Post
      I dont think you fully understood the gist of what I was getting at. I wasnt real clear. I played on an eggs bogz for almost a year. I also used the newest controllers they had. When the wireless ones came out. I just didnt like the way it handled. Too much movement all over the dang game pad. Not concise and not as compact as the PC.Not even gonna comment on the connections and kiddies in the game yappin all the time with some racial slur or curse word.

      Sure there are guys that are good at using them, but I still hold premise that a good PC pro will wipe the floor with a console player going head to head anyday. If they used their respective controls.

      There are a myriad of benefits of PC over the consoles. Its just that consoles can be controlled by money grubbing bean counters and PC's for the most part cant. Well up until whats happening now. Plus the console kiddies dont give a crap about price, momma and daddy have to pay anyway. Microsoft knew that and now IW is trying to jump on the money train at the expense of alienating a whole demographic of players.

      And on top of that, consoles contributed absolutely nothing, helping these gaming companies get to where they are today. That one thing by itself makes me sick.

      I'm happy that you're happy playing a console. Not mad at you but as you can see whats happening, the gaming industry is at a crossroad right now. And what happens with this deal will go a long way in setting precedent in the future.

      I for one dont like it and dont have to give them my money....ever.
      I too dont like that gaming companys are giving us pc gamers the shaft. Thats greed for ya though. Maybe if enough of us dont buy it, they might feel the pinch. -Crosses fingers-

      Oh yeah I never liked the xbox slim controller either(dumb layout). I have monster hands so it never felt right. Surprizingly the ps3 controller works for me perfectly. You should look into BC2. The UT and Battlefield series of games is what made Cains lair really shine and standout from other servers.

      There is no "I" in team!


        Originally posted by {CLR} Cobalt View Post
        I dont think you fully understood the gist of what I was getting at. I wasnt real clear. I played on an eggs bogz for almost a year. I also used the newest controllers they had. When the wireless ones came out. I just didnt like the way it handled. Too much movement all over the dang game pad. Not concise and not as compact as the PC.Not even gonna comment on the connections and kiddies in the game yappin all the time with some racial slur or curse word.

        Sure there are guys that are good at using them, but I still hold premise that a good PC pro will wipe the floor with a console player going head to head anyday. If they used their respective controls.

        There are a myriad of benefits of PC over the consoles. Its just that consoles can be controlled by money grubbing bean counters and PC's for the most part cant. Well up until whats happening now. Plus the console kiddies dont give a crap about price, momma and daddy have to pay anyway. Microsoft knew that and now IW is trying to jump on the money train at the expense of alienating a whole demographic of players.

        And on top of that, consoles contributed absolutely nothing, helping these gaming companies get to where they are today. That one thing by itself makes me sick.

        I'm happy that you're happy playing a console. Not mad at you but as you can see whats happening, the gaming industry is at a crossroad right now. And what happens with this deal will go a long way in setting precedent in the future.

        I for one dont like it and dont have to give them my money....ever.
        Well said Cobalt.


          this move on IW has rise up the battle between console and pc gamers.

          im not much upset as i did only wanted to play it singleplayer campaigns. too bad for ya MP peeps.
          Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


            Fudzilla - Death of dedicated servers for PC gaming at hand

            Death of dedicated servers for PC gaming at hand
            Written by David Stellmack
            Monday, 19 October 2009 03:44

            Infinity Ward starts it with the PC release of CODMW2

            With the release of the PC version of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, developer Infinity Ward has announced that the end of dedicated servers is at hand; and instead the company will be launching its new IWNet matchmaking service that Infinity Ward will operate.

            The decision is likely going to seriously change the way that the PC community plays games in the future. Infinity Ward is talking about making the entire process more accessible by getting rid of dedicated servers that are hosted and managed by players. Of course, initial reaction by the COD PC community has been outrage.

            Infinity Ward is trying to paint the change in a positive light because users will now be reliant on the IWNet service, and there is no worry about dedicated servers or having access to them or enough of them. Players will still be able to play private matches and have control over the settings of the types of matches that they wish to participate in.

            Those who are now enjoying the ability to develop new maps, customize or modify are likely to be out of luck due to this change, at least to start with. While the developer does admit that they don’t have all of the answers yet, they are committed to this direction and this is the direction that they will be taking with the PC version of CODMW2 and for future versions of the franchise going forward.

            Understandably, many in the COD PC community are actively speaking out and suggesting that this type of closed system is not what they want going forward. The decision could have far-reaching implications for many PC games going forward.

            One developer to already weigh in on the controversy is Battlefield developer, DICE. DICE says that they have no plans to do away with dedicated server support on any of their upcoming PC Battlefield titles. Sources tell us that the company is puzzled by this move by Infinity Ward, and believes that at least on the PC platform dedicated server support is fundamental to the support and success of the game long-term.

            Some in the COD PC community are already calling the announcement “Black Saturday” and the “day of infamy.” Many in the community are concerned that Infinity Ward is trying to re-make the PC environment into a console-like environment that the PC is not. Some are questioning why Infinity Ward, who was a developer who was clearly so closely connected to the PC world and made successful by the PC players, would move to destroy the community.

            We make the bold prediction that you have not heard the end of this controversy; and we believe that it is likely that the change could hurt Infinity Ward more than they can imagine. No more LAN parties, no more dedicated servers to practice on; this represents a total change that it is likely the PC community will rebel strongly against. If PC gamers want a console, they own a console. They do not want PC games to be like console games, and we think in the end Infinity Ward (despite their good intentions) will realize this.


              Signed and it's at 77241


                Originally posted by mapes View Post
                Signed and it's at 77241
                Signed what? could you re-link I cna't seem to find one.

                Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
                Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                  REPOST: Here is the petition link for you guys that haven't seen it.

                  Dedicated Servers for CoD:MW2 Petition
                  Like the community? Donate here:


                    Sweet I'm 80149 . If you take 1 from 9 that equals 8 which is double 4... thats gotta count for something....

                    Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
                    Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                      Not sure how much of a story the petition is, since you can sign multiple times.


                        Good article, Boby...hits some of the many nails created by this right on the head. Also, good for DICE, I hope they take all of IW's customers and create a game that outsells the current king, COD4, by a few 100 million.

                        Oh, Duke, I'm 80,528. I'll get a refund for my pre-order tomorrow...I could use the money for some lame pop artist of the month and be better off.


                          Originally posted by Nico View Post
                          Not sure how much of a story the petition is, since you can sign multiple times.
                          That's too bad, stacking the count only hurts in the long run.

                          Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
                          Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                            I signed it twice, just to see if it could be done. But you know there are plenty of guys who feel strongly enough to really abuse that.


                              A Little rant by DougBob{CLR}

                              To Console Gamers:

                              First let me say please do not take offense to anything posted here referencing Console gamers or games. You are a very important part of online gaming.
                              You have to understand, this is the reason PC Gamers are upset over this move by IW.
                              PC Gamers and their rigs are the reason you have a quality consoles like the PS3?? and XBox 360??. Like it or not, PC gamers pioneered the online gaming community, nurtured and watched it grow as hundreds of thousands of us around the world worked the bugs out of the games; put the hardware thru its best and worst; determined which platforms were popular and what network protocols were best to use for the online game play.
                              The manufacturers used this information the PC gamers directly contributed in bringing to fruition and brought you the high quality online and standalone games and consoles.
                              The technologies contained within these consoles are directly from the hardware developed and tested in PCs. The motherboards, CD/DVDs, CPUs and the GPUs capable of running the console games you so enjoy are either directly from the PC market or hybrids of their pioneering fathers.
                              In all fairness, I should mention the early days console contained technology used in Apple(Machintosh) computers and standard chips used in a variety of other devices too numerous to mention.
                              Concerning the latest consoles, the newest addition to this technology was the Cell processor in the PS3, which even though it didn?t see any time in a PC it was developed from information and results learned from PC performance on multi-core processors to directly compete with the new multi-core CPU technology.
                              Now to address the rant of the PC gamer, it has been said by some individuals who like the consoles over the PC, not you in particular mind you, but they say the PC gamer is childish and keeps whimpering they want the same thing the manufacturers are putting into the consoles. This is NOT a true statement. Far from it actually! In reality the PC gamer likes the flexibility the PC provides with the ability to upgrade to the latest mouse, keyboard, video or sound card. We like the ability to compete against others, over clock our CPU and GPU, control our own environment, customize maps, player avatars, weapons, environmental items like bullet damage and gravity. PC gamers do not want the simple hand held controllers a console provides because we like the high speed spin in combination with a head shot a keyboard and mouse provide; the numerous buttons on a mouse we can program to what action we like and the 100+ keys on the keyboard we can do the same with.
                              The PC gamers have feared for a few years that the game manufacturers would forget where their home is and start leaving the PC platform out of the picture when developing their latest bundles of joy. Well this boys and girls is their first step into testing the waters on this great journey.
                              But above all of the items mentioned, we like the ability of running our own server, controlling and fine tuning it. We like the full control of the machine to provide a gaming environment filled with choice, whether it?s a gaming environment of players who don?t curse, call others derogator names, ensure new players follow the rules and respect others OR a gaming environment for those who don?t care and want to be able to call someone a !@#$ stick and talk about their mother, etc.
                              So when you read these forums stating how upset we are, it may sound a little like we don?t like console gamers or the consoles themselves, don?t misunderstand this. That?s not the entire picture. You have to remember, some of us have been around a long time on this great journey. Some have become the best PC FPS gamers in the world and gone on to be sponsored by a mother board or video card manufacturer.
                              Remember that we were playing networked games like DOOM the original, released in 1993, over an IPX protocol connected with a thin net cable stretched around a living room or kitchen and even stretched between houses while console gamers were playing their standalone console game.
                              So I say again console gamers: We don?t dislike or hate you. We understand you, but please, I say again, please, remember, if it wasn?t for the ones like Cain who started their Cain?s Lair community and stuck with it for over 10 years or the dedicated hard core clans that take it all to seriously sometimes and travel thousands of miles to compete. If it weren?t for that, you wouldn?t have that console to play those cool online games on.
                              So when our way of playing online games is challenging even further by those that think we are obsolete and need to be brought into line with the console way of doing things. YES, we tend to get a little testy. So please forgive us, BUT NEVER FORGET how it all came to be!
                              Like the community? Donate here:


                                +1000, DougBob. And without servers like Cain's, we'd all just be random particles floating around the net...and would never have had the chance to laugh with, get mad at, respect, and grow with such a great community as the Lair. all.


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                  Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                  7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Apache Warrior
                                  Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
                                  I am not playing anything right...
                                  2 Mar 2025, 09:04 AM
                                • Reply to Hi guys!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 07:24 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

                                  Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                  Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
                                  23 Feb 2025, 06:31 PM