Has anyone see the new leaked video?
Some French fella name koula60 was streaming live on Justin.TV and someone recorded it but the recordings are terrible. Apperently he got ban from justin.TV or something cause Activision pulled a copyright violation on koula60
at Justin.tv You can search youtube for koula60 cause Activision is also pulling the copyrights violation move on youtube too. Anyway apperently this guy is known to get games early.
Apperently hes playing on PS3, now if I can only read the text on the screen

Here is the same player, different person recording but what is this??? A throwback oldschool to 3rd person player lol
Some French fella name koula60 was streaming live on Justin.TV and someone recorded it but the recordings are terrible. Apperently he got ban from justin.TV or something cause Activision pulled a copyright violation on koula60

Apperently hes playing on PS3, now if I can only read the text on the screen

Here is the same player, different person recording but what is this??? A throwback oldschool to 3rd person player lol