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Opinions on MW2 after playing

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    Opinions on MW2 after playing

    ok I went and bought MW2 and I have been playing it for a couple days and here is my take on it. It is not a bad game and my reasons are:

    1) Small squads: Better than 35 players running around like chickens with heads cut off shooting, We can actually sneak around behind the enemy
    2) Maps are great, especially the city maps, you can get on roofs, hide in dark areas, sneak behind the enemy if you watch the radar and see where they are located ^^
    3 Able to call package drops and when you open the package you just might get an airstrike on the enemy XD
    4) I like the insignas and emblems, there are tons to choose once they are unlocked.
    5) There are lots of things to unlock on this game, alot more than the other versions.
    6) I get no lags, game runs smoothly

    The game is nothing special. Its OK to play it till BadCompany2 come. But not great at all. Definitly much worst than CoD4.

    P.S. Dragon i am in South Beach


      I love this game.

      A little back story: I played COD4 (or MW1) on 360 as my roommate was the one who had it. Loved it. W@W came out. I rented that for 360 as I was comfortable with 360 controls, though I later bought it for PC because I had no friends playing it. Loved it on PC. Loved having dedicated servers, customized servers etc. This wasn't my first PC game or anything. I've been using a PC for gaming since Doom was in its prime.

      OK, so back story is over. Basically, after hearing that all the awesome features of a PC game were nerfed, I decided I'd be going back to console for this. I've been playing for three days on PS3. SO far, I think it's light years beyond COD4/MW1. SO MANY customization options! When I saw the killstreak choices, I could have cried from happiness. I've been at this almost non-stop since it arrived in the mail. The fact that I have two papers due by the 30th is NOT a good thing!


        I actually enjoyed the Single Player and Spec-Ops part as well but sadly only got to play a few multiplayer matches before returning to gamefly. I ran the SP on Vet and it was a great way to get used to all the controls...and how quickly you get killed...

        Next up will be the BFBC2 beta tomorrow so it will be intresting to see which one I like the most.


          Originally posted by bobytt View Post
          The game is nothing special. Its OK to play it till BadCompany2 come. But not great at all. Definitly much worst than CoD4.

          P.S. Dragon i am in South Beach
          man I can't hardly wait for Bad company 2 I set my hopes pretty darn high for this one, so I'm hoping it will be the next big thing in FPS!!!
          "CRY HAVOC...AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR!"- William Shakespear



            I got the beta for PS3 but all day long there is no servers... And i heard there is going to be beta somewhere late dec...


              So far I still like MW2, the maps are great. I don't know about all the titles and stuff, they are nice to get but really do nothing for the game.

              I think they did f***-up when they decided not to have dedicated servers, it would be nice to see more CLR members.


                Originally posted by Dragon View Post
                So far I still like MW2, the maps are great. I don't know about all the titles and stuff, they are nice to get but really do nothing for the game.

                I think they did f***-up when they decided not to have dedicated servers, it would be nice to see more CLR members.
                The server system definitely has its flaws. It does migrate the host (sometimes, like yesterday, with a guy in my sights who's jumping off a building), which is good (in the fact that the game doesn't just end when the host quits).

                One thing I do like is that the maps seem to be in a continous rotation, so, unless it's just my lack of awareness, one doesn't get to the point where they know exactly the map rotation, which I think is a good thing.

                Friends can be invited or join as a party (I haven't done it...and I'm not saying it's better than dedi servers). The small size of the servers is somewhat different, but not all bad, in IMO. There isn't the nade spamming of COD4, and there is a little more tactical play (rather than just comepletely running and gunning...though I do that as well). Also, I'm thinking that another possible plus of the smaller server size might be the fact that it thus avoids some of the lag or chunkyness that happened on the huge servers of COD4 when, say, airstrikes, smoke grenades, etc. were put in use...the graphics are a bit richer, and maybe the smaller number of players keeps things running more fluidly.

                The graphics and the physics and the guns are great...which is why I caved and picked the game up (and because some of my buds got it). It's the kind of game that I am good at, and therefore enjoy. So here I am.


                  Well I picked it up at the local mart here and been playing the last 3 days. Not MP or 2man SpecOps though. Cant use that ...YET. Its a code thing.

                  Anyway, my take .

                  I went through the SP pretty fast. Had it on mid level. Didnt want to spend all day tryin to get through it. Took about 4 hours. Then went straight to SpecOps.Think I have 36 stars so far.

                  The game is smooth and my machine runs at 1680 x 1050 so its middle of the road res. But it looks nice. I still think IW could have done better with the whole ordeal. I dont like playin by myself much so I'll have to wait on the code, but its ok I guess.

                  Seen a lot of stuff that reminded me of Cod 4 but I guess it is a continuation. I dont think its any better than Cod4 from a technical standpoint. And I really dislike the blood screen when you get hit. But the juggernauts make up for any dislikes.Sniper rifles are improved, and it does have a lot of cool guns. My favorites are the thermal SCAR, shotty, and the trusty AK with a tube. Its a cool game which could have been great. But not $65 great for just SP. Not that I paid that.

                  I'll wait til I get home and pick up BC2 and we can go from there. When I'm tired of SpecOps I'll put it aside and play BF2142 or WaW with my friends here when we can.

                  ps: I tried to knife a juggernaut.... I'll let you guess how that turned out.
                  [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]



                    I do find the Scar-H to be the best weapon so far and i use it alot with silencer. I like that we can carry 2 machine gun pistols or shottys or other seconday weapons in multiplayer


                      oh man dual rangers are ridiculous. and the model 1887s or whatever they are. some dude owned me with those, runnin n gunnin like a madman.

                      the dual automatics are really inaccurate, Idk if someone has ever got me with those.
                      even with two people, I was not able to knife down a juggy.

                      Anyone kill an enemy, or friend, with an airdrop crate?
                      There is a challenge for that, or to do with and have it be the game winning kill.
                      LOL imagine everyone having to watch the crate fall, and it smashes some sas guy or something.


                        Originally posted by {CLR} Cobalt View Post
                        Well I picked it up at the local mart here and been playing the last 3 days. Not MP or 2man SpecOps though. Cant use that ...YET. Its a code thing.

                        Anyway, my take .

                        I went through the SP pretty fast. Had it on mid level. Didnt want to spend all day tryin to get through it. Took about 4 hours. Then went straight to SpecOps.Think I have 36 stars so far.

                        The game is smooth and my machine runs at 1680 x 1050 so its middle of the road res. But it looks nice. I still think IW could have done better with the whole ordeal. I dont like playin by myself much so I'll have to wait on the code, but its ok I guess.

                        Seen a lot of stuff that reminded me of Cod 4 but I guess it is a continuation. I dont think its any better than Cod4 from a technical standpoint. And I really dislike the blood screen when you get hit. But the juggernauts make up for any dislikes.Sniper rifles are improved, and it does have a lot of cool guns. My favorites are the thermal SCAR, shotty, and the trusty AK with a tube. Its a cool game which could have been great. But not $65 great for just SP. Not that I paid that.

                        I'll wait til I get home and pick up BC2 and we can go from there. When I'm tired of SpecOps I'll put it aside and play BF2142 or WaW with my friends here when we can.

                        ps: I tried to knife a juggernaut.... I'll let you guess how that turned out.

                        You are already at a level 70 for the AK?


                          Originally posted by The Wraith View Post
                          You are already at a level 70 for the AK?
                          Spec ops. Single player spec ops.

                          edit: Cobalt check techno on monday, you might be pleasantly surprised.


                            Originally posted by GeneralSnake View Post
                            oh man dual rangers are ridiculous. and the model 1887s or whatever they are. some dude owned me with those, runnin n gunnin like a madman.

                            the dual automatics are really inaccurate, Idk if someone has ever got me with those.
                            even with two people, I was not able to knife down a juggy.

                            Anyone kill an enemy, or friend, with an airdrop crate?
                            There is a challenge for that, or to do with and have it be the game winning kill.
                            LOL imagine everyone having to watch the crate fall, and it smashes some sas guy or something.
                            Yeah, the dual 1887's are ridiculous. I had them and stopped using them because it was worse than being an Mp5 whore in COD4: I'd get behind the enemy team and take out all of them if they didn't wise up quick, lol.

                            Also, I have killed guys with air crates (including myself on one of my first ), but I usually just keep killing until I get a few of them, and drop them together, which makes it more likely that a teammate with no class who tries to swipe my goods will get beaned with one, lol. ...and it makes it easier to get them in a rush before I get shot, because there's always an enemy right around the corner in a second.


                              A guy on my steam friends list was chatting with me when he first got the game. He asked me "I got a care package. The hell do I do with it?" And I told him to press 6, throw it, and stand where the smoke is so he can catch it. The rest of the conversation was rated R. lol


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