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Opinions on MW2 after playing

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    I havent play the duals. But its I'm getting to the point where they irritate the crap out me. Some players are good with the dual rangers and 1887. For a weapons that suppose to have a terrible range do seems to shoot far from what I seen in the kill cam.

    I also had the care package fell on me by a fellow teamate and I was stupid in the first few days of the game release to stay on top of the smoke. I even had my own care package roll on me that was on a slanted hill. I once changed one of my kill streaks perks to get the emergency air drop and what pissed me off was all of the damn crates were ammo refill I was like WTH!!!


      Cobalt check techno on monday, you might be pleasantly surprised.
      I will, they were just about there when I looked last.

      Todd, its the SP SpecOps. Cant run MP. Uuhh.. lets just say Steam might have a problem with my version.:
      [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


        Originally posted by Caddys83 View Post

        I once changed one of my kill streaks perks to get the emergency air drop and what pissed me off was all of the damn crates were ammo refill I was like WTH!!!
        that emergency airdrop is awesome (I've gotten c130s, heli gunners, etc. with it). But today I got emergency airdrop on highrise...dropped it in the middle of map, and tried to collect all the crates by myself as my "team" camped inside. I got no crates, but the enemy got two hinds, an airstrike, and a c130. It was awesome.


          Well my impressions...
          I picked this game up because most people are now switching to mw2 from mw1. I dont really dislike the new maps but i hate how there can be an enemy in every window or crack. The maps are not liniar at all so that was a blow, and no competition or mods was a BIG dissapointment. The guns are cool, just got the 2nd to last sniper rifle and its pretty tight, im missing my m40a1 from cod4 but i guess i just have to get used to it. I am decent at the game, got 4 nukes in a row and almost got banned so i had to throw a nade at a wall and kill myself so i didnt get another I dont like the perk where you can man the heli gunner. It is too easy to get kills with and almost always leads to a nuke unless you kill you self by mistake. Not having dedicated servers sucks, and the duel pistols are very inaccurate unless you are using the 1887s. I have about 15 hours into the multiplayer and my overall impression is that it is a good game, it is not amazing like cod4 but decent. The titles/emblems is a nice touch and kinda fun to unlock, and maby a few more patches will make this game better.


            hey recon, what do u mean by "almost getting banned"?
            i mean, isnt it all up to VAC?


              Yeh it is but they tried to report me.


                Originally posted by Reconsnipe1 View Post
                Yeh it is but they tried to report me.
                You don't just get banned on the spot.... I've reported many, I got a few banned, and the rest are roaming free. Those are all full blown aimbots mind you.


                  Originally posted by Reconsnipe1 View Post
                  Yeh it is but they tried to report me.
                  Ahahaha! Now if CL had a server we'd appreciate your skills.

                  Keep lighting them up Recon.


                    The game's pretty good imo not as great as cod4. Campaign was short but had some pretty wicked moments in it for me. I like the spec ops, it's fun with friends. I however do not like the invite setup for the ps3. They need to patch this asap. I've also had alot of host migration come up almost every other game, that's getting annoying fast. All in all im happy with my purchase, was a little too hyped.


                      I've been playing on a friend's Steam account while he's overseas in China. I'm only interested in MP so that's what I've been playing, my impressions:

                      1. IWnet is a joke. I live in midtown Toronto and am used to 30ms pings to servers in huge centers like NYC and Chicago, but on IWnet I'm lucky to get 150ms or so to the host in an average Ground War game with my NAT open, to say nothing of the 400ms+ players. If you're used to playing COD4 or other shooters on a gimpy console system, you likely won't notice or care, but if you're used to topping the scoreboards in PC shooters, it's a huge step back. On top of that you spend an amazing amount of time and effort in the lobby merely trying to set up a game (finding players, merging lobbies, cannot connect to host, wash rinse repeat), compared to just connecting to CLR and staying there all day.

                      2. MW2 compensates for that by making almost all weapons deadly with even a modicum of accuracy. I remember my first MP match on Underpass, I ran down the stairs and was heading towards a building when I saw a bit of motion in a distant window, I sprayed my M4 at it and got a kill in about half a second. I literally laughed out loud, that's something I would never, ever be able to do in COD4. Guns like the ACR are ridiculous, same range and accuracy as a sniper rifle but with less recoil even on full-auto fire.

                      3. The maps are terrible by and large, and come in two types based on the two least-popular maps from COD4. The first type is based on Chinatown, and features multiple levels of windows, doorways, dark corners and other great camping spots, which slows gameplay to a crawl. The second type is based on Creek, and features vast expanses of wide-open space suitable for sniping and nothing else. You can't pick which maps you want to avoid in MW2 and matchmaking frequently changes maps at the last second, so you either spend a lot of time trying to avoid the many bad maps or you suck it up and play them, hoping you're lucky enough to spawn at the top of Estate or the outside of Terminal etc.

                      4. The kill streaks are incredibly overpowered, the chopper gunner lands me about 20 kills on average in a match where 100 kills is the limit for 9v9. This makes it very much worth your while to get them, which means staying alive at all costs, again leading to very campy gameplay. On top of that the low-level air drops can yield ridiculous rewards like AC130's and chopper gunners, making the gameplay extremely random.

                      5. Some very stupid builds are very overpowered at the moment, like the dual 1887 shotguns or anything with Marathon/Lightweight/Commando. On maps like Favela, people who run constantly at full speed and leap from 4 storey buildings to stab people with a tac knife often get top scores, which is beyond ridiculous in a game that presents itself as "realistic" in even the slightest degree.

                      6. Unlocks, unlocks, unlocks. I'm from the UT school of thought when it comes to multiplayer FPS games, in that I think everyone should be exactly equal and only skill should determine the outcome of your game. in MW2 there's a huge difference in effectiveness between some of the later weapons/attachments and the earlier ones, and the only way to know if they'll work for you is to grind through endless kills with guns you don't like to get them. I'd pay for some DLC that unlocked everything for me so I can get down to the real point of the game, fragging people online.

                      7. The hacks are out of control already. I see an aimbot/wallhack in maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of my matches, and tons of people hacked rank/prestige all within the first few days of release because MW2 is really just a mod of the COD4 codebase which hackers are intimately familiar with. There's no way to kick/ban hackers, you can't even spec them to record them or be sure they're cheating, so wallhackers get away with murder. VAC is a failure and IW's lofty pronunciation that a big reason for IWnet was to get rid of cheaters is a lie.

                      That said, is it possible to have fun in MW2? For me the answer is yes but only in a very casual way, for example it's fun to load up the dual 1887s and run all over Favela like a maniac, but if you play MW2 in a competitive way you'll be banging your head in frustration at the sheer randomness of the gameplay, from the quality of your network connection to the enemy's air drops to the skills of your teammates (especially when half of them are just grinding pistols to unlock tacknife or similar).

                      MW2 is a fun game to play sitting on the couch while drinking a beer, listening to music, texting your girlfriend and watching football on picture-in-picture. No one will be playing this title in 2 years like COD4, which is precisely what the developer wants so they can roll out mediocre sequel after sequel.

                      If you liked COD4 I'd recommend trying MW2 as its casual gameplay may work for you, but I would not spend a dime until you've spent a few days trying it out (through console rental or borrowing a friend's Steam account) as it's a completely different experience from COD4.


                        Originally posted by Reconsnipe1 View Post
                        Yeh it is but they tried to report me.
                        You are kinda suspect.

                        Oh, and Karson. Good analysis of the gameplay.
                        [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                          Originally posted by Evilization View Post
                          hey recon, what do u mean by "almost getting banned"?
                          i mean, isnt it all up to VAC?
                          I havent seen too many hacks, I think people are blowing this out of proportion, I have seen only 3 cheaters on the IWnet. I had reported all three of em to steam. I dont know how others do it but what I did was enter the steam console and go to players, from there you will find their steam page ID and I just click on the report violations. Although I visted the steam forums and their MW2 forums, the admin posted a sticky that Steam/VAC does not accept users reporting cheaters. But they will accept people reporting hack payed and private sites. How lame


                            Originally posted by Caddys83 View Post
                            I havent seen too many hacks, I think people are blowing this out of proportion, I have seen only 3 cheaters on the IWnet. I had reported all three of em to steam. I dont know how others do it but what I did was enter the steam console and go to players, from there you will find their steam page ID and I just click on the report violations. Although I visted the steam forums and their MW2 forums, the admin posted a sticky that Steam/VAC does not accept users reporting cheaters. But they will accept people reporting hack payed and private sites. How lame
                            Well, the good thing about them not accepting users reporting cheaters, is that prevents anyone who has a beef with you from be able to get you banned, just because, say, you might pwn them. I've gotten plenty of folks mad at me by knifing them, shooting their faces, heads, nuts, whatever, a bunch of times in a row: suddenly I "am a hacker" (of course then I mention that they are a "whiner", "crier", "blamebot", etc. I try to explain that it's reflexes, but they don't buy it. If these folks could report me and get me banned for every time I have a 3:1 k/d ratio...well, I wouldn't be able to play.


                              You know Skud, I myself thought you were a sucky player before, you've gotten way too good over night. So, HAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I mean I can't even catch up with you anymore, what the hell man.


                                Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                                You know Skud, I myself thought you were a sucky player before, you've gotten way too good over night. So, HAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I mean I can't even catch up with you anymore, what the hell man.
                                I've had the week off...I'm only getting 100 pts a game, but I've played about a 1,000 games!


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
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                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
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                                  Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

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