Got MW2 for X-mas installed it and started with single player and thought wow this is great story line was alright, then i jumped over to multi player and wow the server size ok can deal with that just need to think about in the beginning when i played DF2 and the server sizes where small. The option of not being able to play where u want is a joke, it puts u where they need u and let me tell u some of the ppl i get stuck with are something to be desired, the language that u here even for me is tough to handle, and the time it takes to get into another server is crazy so in order to play i have to deal with the nonsense. The intermission and then waiting for the match to begin and then the load sometimes 3 min to next map, then the dropping of the server after u have been waiting for the intermission to tick down stupid i could go on but that is enough venting for now, one last thing i personally think they just stole $60 from me, so my money won't be spent in vain i am dealing with all this stupidity and playing any way, sry for venting but now i do feel better..LOLOL
