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Out today, Dawn of War II

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    Out today, Dawn of War II

    I ordered a copy, just in time for my days off.

    Bought it: don't buy it

    Game install goes hand in hand with Steam. To run game you have to run it through Steam...and windows live for multi, it seems. I try to run it through Steam and I get "game currently unavailable, try back later", when all I want to do is play some single player campaign. Same message, over and over. I tried to send a rage feedback to their website, but can't even do that because it says I have an invalid e-mail address (mine ends in .net). So, I'm sitting here with not a new game, but $50 less in my pocket. It might be available to me some day, I'm guessing...but this bureaucracy for just wanting to play a game one buys is pathetic!


      As much as the game industry complains about DRM or whatever how is it that Steam seems to get a free pass? I feel for you Skud. When I bought the Orange Box all I wanted to do was play HL2 but since I was having connections problems on my games PC I had to wait for like 2 months all because of Steam.



        Originally posted by JohnyRico View Post
        As much as the game industry complains about DRM or whatever how is it that Steam seems to get a free pass? I feel for you Skud. When I bought the Orange Box all I wanted to do was play HL2 but since I was having connections problems on my games PC I had to wait for like 2 months all because of Steam.
        Total duff pain. I finally ended up calling the blokes, and they ran me through how to get steam to verify the game data (and probably everything else on my hard drive) and get it running. All told, it took about an hour-plus to do something which should take about 14 minutes.

        I have played a little of the single player campaign, and it looks pretty good...but the amount of effort sure left a foul taste in my craw. And even with the Steam account, which I still had from half-life2...forgot all my login stuff, since I haven't used it for so long...I would have to open a windows live account to get experience rewards and such. Wow. I guess at least I don't have to let anyone from THQ use my car this I shouldn't be crying too much.


          after the speed bump

          I've been playing the single player campaign and the game is quite cool. You have different squads (sniper, assault, dreadnaut, melee, etc.) that with experience points and items found in missions you can level up: perks, weapons, armor...The graphics are quite nice...physics too...dreadnauts and commanders in power armor can walk through walls, crush trees...and there are some cool weapons and nice explosions...nice tactical combat: using cover like trees, walls, or buildings...setting up an advance, etc...setting up mines, remote charges...artillery strikes...rocket barrages...

          So, after jumping through the hoops to install the thing, and getting over the initial frustration of having to create yet more online accounts to play, I have to say that I am glad that I bought it.


            hey skud
            i wanna start getting into RTS games, coz ive only been playing shooters
            im wondering if this game is a good choice for that? i heard it doesnt have base building, thats im worried about, since i wanna get the basics of playing RTS right
            i dont mind steam at all, all of my games are on my steam account


              I would start with Dawn of War (original) and go from there. Other good RTS's is the Command and Conquer stuff. Oh, lets not forget Supreme Commander as well.


                If i were you, i would start with a classic like starcraft + brood war, and work your way up from there


                  +1. Pick up the Starcraft battle chest. You get the core game, the expansion and the stategy guides for $20 or so. Dawn of War and Company of Heros are both good games also.


                    Hey Evil

                    Originally posted by Evilization View Post
                    hey skud
                    i wanna start getting into RTS games, coz ive only been playing shooters
                    im wondering if this game is a good choice for that? i heard it doesnt have base building, thats im worried about, since i wanna get the basics of playing RTS right
                    i dont mind steam at all, all of my games are on my steam account
                    Like others say, this is not a traditional rts...there is no base building. But you do have to capture strategic points to help with reinforcing troops...and you capture some supplies there as well as from downed opfor. In some ways, the smaller scale, as compared to supreme commander, is alright by me...since there's not as much that you have to keep track of: just your 4 squads (and 2 in base, which ones you take depend on the mission--it's up to you)...and capturing, killing, or defending the objective...and leveling up.

                    So, it's not exactly a traditional rts, it's more of a hybrid. But that is not a bad thing for me. The squads (commanders) can level up to 20 through the continuous campaign, and you select where the points for each level goes into their attributes (ie., heath/stamina, ranged weapon skills, melee skills, and energy/power [used for special abilities]). These options combined with weapons, armor, and artifacts found in missions or given as rewards at the end of missions, attach me more to the game. A traditional rts I would play a couple of skirmishes, see all the weapon and building types and upgrades, and then I might lose interest in it (not always--the command and conquers, starcraft, act of war, I played for quite some time)...but then again, I haven't really played them online much.

                    I'd say this: the graphics are great...for that reason alone (and the mature rating-more agonizing deaths), it would be hard for me to load up some of my older rts games--they were good...but it'd kind of be like loading up call of duty 1, after playing 4 or 5. So, I suppose that it depends on what's more important to you.

                    Wow, I just wrote another novel!

                    well, I hope some of this was of use to you. PM me if you need your ear chewed off some more!


                      Sounds cool Skud.. I shall buy Dawn of war 2 later..


                        it's not bad

                        Originally posted by Toryu72 View Post
                        Sounds cool Skud.. I shall buy Dawn of war 2 later..
                        I've found that you can also do "private" matches against the computer. These skirmishes are more traditional rts...only you don't really build. You have a command center which produces units and upgrades, and you have to capture power and resource points. The power points can be upgraded by adding more power generators to them...and that is about the only building. You basically have to hold enough requisition and power points, also get enough kill points, to buy better upgrades and units. I'm guessing that's what the online matches would be like...either set to eliminate the enemy or to capture and control more strategic points.


                          If you are starting out on RTS games, might I recommend Company of Heroes, the finest RTS, IMO, to ever grace my screen. The newest version, Opposing Front, is quite a treat.

                          Read up on the game, it does everything well.
                          Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                            I have that game skud. Its is pretty cool and i might be able to play it this weekend if ur up. The issue u had with "game currently unavalibal" was because it had to be updated i think. I just went onto my steam games and clicked update and it did the rest for me.


                              So...I picked up this game last weekend for fun and to try something new. Actually, I haven't played Warhammer since it's origionals on PS and the first RTS on PC. Not quite what I expected but I've beaten it twice now and would like to know if anyone still plays it and would like to play it on Co-Op with me or Multiplayer.

                              I have alot fo fun with it but I find it quite disappointing when I play multi because I get stuck with people who don't know how to CAP anything.

                              Skud, Recon? Who wants to play?
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                              [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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