I recently found this game while looking for an armored core port to pc (and a ps3 emulator so far no luck...) and this game is a mmo PVP only game, imo it is much more fun than most mmo's i have played, the fact that you are always going against other players is, i think, one of the best features. The fact that you have to earn equipment through winning battles is another cool feature, there is a way to buy items using real money, but i have noticed almost no difference between the earned items and the ones that need to be bought. If anyone is ever up for a game just send me a friend request, my ingame names are CLRGimmie2, or Phroggy.
Exteel: Free Online Multiplayer Game from NCsoft
As you can see, the graphics are rather good for a free online game.
Exteel: Free Online Multiplayer Game from NCsoft
As you can see, the graphics are rather good for a free online game.