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13,000 Valve Fans Boycott Left 4 Dead 2

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    Originally posted by Ghost_Rain View Post
    They was only one Problem with L4D the game is to short, this is why I have just cancelled my Pre order of L4D 2
    Single player campaigns, I agree. But the game has good replay value playing online and has the standard "achievements" that all games have to make the masses come back and play more.
    [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
    So all you get is this crappy text]


      Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
      Single player campaigns, I agree. But the game has good replay value playing online and has the standard "achievements" that all games have to make the masses come back and play more.
      True but Even in Mp with the same Maps as SP mode it still get's Boring and Repetitive even with the achievements Factor.


        So I guess Valve "promised" expansions and support for the original game but instead they are charging for it. My lawyers always says "get it in writing". I just dont see getting pissed about something like this and I will wait and see what to see what MAX PC and the people here say about it before I send them my $$.

        There are two games that I would buy without thinking at this point. Diablo 3 and HL2 Episode 3. Valve and Blizzard have never disappointed me with these games so they have earned my trust. If one of them sucked then I would be more careful the next time.

        I also had to edit the post before that said "Valve hasn't done fine by me" to "Valve HAS done fine by me" So far, that is.

        Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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          Originally posted by Duke{CLR} View Post
          So I guess Valve "promised" expansions and support for the original game but instead they are charging for it. My lawyers always says "get it in writing". I just dont see getting pissed about something like this and I will wait and see what to see what MAX PC and the people here say about it before I send them my $$.

          There are two games that I would buy without thinking at this point. Diablo 3 and HL2 Episode 3. Valve and Blizzard have never disappointed me with these games so they have earned my trust. If one of them sucked then I would be more careful the next time.

          I also had to edit the post before that said "Valve hasn't done fine by me" to "Valve HAS done fine by me" So far, that is.
          Those 2 game are on my List to Buy Duke and I have to Agree 100% with you.


            Originally posted by {CLR}geneSW View Post
            Correct me if i'm wrong... but when did you become the voice for the majority. As I understand it, in order for one to be the voice for the majority there should be an election... and I never heard of this election. lol.
            Good points, but since you didnt step forward when someone said that the majority wasnt going to buy it, then I just stood up.

            Anyways- the game has been sold out in many places out here where I live. I was in a store last week picking up a game for my cousin's birthday (he's 14) and there was a person who blew up in the store because she had been to 4 stores that day. When I told her it was available online at and it was free, she told me to shove my game into an orifice and sit on it.


              Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
              I have a feeling there will be farking jackholes in L4D as much as there are in any other game.

              The whole rage phenomenon is something that really turns me off of L4D at times. I'm one of the few who stick it out regardless. And with only 4 players per side in vs, one leaving makes a big difference.

              They should design a 32 player L4D map, 16 humans and 16 zombies. That would be fun
              rage quitters are hysterical- we sometimes can predict someone is rachetting up for a rage and we will push them over the edge before we leave the safe room -roflmao


                im probably not going to get l4d2 unless its $30 or less, or i get amazing reviews from people like hammy. if all else fails then ill just keep waiting for Borderlands and SC2.
                personally i am kinda mad @ valve because they said that it would be like TF2, with FREE content releases.

                EDIT: Joined the group
                Last edited by Gimmie2; 9 Jun 2009, 06:29 PM. Reason: group


                  I think thats why most people are mad gimmie. Valve was going to release most of the content as DLC but instead put it into a game.


                    i usually don't get into this kinda argument but i only have one things to say.... all these people saying they are going to boycott the game and do this and that, i bet any money atleast half of them are going to buy the game anyways if not more of them. people complain to much, i actually think we sound like whiny children to valve.... ill take them over ea or any other developer or publisher any day if you ask me.

                    nuff said.


                      Originally posted by Jeffro View Post
                      ill take them over ea or any other developer or publisher any day if you ask me.
                      No doubt EAs support of BF2 was terrible.

                      Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
                      Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                        With the promises valve made concerning L4D, I can understand why they are upset.

                        I still haven't bought L4D yet, much less think about getting L4D2.
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                          Originally posted by Duke{CLR} View Post
                          I don't see what there is to be POed about. The trailers seemed a bit underwhelming and it may just be a few more maps and skins but it's still early to get your panties in a bunch. Valve has done fine by me so far and the episodes that cam out in the HL2 series were worth the reduce price that I paid for them and there was just enough new content to keep it fresh and to leave me wanting the next episode.

                          Valve has made some great games and is pretty much the only company (besides bioware) still aiming their main work twords PC gamers. Yes as of right now L4D2 looks like it should be DLC but you never know what will happen. Plus given the size and detail of L4D maps if it were DLC it would be a huge file.

                          Basically - Wait for the beta and the release so many people judge games by the first theatrical trailer its B.S.


                            Yes PJ, if they prove that it's more then just 2 maps and 4 weapons then it may be worth it, but i'm not holding my breath.


                              Originally posted by {CLR}geneSW View Post
                              Yes PJ, if they prove that it's more then just 2 maps and 4 weapons then it may be worth it, but i'm not holding my breath.
                              Valve hasnt failed me so far....
                              Plus like I said this is only the FIRST theatrical trailer....


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
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                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

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