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Prototype PC

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    Prototype PC

    Not that great of a Game in remind's me of the last spiderman games the screen shoots are taken from my Laptop running 3 gig of ddr2 and intel 2.3cpu and 256meg 8200 graphic card. The game was a Big let down for me

    I wasnt impressed from the game... i would say that actually made me delete it after 10 minutes....


      Originally posted by bobytt View Post
      I wasnt impressed from the game... i would say that actually made me delete it after 10 minutes....
      I know the feeling



        One more game not to buy...
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          Wow does it realy suck its getting some pretty good reviews.


            Originally posted by Pumpkin_Jack View Post
            Wow does it realy suck its getting some pretty good reviews.
            So he played it for less than 1 day and formed an opinion that it blows. Unless you played it for 12 hours the least, you can't say something isn't good. IMO. I think I'll play it and then form an opinion but based on GameSpot, BUY IT


              Whatever Phantom doesn't say.


                I still have the Prototype PC demo on reserved on fileplanet so we'll see if it.


                  I have finshed the game and my opinion is the same the game is not worth the money I wise I bought Pac-Man more fun playing the game than Prorotype


                    Originally posted by Ghost_Rain View Post
                    I have finshed the game and my opinion is the same the game is not worth the money I wise I bought Pac-Man more fun playing the game than Prorotype


                      Originally posted by Caddys83 View Post
                      Yer the game is very short.


                        WOW many people said that it was an amazing game and it was a must have but i guess not.


                          I personally think it's a great game. Now, I bought it for the 360, but I know that there's quite a few bugs in the PC version. But as far as gameplay and story go, I love it. It has an Assassin's Creed-esque feel to it, but with guns, cars, tanks (which you can actually drive), choppers. Unlike Assassin's Creed though, the entire map is explorable. I haven't encountered a single building that you can't climb right to the top of, and you can move to any point on the side of the building that you want. You don't need to jump from ledge to ledge. And once you're up there on a building, you can glide around. Hopping from rooftop to rooftop and running on the sides of buildings is very fast-paced and a cool way to get around the city.

                          From what I've played so far, the missions and story seem pretty cool. I've only done a few though, because I keep getting distracted by all of the smaller things you can do. There are little challenges and side missions all around the city that get you EP (which is the currency you can buy upgrades with). You can infiltrate military bases by stealthily consuming the base's commander (who walks around outside) to take on his appearance. Inside, you can consume soldiers to take on their abilities, which range from weapon skill upgrades to the ability to drive tanks.

                          Some of the attacks in the game are pretty ridiculous, but they still blend well into the feel of the game. For instance, you can jump off of a building and power kick a flying helicopter which promptly explodes and falls to the ground. However, like I said, it doesn't feel silly at all while you're actually doing it. It's completely within the realm of the character's capabilities in the game universe, and the game makes it believable.

                          Lots of fast-paced action and good fun. It's one of those games where you can single-handedly take out a whole military base, then just hop onto a rooftop and flee until the cops/army lose you. I'd definitely recommend it. It's worth at least trying the demo.


                            to me this game looks good, but knowing that it probably short, its kind of downside but i just wanna try it, cause i wanna wonder around central park and maybe find my house around the block. i'll try the demo.
                            Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


                              Originally posted by RobotBanana View Post
                              I personally think it's a great game. Now, I bought it for the 360, but I know that there's quite a few bugs in the PC version. But as far as gameplay and story go, I love it. It has an Assassin's Creed-esque feel to it, but with guns, cars, tanks (which you can actually drive), choppers. Unlike Assassin's Creed though, the entire map is explorable. I haven't encountered a single building that you can't climb right to the top of, and you can move to any point on the side of the building that you want. You don't need to jump from ledge to ledge. And once you're up there on a building, you can glide around. Hopping from rooftop to rooftop and running on the sides of buildings is very fast-paced and a cool way to get around the city.
                              O_o took the words right out of my mouth!!!!
                              IMO its the best open world game i have EVER played. if you actually go and try to do all of the side missions it is a rather long game, and the story is pretty in depth.


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