Originally posted by BigTwinky
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Age of Conan
LOL, thats true. I downloaded and did the early thing too... Let me know Twinky, always glad to meet new adventurers.
Only took me about 5 hours to download the 14GB installer and then I'd say another 30-45 minutes to install the game and download ~1GB of updates and complete the install.[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v337/Igorod/troopdod.jpg[/img]
{CLR} Naillik
I just spent the last hour on all their websites. I want it so bad. I am getting it. SOOOO AWESOME
I couldn't find any system requirements.... And 30 G install? Bye bye BF2, TF2, all my other games...The whole "Real combat" looks amazing, I think I'm going to start with some kind of caster, I've been waiting for a game that has an active casting system.. Never dreamed it would be in an MMO
I am still loving it. Level 26 now. The graphics are great, the gameplay is fun and the combat system is pretty darn nice. There seems to be a real mix of caster/healer/melee and I don't really see anyone complaining about there class in game. Amazing, hehe.
{CLR} Naillik
Can anyone explain how the combat system works? Like on the website it only says you control every bit and choose where to hit, but how? Same with casting if anyone knows
For melee, at low level, you have a choice of 3 directions to hit the enemy (left, front, right). At higher level, you have other choices (max 5 i think).
When you target the enemy, they have shield icons around them. They have 3 icons in total which can be arranged in different places. Say 1 left, 1 right, 1 top. Or you can have 2 top 1 right. This indicates where they are the most guarded (more shields = more guarded).
So if I see a mob with 2 shields top and 1 shield right, I'll be swinging to the left as it does more damage.
If you keep pounding on someone on the same side, they typically change their protection to add more protection to that side.
Typical fight has a mob coming at you with 1 shield on all sides. I bash them in the head, they move all 3 shields to the front. So my next swing goes to one of the sides.
Some of the combo moves you have require you to hit on a specific side. Example, I can make someone bleed when I hit my Bleeding Style and then hit them on the LEFT. So I bash them first over the head or on the right, to get them to move their shields, then I do my combo on the side for more damage + bleed.
When you are a fighter, you also have a shield and you decide where you put your own shield points.[this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
So all you get is this crappy text]
Casting is more like standard MMO game play, target someone, cast your spell.
I have only played a caster to level 8 though (and considering 1-5 takes like 20 mins, thats not much time).
From what I see, many casts are either target casts or area of effect. Area of effect gives you a circle radius you place on the ground to decide where it will be casted. So if you are trying to do AE on a group of mobs running at you, you need to know your spell cast timer and be able to drop the spell ahead of where the mobs are running in order to get them in the spell effect area.
At higher levels, you also have mounted combat, where you will use directionals to decide if you swing to the right of your mount, left, or if you hit the middle directional, you make your mount attack.
I've read that you can have a horse, rhino or mammoth.
The melee system is fun when in a small group or solo. I was grouped with 5 friends, 3 of us meleers, taking down 7 mobs and there was so much stuff going on I had issues seeing my target, my target's shield positions and so on.
I haven't had much time to play, but the game so far feels like most MMOs feel. The graphics are amazing, character creation is very detailed. However, the UI is garbage.
I've played:
Assassin to level 13
Dark Templar to level 12
Bear shaman to level 8
Demonologist to level 8
Still trying to get a feel for different classes. Some totally suck from 1-19, but scale up pretty fast 20+[this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
So all you get is this crappy text]
{CLR} Naillik
I am playing a Herald of Xotli still. Level 30 now, still enjoying it immensely. More group quests going on at this level but still no need to group if you don't want to. No grinding at all so far. Gathering resources is nice since you can train to gather all resources but competition is fierce at this point for the nodes. Nodes are fixed and dont respawn but regain health like an opponent with 10% of resource being taken for each item harvested. Thus, a full node grants you 10 of that resource.
I'll have it soon...
Does it cost monthly as well, like WoW?[url="http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/19030358"]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics - lolking.net[/url] - My LoL stats etc
[URL="http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4b6dbfab44e82"]http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4b6dbfab44e82[/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.
I think its $15.99 per month if you pay monthly. $14.99 per month if you pay for 3 months and so on...typical MMO price.
You do have 30 free days and they are going to get a buddy key system going so if you have a friend who is playing, he can give you his buddy key and you can try the game for free for x amount of days (probably 10).
Gaming wise, I haven't had time at all to play, and when I do, I've been shocked at the leveling difference between classes. I tried a Bear Shaman and they are horrible 1-15... I mean really horrible. They are supposed to get better post 20, but man, taking on 1 mob at a time, 2 max with a big chance of dying makes for long questing.
Compared to the Tempest of Set, who is one shotting mobs 1-8 with an AE lightning spell. So wait for them to stand close together, cast 1 spell, 3 die.
How as the Herald been in leveling?[this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
So all you get is this crappy text]
Got 5 free buddy keys with the Special Edition of the game. They're for 7 days each. Not sure if there's a download option or if you're supposed to install off your friend's DVDs though, I'll have to look when I get home from work.[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v337/Igorod/troopdod.jpg[/img]
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