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ArmA 2

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    ArmA 2

    This is such a good looking game...with the right mods it is as real as it gets.


    It does look good. I've been leary of getting it because I bought +1 and didn't like the graphics or the feel at all. I know that you like this one, MM...maybe I'll have to check it out sometime.


      Question is: What sort of system do you need to run it like the pics?


        Well from what ive been reading Arma 2 shipped with SLI broken and CF fired....
        Im redownloading the demo gona give a few settings a tweak.
        I was getting like 30ish fps and both my CPU's and GPU's where idle on 1900x1200 resolution.

        Redownloaded and fiddled with every setting I could find in game and in Nhancer. Something is broken. With basic AA enabled i lost 10 fps. But any other setting changed nothing and the game was still jerky. Even went as far as to lower Resolution and that had like a 2 fps effect. Maybe its just the demo but im not taking the chance. From the looks of those screens they where taken at uber resolutions on a supercomputer lol tri sli/quad or CF.

        Im glad you like it Mad and it looks sweet but until i hear about a solid fix im not touching it. Ive downloaded the demo about 7 times now and every time ive given up frustrated.
        Last edited by Donziboy2; 12 Oct 2009, 11:22 PM.


          I use a AMD Phenom 9500 and a GeForce 8800 GTS and I play it Online (I have Fios and 40ish ping). Only problems I have run into are a few random glitches and sometimes a heavy server load will make it lag a bit. I like the lift choppers which allow you to transport vehicles to the battle quickly. Trouble is there's not always one around and have spent 15-20 minutes driving across the map. Also aimable artillery with multiple type rounds. (Laser guided Copperheads if someone has a designator, HE, White Phosphorus, illumination, smoke, SADARM) MLRS, laser guided bombs, towable artillery, real weather, Great enemy AI, ect. ect. ect, not to mention downloadable content. Someone even came up with a way to put their unit patches on uniforms and vehicles. I don't like the night vision and that is being worked on.



            How many players does it hold ??


              64 It does take plenty of power to run especially if you like all the eye candy, but even with settings turned down it looks pretty good. It's the realism I like.


                Madhatter, look up the Spartan servers, they almost always have an admin on so its usually pretty civilized in there and vehicles are easy to get to

                And cain its takes 1 hell of a server to keep up with this game there is so much goin on.


                  IVe played ALLOT of both Arma I and II....if you are into the team based tactical side there is nothing that beats it. In game VOP and Chat is very structured as well ie. Commander,Side,Team,Fireteam channels.

                  Custom made missions is what makes the game. Nothing like doing a 2hr mission with a group of highly skilled players.


                    Yeah...that's what I've been doing. When you have guys in the air with A-10s Cobras and Harriers, and guys on artillery, an Armored column, Blackhawks and APCs bringing in's a beautiful thing to see.


                      Where do you play?? Tactical Gamer have the best Arma servers


                        Well since Cain dosn't run a COD server anymore, I am on =7thCav=Tactical Realism.


                          jaw is still falling.

                          question, in one of the pics, there are two armed soldiers walking by jets, and two officers talking by them. What is up with the officers? and in vidoes I have watched, there are all kinds of civvies and stuff running around, are those scenario games with random npc characters or are people playing them?


                            YEs you can play Civi's...Custom missions bring allot of different things to the game and is great...

                            I remember playing a mission where I was on the civilian team and we were taliban Allies.. The US were coming in to wipe the taliban out and we walked around freely and when the time was right, we went to crates, got our AK's, and wiped them out


                              WOW! So it sounds like BF2, but better. Can I have a link to buy it?


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                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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