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ArmA 2

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    You can download it from steam or buy it at Best Buy or Fry's or wherever. I have been in scenerios where there are random npc civilians. In fact there are quite a few factions in the game. Blueforce, Opfor, CDF, Insurgents, civilians. I have seen Blueforce broken up into USMC, USAF, and ARMY. The maps are so large they put gas stations in many of the towns. Here's some eye and ear candy....
    Last edited by Zantheus; 22 Nov 2009, 10:19 AM.


      I also played on the 7thcav dom servers. I think with more free time now I'll get back into this game . Madhatter, have any new addons been released that are a must have? I see my VOPSound is still at 2.1 and also works .

      And my favorite video has always been this one. The plane crash at the start is awesome.


        I'm still getting used to playing the game. I havn't checked out many mods other than the cav's core mod. We use Ventrillo in game.


          Excellent post again, MADHATTER.

          One thing newer games do taht I dont understand, like CoD, is call the "terrorists" OpFor, which as far as I know, means Opposing Force, and is the term we use to identify them.
          Why would they call themselves that? Or do they not fly under one banner so it is just much easier to classify them as that for the sake of the game?


            OpFor simply means opposing force. In the case of ArmA II it usually means Russia. Why they chose Russia for the OpFor may have something to do with the East European programers that made the game.


              I know it means opposing force, I said that??
              Most of the levels are in Europe and such? Not the middle east?

              I was just asking a general question that I first though of from CoD4. I would always complain that the militia types would probably not call themselves "OpFor".
              I like MEC, but that is fictional as far as I know, and doesn't necessarily encompass all of the fighters in the Mideast.


                Just click on the map in the earlier post and you will see that the names of the towns are in russian. In the game when you are driving down the road, all the signs are in russian. The map is a fictional country. But many of the towns and even the layout of the buildings and the buildings themselves are real places that have been shuffled around to make a more realistic looking environment. People have made maps of middle eastern settings that use more terrorist or insurgent type of OpFor. Back in the Operation Flashpoint days one of my favorite mod was the FDF (Finnish Defence Force) Mod. It used maps from a Northern Finland/Russian border setting, many were winter maps.


                Last edited by MR_MADHATTER; 25 Nov 2009, 01:03 AM.


                  A.C.E. 2 beta released! Was playing the marksman role in a 4 person squad (we were all on teamspeak) this morning messing around in some night ops MP domination and it was an awesome experience . Scope mil adjustments, wind, attaching chem lights to your shoulder and usable backpacks! It is very confusing to install so if you need help just ask.









                    Looks like an interesting game.

                    Is TrackerIR worth the money to go with this?
                    ??Click me to donate??


                      If you plan to fly a lot then yes I would say it could be worth it. Another option is FreeTrack - support for it was just added in the latest patch.



                        I`ll think to buy this game. Looks pretty good.


                          Originally posted by marvindecrain View Post
                          I`ll think to buy this game. Looks pretty good.
                          "Looks" can be deceiving. (infact my game look terrible) lol, I wasted my money on this game, thinking it will be better then the demo version. If you like operation flashpoint then you will like this. In my opinion, I dont see how people on the web call this a simulator. My experience with the game wasn't all that great. Too many commands to figure out what im trying to do. And for some god unknown reason you spawn in the middle of no where, you'll spend 30 mins or more running *cough *cough (walking) to nearest town to find out there is no battle.

                          Dont get me wrong, some people will like it, but this game sits lonely in the left field from the rest of the games.


                            I have the ACE 2.0 mod with a ranger extention for our group. It's AWESOME!!

                            Caddy I understand where you are coming from. It is the kind of game that most people will hate. I did. I wish the controls were a little more user friendly but they aren't. But for alot of us there was always something there that kept bringing us/me back. That's why I kept at it until I could somewhat master it. Let's face it, something this detailed is gonna take a while to learn. For me it's worth the extra effort. That's why the group I joined has regular weekly practice to be proficient. This is not for the single lone player. You need to have organization for there to be success. I don't know what map/scenario you were playing to spawn in the middle of nowhere. Transportation is an important part of the game. Not just for armor or aircraft but just for basic travel. Try a Domination or Warfare server. This is the only game I play now...except for a quick trip to the TF2 server to remind me of what I left behind and why. IMO there is no other game than ARMA II.


                              You should definately watch this in HD and full screen on Youtube.




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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                  7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

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