One of the first games I started to play online was Command and Conquer: Renegade, a first/third person strategical shooter for the PC released back in 2003. Base on the popular series Command and Conquer, Renegade takes place in the same time era during the war between GDI and Nod.
In the single player campaign, you start as a commando called "Havoc", a high skilled and tough soldier who fights for GDI. With his spunk, he makes decisions that he feels are right - despite if it may get him in trouble with his superior's. To make matters worse, his mercenary ex-wife, Sakura, works for Nod and Havoc must fight the Nod and her to save the world.
Multiplayer is fantastic though. You join as either GDI or Nod on premade maps, but the objective is always the same; destroy the enemy base, by any means. Each side both have the same number of buildings and same capabilities. Each building has it's own unique purpose. For instance, each side has a building called a "Power Plant", if this building is destroyed, the cost of all class/character and vehicle purchases are doubled. If a building takes damage, it can be repaired by an Engineer with a Repair Gun. Once any building is destroyed, it can no longer serve it's function nor be repaired.
Also in multiplayer, each side has their own array of free or purchasable classes or characters and vehicles to choose from. Basic classes are things like Infantry; your basic fighter with an automatic rifle, Flame Trooper (Nod) or Grenadier (GDI); both effective against vehicles and close range infantry, Shotgun Trooper; very effective on close range infantry, and Engineer; your basic unit that can repair buildings, vehicles and even players, but can also effectively destroy enemy buildings if able to get inside them.
That's pretty much both sides of the game in a nutshell. If you all like Team Fortress 2 as much as I do, you may find that Command & Conquer: Renegade is just as fun. I think our community has a lot of fun together, especially in demonstrating team work. This game is very team based intensive, without cooperation you are going to fail. And with the team work we have, what reason do we have not to play this together?
