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Battlefield Play 4 Free

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    Battlefield Play 4 Free

    Who is playing this ??

    Battlefield Play4Free - EA Games

    Set in the modern theatre of war Battlefield Play4Free is a first person shooter with realistic graphics.

    Battlefield Play4Free combines the very best of the Battlefield series – updated, classic maps and vehicles of Battlefield 2, the definitive classes and powerful weapons of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 as well as the addictive RPG-style leveling and customization system of Battlefield Heroes.

    As the game’s title suggests, all of this is available online to players - completely for free, using the groundbreaking Play4Free model pioneered by Battlefield Heroes.


    * All out warfare online. Battlefield Play4Free contains the best of the Battlefield series including all-out vehicular warfare, sandbox gameplay and intense 32-player battles.
    * Featuring the most popular maps from Battlefield 2, combined with the familiar classes and powerful weapons of Battlefield: Bad Company 2, players have access to 16 vehicles including the F35 VTOL jet fighter and the massive Russian T-90 main battle tank.
    * Experience the career of a professional soldier. With a depth as yet unrivalled in the free to play space players progress through the game while acquiring a huge number of combat skills and earning credits. These can not only be spent on a massive array of devastating weapons and equipment, but also to craft their own, individual soldier with a unique way of engaging the enemy. No two soldiers are the same.
    * A next-generation free-to-play shooter. Battlefield Play4Free is the only realistic free, online FPS which rivals HD console titles in its graphics, polished production values, depth and realism – taking the genre to the next level.

    I just signed up


      Check it out and let me know about it.




          Originally posted by Caddys83 View Post



            Battlefield Play4Free - Teaser Trailer - Cain's Lair Forums

            Cain's Lair Forums - View Single Post - Battlefield Play4Free - Teaser Trailer


              Lol where did you copy and paste that bit from Cain?
              Personally havent tried it, probably like everyone else who talks it down, but I have only heard bad things.


                Yesterday they had a new map called Omen. I guess its the BF2 version "Gulf of Omen"

                EA send me a few emails to come help stress test their servers (so they say). I remember the lag part in the game. Everything was dark too. I didn't like it. I just couldn't get the feel of it.




                  It sounds like BF2 that is FREE and has only 32 players?

                  Does it have VOIP, and does that work?


                    Thats what it is. BF2 with 32 players. Although the beta only have one map. I think 2 now with the Omen map. Some things are different. One that stands out with me that I can recall is you can either rank up or buy your weapons. As far as the graphics beening updated. To me, they seem grainy or something like in the clips. Maybe I'll try it again see whats new.

                    Oh and I cant recall if voip work.


                      Battlefield Play4Free FAQ - Forum - Free Shooter Game - Online shooter - Battlefield Heroes

                      What is Battlefield Play4Free?
                      Battlefield Play4Free is an all-new free-to-play game from the same team that created Battlefield Heroes. It?s a first person shooter with realistic graphics and is set in the modern theatre of war ? featuring the opposing forces of Russia and the US battling it out with modern weapons, equipment and vehicles.

                      What are some of the features in the game?
                      Battlefield Play4Free combines features and content from several different Battlefield games. We call it ?the best of Battlefield?
                      ?32 players!
                      ?New updated PC engine with HD console quality graphics ? high resolution artwork and post-processing effects
                      ?The weapons and equipment of Battlefield Bad Company 2
                      ?The factions and classes of Battlefield Bad Company 2
                      ?Maps are updates of classic BF2 maps like Strike at Karkand
                      ?Vehicles are familiar BF2 classics (Yes, that includes helicopters and jets!)
                      ?The leveling, abilities and deep visual and gameplay customization of Battlefield Heroes
                      ?Free-to-play, quick to download and low system specs like Battlefield Heroes

                      How long have the team been working on it?
                      We started work in January 2010, with a full team working on it since August.

                      Why did you make this game?
                      Community feedback (LOTs of it and for that we thank all of you) and our own research into the Battlefield Heroes audience and free-to-play shooter fans generally told us that you are pretty hardcore, and the majority of you actually really like and want modern, military-style shooters.

                      So we decided to take what we?ve learned from Battlefield Heroes and create a brand new, modern, military shooter; taking the most popular features of Battlefield Heroes and bringing them into a whole new setting with the help of content and features from other Battlefield titles.

                      When does Battlefield Play4Free come out?
                      Closed Beta will start November 30th, 2010. Open Beta is scheduled for early 2011.

                      Can I use my Battlefield Heroes account for Battlefield Play4Free?
                      When registering for and once you start playing Battlefield Play4Free, we encourage you to use your existing Battlefield Heroes account, but you can?t move characters between the two games.

                      What kind of items will there be in the Battlefield Play4Free store?
                      Very similar to the selection for Battlefield Heroes. Visual customization items, weapons, widgets (although they won?t be called that) etc.

                      How do I sign up for The Battlefield Play4Free beta?
                      Easy! Go to and enter your email address (make sure to use your existing Heroes email address if you already play it) ? we?ll contact you with a beta key as soon as a slot opens up for you.

                      Are there any other ways I can get access to the closed beta?
                      The very first people to get access to the Battlefield Play4Free closed beta will be key selected members of the Battlefield Heroes community.

                      There will be other ways to get access, keep checking our Battlefield Play4Free Facebook and Twitter for details.

                      How can I stay up-to-date with the latest Battlefield Play4Free news?
                      The best way to grab the latest news and updates from the Battlefield is to follow our Facebook and Twitter

                      Are you stopping work on Battlefield Heroes?
                      Absolutely not! Our Battlefield Heroes work plans are unchanged. These are some of the things that are still coming:
                      ?Deep Space 2
                      Take the Isaac look a step back in time and enter on the battlefield dressed as the alien slaying engineer from Dead Space 2
                      ?Two more game modes
                      ?Christmas Specials
                      Join us this festive season as the temperatures chill and the battlefield becomes a more ruthless war zone than ever before with bone chilling colds and the seemingly endless snow fall. Not only that, but you will also have the chance to get your hands on never before seen goodies, including... scoped guns!
                      ?Bug Fixes
                      Along with all of these awesome new features and epic chunks of content we have been working hard on fixing many of those pesky bugs you have been reporting to us. With the help of your feedback we are crushing those bugs.

                      Do I get anything cool if I play both games?
                      Between November 5th, 2010 and the start of the Battlefield Play4Free Open Beta
                      ?Win at least one round in Battlefield Heroes
                      ?Play in the Battlefield Play4Free Closed Beta

                      What you get:
                      ?A special Battlefield Play4Free Closed Beta forum tag on Battlefield Heroes.
                      ?A special Battlefield Play4Free Closed Beta medal in Battlefield Heroes.
                      ?A special Battlefield Heroes medal in Battlefield Play4Free.
                      ?A special Battlefield Heroes forum tag on Battlefield Play4Free.

                      Play in the Battlefield Play4Free Open Beta and get:
                      ?A special Battlefield Play4Free Open Beta forum tag.

                      What is your priority ? Battlefield Heroes or Battlefield Play4Free?
                      Both are prioritized equally. Battlefield Heroes already has a huge community and is a very important game to us (it?s EA?s biggest Play4Free game). Battlefield Play4Free, however, is in a heavy development phase and therefore needs quite a bit of attention too.

                      What game is better, Battlefield Heroes or Battlefield Play4Free?
                      Despite sharing a lot of similarities, both games are very different in feel. Battlefield Heroes is more light-hearted, arcade-like and cartoony. Battlefield Play4Free is more serious, realistic, violent and gritty.

                      We enjoy playing both.

                      Will I be able to use my Battlefunds in Battlefield Play4Free?
                      Yes! As long as you use the same account for both games, your Battlefund balance will be shared between both games!

                      Can I use my VP or HP in Battlefield Play4Free?
                      Nope ? Battlefield Play4Free will have two new currencies to replace VP and HP, so these will not be shared between games

                      I?ve been playing Heroes forever, do I get a reward for this in Battlefield Play4Free?
                      We are working hard on creating lots of cool connections between the titles, but are not talking about them at the moment. Imagine unlocking cool stuff in Battlefield Play4Free if you have done something (hit a level, done a mission) in Battlefield Heroes, and vice-versa. We want you guys to play and enjoy both games, so we will work on rewards for doing so.

                      So you are just trying to get us to spend money in two games then? Damn money-grabbing EA?
                      Definitely not. You guys are free to choose whether to buy Battlefunds or play for free in both titles. The vast majority of Heroes players never spend any money, and we expect this to also be the case for Battlefield Play4Free.

                      We also expect Battlefield Play4Free to bring in a whole new audience, who were put off Battlefield Heroes by the cartoony graphics and less serious feel of the game.

                      How does Battlefield Play4Free relate to Battlefield 3?
                      Like our connections with Battlefield Heroes, we are working on deep connections between Battlefield Play4Free and the upcoming Battlefield 3. If you plan to play Battlefield 3, we would advise you get into Battlefield Play4Free at the earliest opportunity!!


                        I have a few Battlefield Play4Free beta codes available if any CLRs would like to try out this game, just send me a PM.
                        I'm not the best...I'm DEAD_SNIPER{CLR} MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA


                          I've played it. Not really to keen on it. Theres no VoIP, no prone. Currently only 2 maps.


                            Battlefield Play4Free is now in open beta and available to everybody . Feel free to add me as a friend if you play this game, player name: [vincent]
                            I'm not the best...I'm DEAD_SNIPER{CLR} MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA


                              i don't really like this at all. I will stick to BC2 for now.


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Apache Warrior
                                Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                :O hey Pidgeot!

                                Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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