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Guild Wars

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    Guild Wars

    An awesome MMORPG you can pick up at almost any store. It is free each month and includes features like making your own guild complete with cape, hall, and tag (maybe Cain's Lair? ) Plus 6 proffesion and an additional 2 with the Guild Wars Factions Expansion Pack. The expansion pack can work as a stand-alone game or with regular guild wars for combined action (however, i suggest buying Guild Wars first because it teaches more concepts of the game and is longer ) The proffesions are:

    Elementalist: Mage mastering the elements and using attacks of water, fire, lightning, and earth

    Mesmer: Mage mastering Hexes

    Monk: Basic healer who can release holy wrath

    Warrior: Heavily armored unit equipped with a sword, axe, or hammer

    Necromancer: Evil monk who can summon fleshy undead beings from corpses

    Ranger: Master of bow and arrow who can tame and use an animal companion in combat

    Ritualist (Factions only): Communer of the undead. Can summon stationary spirits to fight in combat

    Assassin (Factions only): Master of dual daggers. Quick Agile soldier who can teleport up to enemies to destroy them easily

    Note: You can chose your proffesion and a secondary one to add to your fun.

    With over 20 co-op missions in guild wars and over 10 in factions, Guild Wars makes a fun game to play with other people. Your guild may war with other guilds in Guild Vs. Guild to take the title of best Guild in the world. With players from Asia, Europe, and America, Guild Wars proudly presents the title of World's Largest Gaming Community. If any of you decide to play, add Ronin Kiroshima (thats me) and i will help you out. Go to to learn more.

    Post here of what you think and vote in my poll on what pro you wanna be

    I think if Cain's Lair started playing this and made their own guild, we could easily beat all because of our largness, and our strong friendships.

    i have a Necromancer! cool proff imo


      arent guild wars server controlled by the company who makes the game?
      If so cain cant run a server for it


        yeah, you can't host servers.
        but if you have a guild, you gonna have a little island just for the guild members so they can talk etc. plus, you can do guild vs. guild wars and 1v1's. i haven't done any of that :O they have ladders and all that kind of stuff


          I have a monk/mesmer (maxed)
          A necro/mesmer (maxed)
          and a ritualist/necro (maxed)

          I love being the healer that saves people's butt.
          It is a great feeling winning HoH as monk.

          But in general it all depends on how you play the game and if you do pvp or not. Builds for pvp differ a lot compared to those of p/e.
          So there isn't the one class that owns them all.

          How about creating a Cains Lair Guild?
          Please like Pocket Radio Player on Facebook to support this little Freeware app.


            we could do that! i would join


              I have a lvl 20 Warrior, and Ele. Currently I also have a Necro, Monk, Ranger, and Assassin. The Alliance I am in also owns Cavalon...


                Yeah, sorry if there was some confusion about that

                Yeah, I know Arenanet only hosts the server. What i meant was for us to make our own guild. I would deffinetly join, all who are playing and who will soon be playing, add Ronin Kiroshima to your friends list!



                  It must be nice to be in the alliance that owns the capital of the jade sea. If we were to make the guild, what would we be? Luxon or Kurzick? I am a luxon.


                    I have a ranger, and he sucks lol. Games too complicated and like I said in the other guild wars thread (or is this the same?) it takes forever to complete some things because you have to kill everything, unless you are a really really exprienced player who can just run through it.


                      My name is thedeadlyassassin, I wonder what I should pick

                      (i dont have factions though)


                        I just got factions after playing the original campaign for over a year, and right now my machine is downloading over 4,000 files worth of updates for that new nightfall expansion. I"m so behind the times.

                        I have a lvl 20 warrior/mnk named Socrates The Mauler and I"ve just created a necro/ritualist named Irwin The Unholy.

                        I'd wear a CLR cape if someone created a guild. Ya'll feel free to hit me up in game.


                          I have a cheracter for every main profession in the game i had 2 accounts for the game i also have every second dary for my primarry classes. its pretty cool hacvin a solo monk. It all depends on what you want to do with it.


                            Woot I just got factions!! too bad assassins die too fast in the campain, they are AWESOME pvp though, I can kill a caster 5 lvls ahead of me with 3 skills! too bad I can't kill monks though, since they in my opinion ruin pvp since it doesn't matter how good the damage dealer is its how good the monk is, and they make gvg seem endless.


                              I tried to play guild wars when it first came out, and DO have
                              a Mage/Monk combo.

                              It just doesn't seem to compare with WOW. IMO

                              Might get back to it if we actually have a CLR guild thing going.
                              ??Click me to donate??


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                                by Apache Warrior
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                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

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