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San Andreas??

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    San Andreas??

    Anybody ever played this game ??

    It has a LOT of players on-line ATM....

    i been wanting to try this Mod from GTA:San Andreas, you need an original store copy to play it, i think i read somewhere that if u buy from steam that it wont work. but i could be wrong. need to find more info about it. if u noticed servers can go up to 200slots .

    edit: btw the 2nd link is about a new mod MTA:deathmatch , the original multiplayer mod is here and if u go to the download page it tell you what u need in order to play.
    Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


      Oh man. That would be awesome.


        this would be sweet.

        Havent played SA in a while, would like to install it again....

        it was always fun spawning those helicopters...


          I don't have a lot of time to look into it in depth now Boss, but it does require San Andreas to work:

          In order to play and develop, it is necessary to download the game client installer. Together with Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, the client will form your working copy of Multi Theft Auto.
          I'm not sure this is much more than 20 bucks right now, and a lot of folks may have it. I know I do.


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            I love San Andreas, very fun game. Good car mechanics. I used to co-own the most populated MTA:race mod server about a year ago (right before I quit b/c I started playing bf2142...)

            As far as running a server, it's just a simple install and the config file is pretty easy. I wouldn't suggest running a SA-MP server (See below), and I think MTA:race has pretty much run it's course (pun intended...). MTAM is new, and MAYBE that'll pick up, but we'll see what happens.

            Anyway, it's a little confusing, but San Andreas Multi Player (SA-MP) and MultiTheftAuto (MTA) are not the same thing - they are completing groups.

            I've outlined below the 3 basic incarnations of multiplayer mods for San Andreas. There's more details, but you probably don't want them.

            MTA:Race came out first. It was meant as a tech demo for the MTA team, which had been pretty successful with MTA:Vice City... The deal is, as the name implies, it's a race game. So you can't get out of your car, or shoot people, or anything. Each race is a "map", and you spawn at the starting line and race checkpoints (it uses the in-game race checkpoint system, but the map maker places the checkpoints).

            SA-MP came out perhaps a year later (maybe a bit sooner..?) and offered the full San Andreas game as multiplayer. However, it suffers from some big issues. The first being that the gun mechanics are just pretty bad.. you basically can hit someone who is running. Car collision mechanics are also pretty bad. The other big issues is the "what now?" factor. Ok, great.. you're in the San Andras world running around with other people - now what? There are no randomly-generated pedestrians or cars. So on the entire map of San Andreas (which is -HUGE-) there are only 100 people. It gets boring, quickly. I used to spend most of my time being like "no no, wait at the airport, I'll be there in a second.. Crap you died. Ok where'd you spawn? Ok I'll be there.."

            MTAM just came out with a public beta. The MTA team decided they wanted to put out a quality release, which was smart, but they took a very long time doing this, and they lost a lot of loyal fans (myself included) because bigger and better games came along and many people just got bored of waiting around. However, the wait has produced some interesting results. The gun and car mechanics are excellent, and it's got a REALLY impressive LUA scripting system. Unfortunately, the scripting is a little bit too complicated and intimidated for the casual map designer. That was one of the things about Race, making a map was REALLY easy, so it was pretty fun.

            One more thing. The biggest difference between MTA and SA-MP is that with MTA the main world is customizable. In both games you're always stuck in the San Andreas map, but with MTA they have the ability to add objects that occur in the map. In other words, if you see a house or a stretch of road, you can add it somewhere else in the map. In the race mod, this was used to make custom race tracks up in the sky using pieces of highway and such. With DM, you can add building objects to terrain and make your own new city.. etc.


              OK here is their Wikki...

              I'm really gonna take a hard look at this, it may be lots of fun!!

              Main Page - SA-MP


                wow that's a lot of people for a game that is many years old!


         - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC Game ROCKSTAR - PC Games


                    Can the server handle 200 people?


                      My new one can .........


                        I've played GTA:SA multiplayer. It gets old quick.


                          Actually i still play my PS2 version til this day, i am finally at 98.2% I can't seem to finish it! I think its pretty fun, but u dont win or lose anything, kinda like WOW (never played it) just go around and gun friends.


                            I just bought the game at WalMart for $9.98 in the jewel case only last week and I spend too much time beating up and killing hookers and drug dealers for their money.

                            Don't know what MP may be like but it could be fun.


                              I bought it too for 9.98 I'm, gonna look into a server maybe a test one this weekend...


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                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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