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Left 4 Dead

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    Left 4 Dead

    Left 4 Dead

    Sadly, I actually posted this game in our OLD forums about 2 years ago, and it keeps being delayed time after time. I realize that they are tweaking the crap out of it, but some games I'd rather wait a year to even HEAR about, instead of showing us a 40% functional alpha build that 'sorta' runs.

    Latest has this game being delivered in November ... but they didn't say what YEAR either. This will be, hands down, the BEST co-op game out, and other than Serious Sam, we don't have any other co-op games worth even mentioning.

    I think it will be an incredible gaming experience, but I'll guess that a max player count will be 16, so running a server will only net us 16 players for each game. I'm sure Cain wants more than 16, but 32 may screw up the playability. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think in one of the play modes, once you get zombified, you are then on team Zombie and start hunting the remaining humans ?
    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


      I want to play that one here just so everyone on the Zombies side can chat "BRAINS!" every time the urge strikes us. It'll be like playing Pirates and hearing "Yargh!" all the time. Awesome.


      Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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        Me & Major Massacre have talked about this game heavly and plan on buying it when it comes out. We hope Cain will put it up on the server but WalkinTargets right there are not enough player slots for this game and yes Cain would want more than 16 players too play at a time.

        Maybe just maybe there can be a few more players eased in that will not mess up the game.


          Boy.. this looks like a lot of fun! I haven't seen/heard of the game before this, but it looks like an interesting game. I have always loved Co-op games, and there seems to be a lack of those on PC.

          According to Gamespot, the release date is Nov 4, 2008, but who knows if that will really happen.

          Lots o' info and gameplay videos

          EDIT: It appears there is some info that came out in E3 '08, the link is on the site above.
          Last edited by H0ly-H@nd-Gr3nade; 16 Jul 2008, 04:18 PM.
          "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a Communist."
          - Dom Helder Camara


            I was wrong on the player count, as it stands. Its only .. FOUR !!! Ughhh .... The game looks great, but its waaaay too fast in the videos I've seen.
            Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


              Originally posted by WalkinTarget View Post
              I was wrong on the player count, as it stands. Its only .. FOUR !!! Ughhh .... The game looks great, but its waaaay too fast in the videos I've seen.
              Actually the player count is 8, that being 4v4. obviously 4 players r the humans and the other 4 players r the special zombies such as the "tank", "Plague", or that long arm one (dont know his name). But here is the cool... scratch that the AWESOME part, the 4 zombies are accompanied by dozens of regular(stupid - "BRIANS!") zombies which will multiply in number from encounter to encounter depending on the human's skill level. This multiplying of zombies is controlled by the "AI Director", an AI that tracks the group of humans skill and increases or decreases the amount of zombies encountered along with other things. The developers also said that when u play as the humans u will not be able to tell the difference from a computer zombie and a human zombie as the actions visually seem so alike. Also players cannot be regular zombies as the developers thought it would be weird/stupid to see one smart zombie in the middle of a dozen stupid ones.

              I cant wait to be that long arm zombie... the demo video showed one on top of a tall building and reach all the way down and try to grab one of the players and pull him up... it was awesome!


                Also i don't believe the game is a server game, i believe that it will be a hosting game.

                here is a game video and a trailor. i think u should watch them:



                  Cool video!!

                  Hmm i have read something about it 4vs4 but that was another way to play it. It will be only 4 COOP mode. I have to read it again


                    my bad i forgot to say the 4vs4 gameplay was only an option of many and not the only option.

                    Also i just found out a few more abilities of the "AI Director", when combat starts it will increase the bass and treble and i cant believe that it tracks this (didnt even know it was possible), it will monitor how much u move ur mouse around to gauge how agitated u r and may throw in a boss zombie or two if u r handling situation well or ease the combat a bit if u r struggling. The developers said that they want the game to be fun no matter if ur a pro gamer or a recreational gamer.

                    They also said that they made the game to have no mercy or pity for players who wonder off on there own and try to go "rambo style" (they actually said rambo style... cool).

                    Also the game has a 3 strikes rule, if u fall down and have no med pack 3 times in a row u will die and it will be game over for you. But i do think if u fall down twice with no med pack then again with one then again without one u will still die and the 3 strikes does not start over.


                      I find it VERY hard to make a fun 4 player co-op game...


                        Np Stealth

                        Sounds good about the other. 3 times death it's over for you cool.

                        K Phantom use the knife and you will be fine


                          Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                          I find it VERY hard to make a fun 4 player co-op game...
                          Yeah...I really only trust the game to be truly awesome, because Valve is making it, always trust the developers over concept in my opinion.


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                          • Reply to hey yall!
                            by Sirex
                            All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                            7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                          • Reply to hey yall!
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                            Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                            2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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