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Crysis ??

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    crysis SP is hands down the best experience ever. I used to finish this game once a day, and i still do. (I really like the first 4 levels). Dont worry about the graphics juneau, this is coming from someone who played the game at 800x600 all low. The gameplay of crysis is actually very good.

    For competitive MP i think crysis is not that good though, first of all, everybody hacks. I mean everybody. Secondly, the control is not as fluid as COD4. u know like in COD4 u can cancel your sprint if u wanna aim down the sight, and u can cancel your prone by running, etc. you can do everything really quickly. in Crysis, if you are srpinting and wanna aim down the sight, you have to stop first and wait until you are not moving then u can aim, or else nothing will happen. u cant cancel your prone by sprinting, when u press shift, u crawl more quickly instead. Not to mention you have to hold the crouch button or sprint button (its not a toggle). and then there is the BIGGEST issue of all: burst firing. If u fire in bursts, sometimes the bullets dont come out unless you do a long pause between each burst.

    Forgot to mention... they also cut down all the physics in MP, environment is dead, nothing can be picked up or destroyed.

    With all that, i think really crysis is great for SP. But MP is not suitable for competitive play.


      Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
      You can live with 25FPS? You have very low standards when it comes to gaming I cannot play anything less than 50.
      You little bugger! I used to be playing any game at a max of 20 FPS!!!!! Of course now, I get a constant 90 FPS on most games with max settings.... I'm gonna head out sometime this week and buy Bioshock and Crysis

      See how they run because half the people say they can run it well on an alright machine, and some say they can barely play on a godlike machine


        Yo Nail, you really haven't played Bioshock? Then you missing out on the second best single player game in History in my book, and I have played Pong before. I don't mean to change the subject, but Bioshock is a MUCH better game than Crysis will ever be. From storyline to gameplay, it is simply the best after GoW and GOW2


          Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
          Yo Nail, you really haven't played Bioshock? Then you missing out on the second best single player game in History in my book, and I have played Pong before. I don't mean to change the subject, but Bioshock is a MUCH better game than Crysis will ever be. From storyline to gameplay, it is simply the best after GoW and GOW2
          Half Life. 'Nuff Said.


            Originally posted by TEAMKILLERZ View Post
            Half Life. 'Nuff Said.
            Never played it, I might give it a try thou.

            Seen a couple gameplay videos, wasn't impressive to tell ya the truth.


              NEVER PLAYED IT?! Dude its like a requirement for all pc gamers to play half life!!!!


                Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                Never played it, I might give it a try thou.
                Freak. lol

                Back to Crysis, I think it's probably a complete no for 80% of all gamers, and only a few of that 20% who can play it will actually play it. I think Warhead would be the better idea, cause from everything I've heard now, lookin around on google, it's way too nutzy to run. Warhead though.....


                  I'm liking the warhead idea also. It should be a hoot with all the feedback they've gotten from the online game play in the original.
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                    Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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                    :O hey Pidgeot!

                    Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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