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Battle of the MMORPG's!

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    Battle of the MMORPG's!

    I suggest we all play Guild Wars 2 when it comes out. Why? It's going to be awesome. It's going to be free. And it's going to be team based.

    Here's just my opinion on the BATTLE OF MMORPGS!!!

    The gladiators = the 3 mmorpg's I've played and are probably 3 of the top mmorpgs.

    RuneScape vs Guild Wars vs World of Warcraft

    (best , middle, worst)

    So here's my opinion in each.


    Guild Wars - WoW - RuneScape (RS and WoW nearly tied after RS major graphic update)


    Guild Wars - WoW - RuneScape

    Skills (professions)

    RuneScape - WoW - Guild Wars

    Time Based

    RuneScape - WoW - Guild Wars


    Guild Wars - RuneScape - WoW


    WoW - Guild Wars - RuneScape


    RuneScape - Guild Wars - WoW

    Money based

    RuneScape - WoW - Guild Wars

    No Monthly fee

    Guild Wars - RuneScape - WoW (unless private server)

    Bug Free

    RuneScape - Guild wars - WoW (assuming you are on a private server)


    Guild Wars - WoW - RuneScape


    RuneScape - WoW - Guild Wars

    Grinding (leveling up via killing)

    RuneScape - WoW - Guild Wars


    Guild Wars - WoW - RuneScape

    Interaction with players not in your party

    WoW - RuneScape - Guild Wars

    Interaction with your party

    Guild Wars - WoW - RuneScape

    Winner of Deadly's best MMORPG award


    so... we should all get guild wars 2 when it comes out. You buy the game for about 50 bucks, and can play online for free, with tons of things to do. Fun PVP you can do, fun farming you can do, and overall a challenge. You get to the maximum level pretty fast. Some may hate that, but others like me may love that because that means the game is always a challenge. No being the maximum level and being able to help your friends beat the campaign easily. You must have a good team and build to be able to dominate.

    Great game, there isn't a release date but they said sometime in December is what they are aiming for.

    should be Guild Wars vs World of Warcraft.. I don't see how runescape is even in the same quality range of those 2.

    I may get GW2 when it comes out, seems interesting, but then again maybe not

    My here


    Guild Wars - WoW


    WoW - Guild Wars

    Skills (professions)

    WoW - Guild Wars

    Time Based

    Don't understand this one


    WoW and GW tie in this one, though the WoW one is more complex and pretty insanely epic..


    WoW - Guild Wars


    WoW - Guild Wars ... I never felt any sense of achievement when playing GW, other than capturing an elite skill... on the other hand, completing a raid or dungeon in WoW gives you fun, a sense of achievement, and items. GW rarely does this, and there are no instances, other than the directly storylined missions, which bored me.

    Money based

    Not understanding this one.

    No Monthly fee

    Guild Wars - WoW (obviously )

    Bug Free

    They tie in this one. the majority dont play on private servers.


    WoW - Guild Wars. Teamwork in guild wars was... tiny. A simple matter of kill the healer first then go have fun.


    WoW - Guild Wars.. Cmon, 20 levels in GW, 70 in WoW. A tiny limited world in GW vs. 2 huge worlds you dont have to go through loading screens to get around in.

    Grinding (leveling up via killing)

    WoW has more grinding than GW, in part I'm pretty sure because of the level caps. I rarely grinded in WoW, but people do, largely because some quests are too hard, and/or that ppl can get plenty of gold and XP by grinding certain mobs.


    Guild Wars - WoW.. powerleveling? seriously? lol

    Interaction with players not in your party

    WoW - Guild Wars

    Interaction with your party

    WoW - Guild Wars.. You rarely have to talk with your party in Guild Wars..

    Winner of Naillik's best MMORPG award


    lol..... I had to do that for myself

    GW is fun and all, but I don't think it has the same wow factor as WoW


      Sorry Nallik to say this but you seem like a noob to guild wars

      There are no "instances" there are dungeons. VERY rewarding and VERY challenging. In WoW, you kill a one dude and pray you don't aggro another. In GW, you kill a huge group and pray you don't aggro another.

      Kill the healer first? It's easier to kill the healer first in WoW. In Guild Wars, it requires a LOT of teamwork to be able to take down 1 monk... 1 simple monk. Watch one of the guild battles and you'll see what I mean.

      I mean by money based as money pays a big factor in the game. RuneScape requires money, without it you're weak.

      Oh for achievements, again in guild wars there are titles. They use to be rare until people complained that they were too hard to obtain (which is what they're suppose to be) so they toned them down a notch but made good rewards for those that got all the titles.

      How does WoW beat Guild Wars in PvP? In guild wars there are tons of arenas, tons of teamwork, and best of all guild battles. In WoW the only thing that you can do is enter one of the arenas or have a massive battle outside of town.

      In guild wars, the whole game is based on PvP strategy. No one team is better than the other in character, only the real person sitting behind the desk.

      Btw, how was teamwork in guild wars tiny? If you walked the world alone... you'd die.

      From what I see, there is no storyline in WoW. just do quests and be happy about it. Oh and there is horde vs alliance... but that's no real storyline. Guild wars has Luxon vs Kurzick.

      Yet again, if you know how to play guild wars, you always need to talk. Much more than in WoW.

      And for time based, I mean that it takes a LONG time to accomplish something. Besides titles, guild wars can be beat in about 3 days (if you're playing non stop that is). In WoW, it takes about 50 days to get lvl 70 if you're a hardcore player lol.


        50 days to 70 if your a hardcore player? I had 2 lvl 70's with about 24 full days.

        and forgot something - GW is a bunch of big instances. The normal game world for running around is an instance. Too much like a single player game for me. In WoW, you kill a group of people using CC skills and focusing on different targets. In GW, I never got anything decent other than some XP and gold from one of those "dungeons" (I assume by dungeon you mean things like sorrows furnace and fissure of woe?) and some mats for an item.
        I prefer a few really tough things to kill rather than a whole bunch of annoying little things.

        And about killing the healer first in GW, thats exactly my point..... The only thing that does require teamwork is killing a healer, lol. Sure you'll likely die trying to get from 1 place to the other without ppl, but there's the henchmen... easy peazy..

        Titles in GW are so common now that they arent really worth anythin imo... whereas becoming Champion of the Naruu or something similar in WoW gets you a bunch of nice jobs and woahs..

        GW pvp, there are arenas (no more than WoW), WoW has battlegrounds, which are loads more fun than the alliance battles in GW. You can attack and be attacked anywhere in WoW (for the most part), which adds to the risk/fun. cant forget to mention Halaa, or raids on the Horde towns and cities. Also, WoW pvp depends on gear as well as skilled positioning and playing. GW is just skill, and I prefer the achievement factor of killing a lvl 70 with full pvp gear while I am 69 and have average.

        There is a huge storyline in WoW for almost every area, and those stories are all linked to the grand overall story. Black Temple, Magtheridons Lair, Coilfang Resevoir, and Tempest Keep, are all linked together in a pretty epic way, which made Outland what it was. thats not even counting the story behind every single instance and raid in azeroth and outland.

        And I played GW for a while, about a year and a half with 8 lvl 20's

        another lol


          You must have not played recently. The Henchmen really suck. They did add heros, but a computer can never beat another player. You never got anything in fissure of Woe? You really must have only killed one thing and gave up. Last time I ventured in there I came out twice as rich.

          The game is based on player ability, no armor is better than the other, they just look a lot cooler.

          And little annoying things? Play Hardmode. Those little annoying things are destructive to the group besides just annoyance. Titles mean nothing? With titles you unlock new skills, builds, areas, and best of all... the coolest pet in the game.

          In WoW, is there a guild vs guild? I don't think so...

          And the storyline in wow. Are you serious about talking to Thrall about "hidden enemies" a decent storyline? I go kill a guy that plays no factor towards the game. Or I get told to go kill a million stupid boars.

          In Guild Wars, I get told to kill a boss surrounded by his army. Sure, you get told to kill bosses in WoW, but you can pick off his army 1 by 1, and that just ruins the challenge.

          And overall the thing I hate MOST about WoW. Some lvl 30's are better than others (NPCs Im talking about). I went near south shore in the hillsbrad hills or whatever to kill some dwarves. They said lvl 27-30. These things acted as lvl 40's. That I can't stand. If it's got the strength of a lvl 40... IT SHOULD BE A LVL 40. Even with elites... Guild wars had bosses, but they were at least recognized by a higher level. So there is no level 7 boss stronger than a level 7 creature in guild wars.

          And another reason I dislike WoW is it's a follow up from WC3. Factions was a followup from Prophecies in Guild Wars. WoW is nothing like WC3 (or at least the storyline). The Undead have no reason to be with the horde. The Draenei have no reason to be with the alliance... THEY WORKED WITH THE BLOOD ELVES.
          Ironically though, the blood elves should be with the alliance... because THEY ARE ON THE HUMAN TEAM IN SKRIMISH.

          And lastly, they are allied with Illidan and his Naga, yet they can raid and kill Illidan? I know they wanted to make it a challenge... but cmon...

          Oh... and Illidan was killed. I'm still confused to how he has returned


            you must not know the story of WoW all that well
            class is a major thing in WoW... thats probably the reason some things were harder to kill. it explains also why there are different BE's than illidans boys...
            And well the fact about things were harder than others is what I like... More challenge.. and the instances in WoW rarely have armies. You get told to go find this guy and kill him, go find this thing in this place, but you fight your way through. I prefer that over the typical GW "mission" thing, as in follow this single choice of path (in a big outdoor area?) to this, and kill it to proceed. In WoW you can pretty much stop when you feel like and not be limited to where you can go.

            Thing I absolutely hate about GW, is the gear. It's all the same. Half of an MMO is going around and finding great kinds of gear and other loot. GW with the fact that its rare to find a decent weapon, and half the time its more valuable if you just salvage it for mats (borring..). Also the 0 chance of ever getting new armor unless you go around and get mats... WoW you can do a quest, a dungeon, randomly find something good (without that crappy "20% chance of this!" in GW) in a chest.

            Bosses in GW were amazingly easy with almost no special abilities or tactics that you had to employ in order to defeat it. Sure maybe it had an elite skill, but that skill just hit you and made you die, and made the fight irritating. WoW, bosses have a ton of unique abilities with clear visual effects that could devestate your party. The only boss in GW that I can think of that does those is the very end boss in each chapter.

            The Undead have no reason to be with the horde. The Draenei have no reason to be with the alliance... THEY WORKED WITH THE BLOOD ELVES.
            Ironically though, the blood elves should be with the alliance... because THEY ARE ON THE HUMAN TEAM IN SKRIMISH.
            You didn't get very far in WoW did you? lol.
            draeni have reason to be with alliance, cause alliance found and helped them first (+ the horde completely demolished their population earlier). Same with Blood elves - the population part. Undead have reason to be with horde - as in, if you were a human, would you chat with a rotting human corpse? uh uh.. and again, the horde helped them.


              Originally posted by thedeadlyassassin View Post
              I suggest we all play Guild Wars 2 when it comes out. Why? It's going to be awesome. It's going to be free. And it's going to be team based.

              Here's just my opinion on the BATTLE OF MMORPGS!!!

              The gladiators = the 3 mmorpg's I've played and are probably 3 of the top mmorpgs.

              RuneScape vs Guild Wars vs World of Warcraft

              (best , middle, worst)

              So here's my opinion in each.


              Guild Wars - WoW - RuneScape (RS and WoW nearly tied after RS major graphic update)


              Guild Wars - WoW - RuneScape

              Skills (professions)

              RuneScape - WoW - Guild Wars

              Time Based

              RuneScape - WoW - Guild Wars


              Guild Wars - RuneScape - WoW


              WoW - Guild Wars - RuneScape


              RuneScape - Guild Wars - WoW

              Money based

              RuneScape - WoW - Guild Wars

              No Monthly fee

              Guild Wars - RuneScape - WoW (unless private server)

              Bug Free

              RuneScape - Guild wars - WoW (assuming you are on a private server)


              Guild Wars - WoW - RuneScape


              RuneScape - WoW - Guild Wars

              Grinding (leveling up via killing)

              RuneScape - WoW - Guild Wars


              Guild Wars - WoW - RuneScape

              Interaction with players not in your party

              WoW - RuneScape - Guild Wars

              Interaction with your party

              Guild Wars - WoW - RuneScape

              Winner of Deadly's best MMORPG award

              *GUILD WARS*

              so... we should all get guild wars 2 when it comes out. You buy the game for about 50 bucks, and can play online for free, with tons of things to do. Fun PVP you can do, fun farming you can do, and overall a challenge. You get to the maximum level pretty fast. Some may hate that, but others like me may love that because that means the game is always a challenge. No being the maximum level and being able to help your friends beat the campaign easily. You must have a good team and build to be able to dominate.

              Great game, there isn't a release date but they said sometime in December is what they are aiming for.
              With the game opinion of how good the game is I think its a tie for WoW and GW, but on a more personal level, I would chose GW because most of my friends in real-life have played Guild Wars (I've even seen the "cooler" kids playing it), and WoW just fails in my point of view personally, Two relationships with my friends just dissolved after they got WoW because the only time I ended up seeing them was at school.


                Originally posted by TEAMKILLERZ View Post
                With the game opinion of how good the game is I think its a tie for WoW and GW, but on a more personal level, I would chose GW because most of my friends in real-life have played Guild Wars (I've even seen the "cooler" kids playing it), and WoW just fails in my point of view personally, Two relationships with my friends just dissolved after they got WoW because the only time I ended up seeing them was at school.
                proof of how good WoW is, lol. It's a #&$#@ in addiction levels ( I get hooked on games in the first place, so yea ). If this were in terms of, say social levels IRL, then GW would definantly win, lol


                  I just don't like WoW because they charge. GW was smarter by not charging for online play and keeping their price on the game the same without ever discounting it.
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                    everyones counting our WAR.. gonna be much better than all 3.. u just wait :P


                      Originally posted by warlock2411 View Post
                      everyones counting our WAR.. gonna be much better than all 3.. u just wait :P
                      Yeah Dude I think its gonna rock, and this is coming from a person in Closed Beta.


                        Originally posted by TEAMKILLERZ View Post
                        Yeah Dude I think its gonna rock, and this is coming from a person in Closed Beta.
                        ive tried forever to get into that!


                          Originally posted by warlock2411 View Post
                          ive tried forever to get into that!
                          Don't worry you'll get into open beta

                          P.S. All characters from Closed beta will be erased when open beta starts and all open beta characters will be erased when the game is released.


                            go to - Your Headquarters for Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games!

                            they still got 2k Open beta keys so get them
                            i got only 1 but still deciding.. looks alike like wow.. i hate wow >_>

                            waiting for huxley


                              Originally posted by Brian is Huh?!{CLR} View Post
                              go to - Your Headquarters for Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games!

                              they still got 2k Open beta keys so get them
                              i got only 1 but still deciding.. looks alike like wow.. i hate wow >_>

                              waiting for huxley
                              Dude It looks liek WoW but its not. I swear the marauders have a cool mechanic where you can mutate yourself to get different powers. And you can mix mutations.


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                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

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