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Portal - I must be in the minority here

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    Portal - I must be in the minority here

    So I tried Portal once since I bought the Orange Box, and found it ... puzzling. Wow, cool concept seeing myself run into a room and then trying to find a way out .. but ... I just don't have the mental capacity to find this fun once my brain can't easily deduce a workaround for the exit. Dunno if I have undiagnosed ADD, or whether I just don't want to think once I sit down at my PC, but I am not a puzzle guy at all.

    So, Portal lovers ... clue me in as to what I am missing. All this talk about cubes and whatnot keeps drawing me back to Portal, but TF2 is my true love and I dare not cheat on her at this point. I haven't even tried HL:Ep 2 either, as I wanted to finish HL:Ep 1 first, so I have merely scratched the surface of the Orange box.
    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin

    I love puzzles. I'm actually addicted to Brain Age on my DS. I haven't finished downloading Portal yet. I have this need to shoot people in TF2, and I feel I need to fill that need each time I login, so Portal takes a back seat
    [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
    So all you get is this crappy text]


      Re: Portal - I must be in the minority here

      Originally posted by WalkinTarget
      So I tried Portal....but I am not a puzzle guy at all.
      There you go, problem solved.

      With portal being entirely puzzle-based, if you're not into problem solving or if critical thinking doesn't get you all hot and bothered, Portal isn't really for you. There's still some good humor in there, so I'd say play through it if you can just to enjoy the experience

      In the same way, some people who enjoy slower, more cerebral games can't seem to get into UT3 or other fast-paced games. Different strokes for different folks


        I don't normally enjoy puzzle games, and puzzle elements in other game genres usually just irritate me to no end, but I really enjoyed Portal (except for the one level I got stuck in and had to look up part of the solution ). The ending was well worth it.


          Re: Portal - I must be in the minority here

          Originally posted by WalkinTarget
          I am not a puzzle guy at all.
          I also dislike puzzles in general (doesn't matter if they're as challenging as the Portal ones or as "cheap" and unchallenging as in the whole EP2) and I also had troubles figuring out some of the puzzles in Portal, but I just used YouTube to figure out certain puzzles and still managed to finish it and actually enjoyed the whole game (much more than, say, EP2, which I really disliked)


            Oddly enough, since everyone raved about this game (and yes, I saw YOU playing Portal via my Steam 'Friends' list .. you know who you are !!) I assumed I was just weird and didn't devote any time to it.

            I never owned a Rubik's Cube, but I do take credit for peeling the stickers off and solving one in under 10 minutes !!

            /me flexes

            I will try Portal just to make sure I don't want to exercise my brain, but I really do prefer to veg, and just shoot at random targets of opportunity in any FPS game.
            Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


              I think I enjoyed portal because I liked solving the puzzles in a funny/absurd atmosphere. If you get on your computer to just sit back and relax, I can totally see why the puzzle aspect isn't that interesting to you.

              That being said, the game is fun for other reasons... mostly the absurd things the computer says. If you get totally stuck and find it's not fun, there's no shame in looking up a solution. Especially if you're just not a puzzle guy...


                i hate puzzle games, but the comedy aspect of this was awesome.
                Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


                  I played for all of 10 minutes on it one day, and have never gone back.
                  Just seemed like room after same room after same room to me.
                  I heard no feedback, no nothing, just boring as (*)&(^( ..

                  But that's just me, and I didn't look up the Youtube's on it.

                  With 2142 about gone, I'm going to be spending much more time
                  in TF2 and some UT3. Unfortunately TF2 is usually empty when
                  I'm on in the mornings.
                  ??Click me to donate??


                    Portal did start slow, in my opinion, Dead and Gone. Once you get both the blue and red portal options, it's a lot funner. It's funner once the puzzles are actually...well, puzzling. I know it's not everyone's type of game, though. The game also has some very rich humor...rivaled only by TF2 (and I think TF2 still loses out.)

                    (Sadly, the TF2 server is emptying out around 2-3 AM every morning and doesn't start back up until around 5-6 PM at the earliest. Hopefully that'll be changing soon.)


                      Originally posted by Dead_And_Gone
                      I heard no feedback, no nothing, just boring as (*)&(^( ..
                      If you literally don't hear any computer voice, then you're experiencing a bug (I had it, too). You should be hearing a computer voice talking to you and guiding you through the game from the very beginning.

                      I thought they fixed it in an update, but I had to go into the sound options and set the language to french, then back to english. Also, turn subtitles on temporarily to make sure you're hearing the voice when you're supposed to hear it. I got all the way to level 10 before I realized there was supposed to be a voice talking to me. It's a totally different (and better) game with the voice.


                        I decided to give Portal a shot this weekend when Cain's TF2 was full.
                        Man, its like liquid crack. I'm up to the 18th room (I think its 1. The game is pretty damn fun.
                        [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                        So all you get is this crappy text]


                          I'll try the voice thing this morning.

                          The game was Dead quiet for me, no voices, no anything but me running.
                          ??Click me to donate??


                            Originally posted by BigTwinky
                            I decided to give Portal a shot this weekend ...
                            Looks like a few of us played it this weekend for the first time.

                            I gave it a try for about an hour this weekend to see what all the hype was about. I enjoyed it, will probalby be playing it some more.
                            [SIZE=1][B]"Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption." ~President James Garfield[/B][/SIZE]
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                              Ep1 is really short, could easily tackle it in an afternoon.

                              I've been busy so haven't had time for TF2 never mind completing Ep2. I might tackle that this weekend, not entirely sure.


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