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Spy help

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    Spy help

    They have changed the Spy class since I last played. You used to be able to attach when cloaked. You instantly became visible, but you could shoot or stab. Now you can't. How you do uncloak and attack. I stand there waiting for the cloak to go away so I can attack and I always end up dead.

    pace - the world's worst spy - man
    A change of Pace.
    "All the fun of a clan without the BS" - Cain

    I think you have to disguise, then you can shoot and stab and sap stuff. BUT I'm not sure. I fail as spy

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      Press the cloak button again to uncloak. There is a small delay during the uncloaking process before you can attack.
      Ahhh...the power of cheese!


        Don't de-cloak in the open, hide under a stairway, behind a doorway ... just don't do it and be seen. You emit a puff of smoke for a second when you cloak/de-cloak, so its imperative that you aren't seen by anyone on the enemy team at that time.

        Don't head straight for something to sap. Hang around in the area, left or right of it and look like you are eying up the situation to defend.

        Don't get caught bumping into an enemy, as that gives you away immediately once they cannot pass thru your body. Its a free spy checker for anyone who isn't a Pyro.

        Ohh, and speaking of Pyros .. if you see one near you and getting closer, RUN AWAY !! Prefererably cloaked so as not to give it away that you are OBVIOUSLY a Spy.

        Spy is the hardest class to play well, and I remember fondly the days of sapping cloaked and headshot crits like crazy using the handcannon known as the Ambassador.
        Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


          I was at the top of a stairwell last night when a spy uncloaked to back stab one of my teammates. Needless to say, the spy died.

          Where do you put the Bayonet?
          Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
          I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
          Frank Lloyd Wright


            Depending on the map, I find that if you are disguised as a sniper, it lends more credibility to you just hanging around the back.

            So... disguise, cloak, make your way to the enemy side. You may have to find a place to hide and let the cloak recharge if you have a long run. Then find a place nearby to uncloak where you can't be seen and then make your way to sap.

            dont stand there continously sapping, as the engie will likely try and hit you with the wrench. Sap and move back a bit.

            Depending on the engies position, you can sap the gun and then backstab the engie. You'll need somewhat quick fingers to switch weapons, but easily do-able.

            Remember that engies can unsap a telelporter entrance by hitting the exit with their wrench (not possible before, they had to hit the item that was actually sapped). So sapping an entrance MIGHT be easier as you don't have the engie nearby to kill you, but you are usually right near a high traffic area.

            If you are making a bee line to a dispenser, make sure you are low health yourself. Again, lends more reason to you going there. As someone who plays engie alot, someone with full health making a bee line to my stuff will get shot
            [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
            So all you get is this crappy text]


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