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TF2 Guide

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    TF2 Guide

    1) Your bonk juice can be used for more than getting you through damage. Use it to distract SG's while your allies take it out.
    2) (2fort specific) You can triple jump (w/ FaN) from your lower doors to the bridge roof. [Made obsolete by Force Jumping]
    3) You can force jump to pretty much anywhere [I leave it up to you to find them all]biggrin.gif

    1) We understand that you can be somewhat useful while spamming at long range. However, you need to be conscious of the main long range class (Sniper). Please do not stand in front of them spamming rockets, your smoke trails block their view, effectively disabling them.
    2) Side note after #1: In general you aren't a long range class. You are most effective in short range combat due to the direct nature of your shots.
    3) You are the one of the most effective recipient of a Kritzkrieg to clear most situations of enemies. You have one of the highest damage per shot (Crit rocket kills almost all classes in one hit). You should be able to get off 4 rockets and a shotgun blast or two before it runs out. In many cases, it's a waste of time to try to reload more than one extra rocket. However, don't expect the medic to always give the Kritz to you.

    1) Spy check, spy check, spy check. (Though not just as pyro)
    2) Please at least try to be slightly smart about your fire (W+M1 will not only make people mock you, it is rarely effective against all but the worst players). However, don't be discouraged if people haze you for playing pyro, their just angry that you are killing them.
    3) The compression blast is arguably the most versatile action in the entire game, please use it. You can extinguish fire, deflect all projectiles, stop ubers in their tracks/blast medics away from their patient, and so much more.
    4) While not always effective (and can sometimes severely hinder you based upon the situation), if you are sneaking up on a soldier or demo, once you start flaming them and you know you have their attention, immediately compression blast. In 9 cases out of 10, as soon as said soldier/demo realizes someone is damaging them from behind they will wheel around and start firing. Chances are you will be able to deflect their first shot back into their face.

    1) In my opinion, the best class to uber if you need to take out an SG. 3-4 stickies will do the trick (Unless you know you're going to get good consecutive hits without an enemy engineer repairing, please don't try to use your pipe bombs on the sentry. You can kill it with stickies and then you have a fully loaded pipe bomb launcher for the players) and getting gas blasted by an enemy pyro shouldn't hinder you too much.
    2) When you plan on being in a place for any extended piece of time. Set a sticky bomb trap at the exits. You have effectively created a checkpoint for your teammates, they will thank you.
    3) Your stickies are also extremely effective with a Kritkreig (but only if you know how to use them). You should be able to get all 8 off (plus your pipes) before it runs out.

    1) A large amount of the time, the dispenser will be near a sentry. If you sit on the dispenser and shoot, you are attempting to become a sentry yourself. However, you are simply costing your team a member (Taking yourself out of the game). Your gun may have longer range than a sentry, but at that range, it won't be doing much damage. In range, the sentry is multiple times more powerful and accurate than you, please let it do its job. If you're there for health/ammo, blaze away, then go away.
    2) The above does not apply to all situations.
    3) It's been said, but I will say it again. Just because you have the most health and often take a lot of damage due to your short range, you don't deserve a perma-medic. However, if you have a medic with you, push. You can (usually) take the heat and the closer you are, the more damage you do. [This especially applies to attempting to kill a sentry with an uber]

    1) Your main job is defense. There are good offensive engi's, but if the enemy is constantly getting behind you to your point/intel, you aren't doing your job.
    2) As an offensive engi, you create a checkpoint for your teammates, so it would be in their best interest to help you defend it. (Same applies for defensive engi's of course.
    3) While all it does is sit there, your teleporter can often be more powerful than your SG or dispenser. Just think on a CP map, the 15 seconds (or more) is takes for all of your teammates to run to the front lines of the first point. With a level 3 TP up, you can have people zipping through to the front lines. Your SG may be powerful, but it's not as powerful as a steady flow of teammates.
    4) Don't sit there. Unless you are under immediate attack, sitting behind your sentry and bashing away at it is one of the most dangerous things you can do. Any decent spy can kill you and your sentry in half a second. If you keep moving, it will be quite difficult for a spy to sap and kill you without you removing the sapper first. And, hey, you might get an extra kill or two.
    5) You can't SG bash against 3 or more stickies. They will instantly kill you and the sentry. So either run or try to kill the stickies. (It is advisable to do one of these before the number gets too high)
    6) If your sentry is in a bad spot, please listen to more experienced players trying to correct you. Sure, they may have said it rudely and hurt your feelings, but they often know what they're talking about. If you don't move it, you're the one who looks like an ass.
    7) Always spy check your dispenser.
    8 ) Please turn your TP exits in the most suitable direction. By default they are facing the way you are and it wouldn't do to send your teammates through a TP facing the wall. You can turn the exit's direction by right clicking. Watch the arrow on the blueprint for the current direction.
    9) Your teleporter is great to bring your allies to the front lines. However, wouldn't it be even better getting your team behind the enemy lines?

    Medic: This class is my baby smile.gif
    1) It's been said, but I'll say it again. HEAL EVERYONE. Please. Nothing pisses a teammate off more than standing next to a medic bashing "e" and having them ignore you.
    2) Even if no one is calling, constantly switch healing targets. (Unless one is under serious fire). This will keep all teammates buffed and make your job easier.
    3) Keep moving, always. You are one of the most dangerous classes (so spies will target you), and usually, if they kill you, they'll get the person you're healing too. Also, snipers like to kill medics simply standing behind the person they're healing.
    4) Stay alive. You are more important than the person you're healing. (For patients) Sure, you may be trying to get your best KDR record ever, but the team should mean more to you than your record. If you need to suicide yourself (to protect a medic) by standing in the way of a rocket, do it.
    5) This highly applies to retreating, always stand between the enemy and your medic.
    6) Medic, don't uber before the patient is ready. (He may need ammo, or a reload)
    7) Patient, don't rush before the medic is ready.
    8 ) Always use your uber before you die, even if it's going to be fairly worthless.
    9) Please don't leave a medic if he's anywhere close to getting an uber. I don't care if you have dinner plans with the blue heavy, you can be fashionably late.
    10) Yes, battle medic'ing on a pub server can be fun. However, this doesn't stop you from healing. If you have a little downtime, or see a teammate with critical health, drop the uber-saw and heal already. You're a medic for a reason. Multi-task, everyone's doing it.
    11) If you join a game with a clan mate and/or have a friend on the server and/or identify a good player. Don't just heal them (Giving preferential treatment is fine, after all you don't want to waste yourself on a terrible player). Still, however, the entire team needs your health.
    12) You can kill a level 3 SG with one full clip of the Blutsauger if the engi isn't healing the SG. This can be helpful, however rarely.
    13) (For non-medics) If there is a medic around you, please don't use the health packs, chances are they need it. They can heal you if you need health.
    14) You can uber multiple people at once if you switch back and forth quickly. However, this diminishes the amount of time your uber stays up. It is up to you to make a decision. Once you make it though, stick to it. If you start ubering two, don't just randomly leave one out in the cold. (Unless it's mission critical of course).

    1) Please be courteous to your fellow snipers, try not to "bump" or walk in front of them.
    2) Aim for medics of course.
    3) People will scream at your for body-shotting, but remember, a kill's a kill.
    4) (2fort specific) I understand that your main target is usually the enemy battlements/lower doors. However, the bridge is relatively important. If you don't feel comfortable sniping at it, at least help your team by throwing the odd jarate or SMG burst down there. Dropping down with your machete on people entering through your door can easily catch them by surprise.
    5) Keep your ears open. The #1 way for noticing a spy without seeing him is his sounds. You are a prime target because you are usually tunnel-visioned/don't move much. If you hear the scream of a teammate being backstabbed, take a quick look around. If you hear the cloaking "woosh" look QUICK, because he's most likely right next to you if you heard it.

    1) Don't just sit on the dispenser, get full cloak/health and pull away from it. Then go back when you need more. If you sit on it, there is a huge chance you will be discovered.
    2) It is easy to be seen, but you can stand on top of enemies to backstab those against walls.
    3) Teammates, please respect the spy. If you see one attempting to infiltrate the enemy lines, please don't rush in at the same time. The enemy attacking you will most likely blow the spy's cover. On the same note, do all you can to pretend they are an enemy.
    4) Ally medics, please only heal spies either when they are undisguised or when you are both out of sight of the enemy, otherwise you blow their cover. If they are calling for a medic while disguised in front of enemies (unless they're at critical health), they are most likely trying to fool the enemy medics, healing them will kill that ruse.
    5) If a spy is hiding, don't hide with them, it makes it obvious that they are a spy.
    6) Spies, work with your team. You may feel alone behind enemy lines, but a sap + push forward is more effective than just a sap. Even if you successfully kill the sentry, if your team doesn't push after that, the engineer can easily rebuild in time.
    7) Please prioritize, you may want more kills but some targets are more important/worth suiciding over (only if you succeed).

    All Classes:
    1) You should CONSTANTLY be looking behind yourself. A rouge spy or pyro w/ BB can mess up any good run or waiting uber. It is quite easy to look behind yourself and keep moving in a forward direction. A twirl of the mouse and your fingers on w,d,s,d,w and there you are (If you jump while doing it, you don't even lose the forward facing speed boost).
    2) Choose the correct weapon for the job needed. I understand that you may have more experience with a certain weapon and it may fit your average gameplay style more, but the correct weapon is more important in some situations.
    3) If someone mentions that the team could use a certain class (often a medic or another engineer, etc.) and there are multiple people playing your current class/you play the needed class well, please switch. Your team expressed a need for a reason.
    4) Give slower classes the chance to TP first.
    5) Always give your team support. (Over almost every other goal)
    6) Learn to play every class well so you can use it when needed.

    These are so tips for snipers:

    1. Disable all mouse acceleration or filtering software. Mouse acceleration can be found in your control panel in Vista, though I'm not sure where it is in Windows 7 or OS X. Also, at your TF2 main menu, go to Options>Mouse and disable mouse filtering. Essentially, both of these cause your system to force your mouse farther than it should actually go, an in-game mouse momentum, so to speak. If you are going for faster flick shots or snapshots, then you can potentially mess up the distance that you are trying to move your crosshair and result in one more clip in a scout's frag video.

    2. In your console, activate cl_interp 0 and cl_lagcompensation 1. Interpolation attempts to remove any latency between when you click and when the hitscan calculations are run, and lag compensation attempts to unify the rendered image on your screen with the hitboxes of your opponents. Basically, you would have to adjust how you lead a target based on your ping comparison, and that's just not viable for a sniper. With compensation activated, you should be able to shoot at the rendered head of the opponent and hit it, no strings attached. You want consistency!

    3. Find a sensitivity that works for you. I personally have an in-game sensitivity of 1.5, while my mouse sensitivity is at 4. However, I am in a situation where I have little desk space to use for mouse movement. If you have a larger pad or more space, then you may want to use an even lower sensitivity. What's most important is that you find what you are comfortable with, and that will require time to experiment, often, the reason that I have bad days is because I've decided to tweak one of my sensitivity settings to see if they work better for me. After all, a thinking target is always the best to practice against. (I.E. Players on the BGZ server!)

    4. Know your maps, and know their lines of sight COLD. If you don't know where you can provide covering fire or where you could be counter-sniped, then you need to take the time to figure these things out.

    5. Know the Sniper's limitations. When you are attempting to quick-scope, you have a .2 sec (200 ms) window in which your shot will not be a headshot. Though it often doesn't mean much, it does make a difference when you are trying to kill scouts and pyros who have closed with you. Also, the SMG, while viable at close range, generally loses effectiveness over range, except for suppressing fire and general disruption.

    6. Know all of the techniques that you have at your disposal. Snipers have many things that they can do with their favored tool, specifically quick-scoping, no-scoping, and the incredibly difficult but epic snapshot/flick shot. Quick-scoping and no-scoping are pretty self explanatory, but if you want to use no-scoping only and want to do decent damage, go Spy and use the Ambassador. It's fun stuff! Snapshots are a good deal harder. What you are trying to do is scope in near your target's head and then flick/drag/snap over their head and headshot them. You aren't trying to aim at their head, in the sense that you visually confirm that your crosshair is over their head before firing, but rather trying to time your click and mouse movements to fire right when your crosshair is over the opponent's head. This technique is most often used against scouts and other snipers in order to reduce their reaction time and your own time standing still.

    Now, in terms of your actual aim, this will take time. I have always had relatively good aim, but there are still times when I look back at a game/life that I just had and think "WTF was I thinking, where the hell was my aim?" I have gone on 6-7 headshot sprees and killed whole teams, and next round I'll miss shots on Heavies who are standing still. Consistent aim will just take time. I hope these tips help you, though!

    (I didnt write it, found on steam boards)




        8 ) Please turn your TP exits in the most suitable direction. By default they are facing the way you are and it wouldn't do to send your teammates through a TP facing the wall. You can turn the exit's direction by right clicking. Watch the arrow on the blueprint for the current direction.
        You'd think after 60+ hours of being an engie I would of known this lol
        [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
        So all you get is this crappy text]


          Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
          You'd think after 60+ hours of being an engie I would of known this lol
          +1. Except I have less than 10 hours of Engie (and that's my post time in any one class).


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