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What makes a Successful Round

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    What makes a Successful Round

    Medics, gotta have them, but if they don't live to uber, the punch is lacking.
    The better one's try to heal all around them if their main attack class is not getting hit. Pyro's need to blow the pyro fire off Medic's (And teammates). We die just like everyone else, only the class that can regain health slowly. (Not discounting the Heavy's Sanvich)
    We will uber just about anything, given the situation. But the attack classes are the no.1's. Every attack class has something they do better than the other classes, so a Heavy isn't Always the best choice. I want Engie stuff destroyed, then a Demo is usually more effective than a heavy for instance.

    Medic's are the first class targeted by the enemy. Please protect them, as they can make a BIG difference on how your team performs. Spie's love them, snipers want them, everyone kills them.. lol

    Pyro's. You'r job is to
    A: Protect the cart by flaming within a 10 yrd radius, into corners, all the regular spy waiting places. Don't wait for a target, it's too late, and the heavy and the medic are dead.
    B: If the other side has no or 1 Spies, it is OK to do the charge and flame everyone, but if it is a uber type spy, it can ruin a defense, or offense.
    C: If there to protect the Engie stuff, DON'T RUN OFF. Run the roof over and over. Yes, you'll not accrue tremendous points, but you're work will pay off in keeping the Engie stuff NOT Destroyed by Spies. That goes for any Engie stuff on offense or defense. Pyro's were MADE to work with Engie's.
    D: Don't try to kill an engineer protected sentry while on uber. It just won't work. The engie protects/repairs as fast as a pyro can damage. Go Kill people. If engie equip. unprotected, fair game, but that isn't a pyro's strong suit.
    E: Don't forget you're teammates expect you to extinquish fires on them. If you have a blackblast instead, why are you in front of the enemy, and not behind.
    F: Protect the medic's.

    Blast the Pyro's, as you are one of the best weapons. Kill the medic's first if you are looking for targets. YOU can kill sentries and dispensor's as well from a distance. Get in a position to do so. The regular rocket seems to be a MUCH better weapon that the supposed upgrade. Yes, it is slower, but there is little to no AOE damage on the upgraded equipment.

    We had 4 on one of my runs. All hung back so far that they hardly ever got a target, and never supported the front line. What good is that for team play? Be an attack sniper, and get in there. You can also kill sentry and dispensor's from a distance. You can't if you are hanging so far back you need to zoom in just to see your own side players.

    Be aware of where the medic can take cover abit, so they can stay alive and heal you while you are taking damage. If you aren't on VOIP, let us know. If you don't answer to VOIP nor CHAT, you might be on your own. Wait for the uber before jumping into a fire fight. It is shameful to waste a possible uber and ownage. LOOK FOR THE UBER percentage. If close, go get more ammo. We ASSUME you are aware that we are about to hit uber, and the baddies are coming. If you don't let us know, we may pop it, and look stupid while the uber'd heavy runs back to a supply catch, totally wasting the uber.

    "Rightly or wrongly, we assume you are looking at the uber charge, and know we are about to pop it, especially if the medic is taking damage and might die. Get topped off before we need to pop the uber" We should pipe up and say about to uber you XXYY, but sometimes it isn't possible due to incoming demo charges, or a charging pyro. When we hit 90%, you should be topping off your gun's ammo.

    Demo's: An ELE is a waste for a medic, so don't expect it. We get left behind and totally useless, fair bait. I know it is KUUL to be an ELE and charge, but there are more effective tactics by and large. Your first priority on a uber is kill the sentry/engie equip, not the players.

    Engies: We DON'T NEED 6 engies. Which is what we had on one run, And lost quickly. Try to get into the hard to jump to places, as it is more effective. Don't always have everyone build up on the "Roof" and neglect strategic sentry guns or such further forward.

    Scouts: speed speed and more speed. Double jump, change direction. Protect your teammates when possible. There are some good places, and some bad places for Scout's to play. Crowded tunnels aren't good.

    Spy: Like good ones on my team, hatem on the other team. I will never "LOVE" spies, lol. They can break an offensive or defensive team without the defense of pyro's and axillary's.
    I've seen them take down the entire side in one swoop that were on the cart, because the pyro's were "Looking" for a target, and the spy was invisible until started killing. First priority is all the engie stuff otherwise.

    Yes, I've played, ummm... maybe 40 minutes or so as a spy. Luck to
    those who like to play it. Just can't make myself play the class.

    Push the cart, or keep them off. If you aren't anywhere near the cart, then you aren't pushing the cart, nor killing people on the cart.

    We don't care what you play, we just want to play well.

    Those are my casual observations after some good/bad interesting rounds tonight and thought i would post.
    I could go into much greater detail if needed.
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    Sentry gun placement is key... Take a look at the picture below...

    Red= Wrong sentry gun placement.
    green= correct sentry gun placement.

    Notice how the Red square (bad sentry gun placement) can just barely see around the corner? This makes it to where a decent demoman can snap around the corner a few times and place sticky after sticky... then... BOOM! And there goes your sentry gun, all without the demoman having to use an uber.

    Now, with the green square (Good sentry gun placement) the sentry gun can "slice the pie" a bit more and has more time to acquire the target and engage it before the demoman/soldier/any other class (to exclude a cloaked spy) can pop back around the corner to safety.

    In other words... Be sure to give your sentry gun enough time to acquire the target, if you don't then it will go down quickly.



      I noticed that about sentry gun emplacements as well.

      There are some great palcements that mean multiple deaths, and poor placements that mean easy kills on sentry's, etc.....
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        D&G not bad but i have to add 4 things...

        Scout- for all the idiots out there that call you the weakest class they are sadly mistaken, scouts can do 120dmg in one shot with the scattergun w/o crit, all you have to know is with your jump you can fly outta the sky put 2-3 rounds in the opponents back and disapear HIT AND RUN, be patient get close so you do more damage and if you have taken 3-4 shots and they aint dead start running

        Soldier- when rangeing a sentry dont aim for sentry if engi is right there, instead aim for dispenser or right next to sentry(to hit engi) that way in first clip engi will die then next clip so will everything else.

        Demo- understand the attack angles available to you, you are the only class capable of killing stuff behind walls, a smart demo can clear the entire roof on badwater with no uber, i have done it many times and yes it usualy takes more than one life.

        Lastly Spy- aim for tele entrances gives your team HUGE advantage.

        Also D&G whats a ELE demo? guessing that has somtin to do with eyelander,


          Medics, you should love yourselves. Don't die with your fellow team mate, unless you're sure he'll get the attacker and save you and himself just with your heals and his skills. I know it sounds awful, but honestly, if you save more team mates and get your uber you'll be more usefull than dying all the time . Also unless they're paying you a good amount of cash, heal all your team mates and if possible leave them all with over heal, that should make your job easily.

          Pyros your airblast can save so many lives and buildings and help SO much. Airblast rockets, you can save engies stuff by airblasting demoman's bombs, the utility is way beyond the imaginable <3

          As a soldier you actually can play pocket or roaming. Both are usefull to the team imo, but you have to analyze what is best for that moment. Pocket soldiers go with the medics in the front line, destroying people in order to make room for your team to flank the enemy. Roaming usually plays more solo, getting in high places, going through weird routes to get the enemy and protect the team, and let them know when there'll be an income.
          Also you have 3 possible loadouts for your weaponry.
          1. Traditional playstyle: normal rocket launcher, shotgun and the equalizer (There is no sane reason to go for the shovel, unless you're getting the achievement)
          2. Buff Banner playstyle: normal rocket launcher, buff banner and the equalizer (You can use the direct hit, but since the normal rocket launcher hits more people, you'll usually get the rage up quicker, and the direct hit isn't AS great for close combat, so... you'll want to have the shotgun)
          3. Direct Hit playstyle: direct hit, shotgun and the equalizer.
          Why the direct hit is actually good for taking down sentries? You can shoot faster than the normal rocket, and if you aim at the dispenser and the engie, you'll probably get it very fast, because you'll hit faster than the dispenser will let metal out. The same goes for sentries, if you shoot fast enough, on the right spot, while hitting the engie too, it's full of win, imo.
          I honestly don't like the direct hit a lot. I find it easier to play with the rocket launcher, it requires a different kind of prediction than the direct hit.

          As engies, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON'T, just DON'T build a sentry gun next to another one. I know you might secretly love someone from the other team, but giving easy points away is just sad. Don't do that, you have 2 sentries in order to cover up more space. NO, covering the same space 2 times is not the same as covering more space. Try to build in order to watch your fellow engie sentry, or get some odd places that most people don't put up sentries when they have covered all the common spots.
          Ok dispensers are cool to have near by, it's awesome to be totally build, but you're a support class, remember that? So if getting a teleporter or a dispenser close to your team will help you win I ask you WHY are you leveling up that sentry gun when you have 7 team mates in front of you keeping them off????

          Not only heavies, but the entire team should protect the medic, he's healing you, so get those rockets going right to him.

          Also, try to work as a team. Team loses when they're not playing as a team and teams win when they do. Push together, trying to do things solo is for snipers and spies, who have their own pace of gameplay, which is also important to the team, but it's different nonetheless.

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            remember. only 3 people need to push the cart to make it go max speed. the rest of the team can move up and take down players and any sentries the other team are putting up.



              Putting a dispensor just around the edge of the corner can pay dividends. Heavy can spam unlimited rounds around the corner, and get healed as well by the dispensor...

              Heavies are slow/easy targets for snipers and such, but almost invulnerable with a dispensor tucked on their backside. I say almost, as I've seen them get splattered enough regardless of Dispensor/healer combo's. They are tough, but no need to stick out so far that you are a standing target for rockets/demo/sniper fire.
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                I've had success with two tracks that differ from what you guys have posted:

                1. Pyro vs. Engie while ubered--simple solution: torch the engie. Don't focus on the gun, light up the engie and spray everything in his nest. An ubered pyro is far more effective on engie nests than you guys think if the pyro does the right things.

                2. Twin sentries next to each other--this works very well on some locations in some maps. Second 2 of Goldrush comes to mind. A couple of engineers working in conjunction can keep the other team pinned down for some time, as two level 3 guns at the right spots can target and attack enemies pretty quickly.


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                  Originally posted by Roffe View Post
                  remember. only 3 people need to push the cart to make it go max speed. the rest of the team can move up and take down players and any sentries the other team are putting up.
                  Just a note, 4 people is max speed IIRC.


                    Originally posted by {CLR}geneSW View Post
                    Just a note, 4 people is max speed IIRC.
                    yeah i was gonna say something, i was pretty shure it was 4


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                        Originally posted by Pumpkin_Jack View Post

                        Lastly Spy- aim for tele entrances gives your team HUGE advantage.


                        I don't think there is anything you can do to harm the opposing team more then to concentrate on nothing put taking out their tele's.
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                          Communications !!!

                          That's what CLR's have been famous for, and makes a world of difference in a round.

                          Spy is in maproom, about to jump down.

                          2 Sentries in attic, or NO sentries in attic. ATTACK !!!

                          Heavy about to go uber at the tunnel.

                          All great information for moving people around to take advantage of, avoid, or easily find.

                          I've got a Uber, who wants it.
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                            Engies, use your dispenser and sentry strategically.

                            Use dispenser to block the doorway behind you. Teammates can go straight through your dispenser but you and any spies cant go through objects. So if you see a 'friendly' on top of your dispenser, or someone trying to walk through it and getting stuck, its a spy.

                            If the other team doesnt have alot of spies, push forward. You do no good if you just camp your gun and tele when you could be pushing the cart or being a distraction against the other team.
                            Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


                              scouts dont need to use teleporters


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                                Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

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