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Team Fortress 2 TIPS !!

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    Team Fortress 2 TIPS !!

    Add your gameplay tips to this thread and see if we can't help others with their questions. List any and all tips, including what classes work best together, how to uber charge your teammates and strategy hints as well.

    My contributions:
    For those taking FOREVER for the game to first load because it loads a part of the Dustbowl map add -console to the launch properties of TF2 in Steam.
    This will just take you to a 2D splash page with some TF2 graphics and will make getting into the game MUCH faster.

    Alternatively you can add +map none, and -novid. The former will disable loading of the demo background map, the latter turns off the valve intro movies
    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin

    #1--With the medic heal teammates until your ubercharge meter is full then right click to make you and whomever your healing invunerable until the meter is gone.This is handy for offense if u follow a heavy weapons guy assaulting a CP make him invul right when u head into the fragfest and watch him hose everyone in sight to bits.
    #2--As engineer stay close to your sentry and other provosions and shoot ANYONE who comes near with your shotty once to make sure its not a spy trying to take u and your stuff out.Engineer is best used for defense as the only thing capable of taking it out is a spy or invul heavy.Also keep ur sentry out of line of sight so a soldier with rockets cant hit it from beyond its effective range.


      Those spy's are a real annoyance!!! ArG they get me every time!!!



        As an engineer put down your supply depot thing FIRST then your sentry gun. The depot will keep giving supplies to build then upgrade your sentry gun.

        A pair of engineers with two sentry guns can hold a position for a very long time.

        To safely disable a sentry gun use a sniper/spy/demo. Should be able to take the sentry gun out with little to no damage
        Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


          • If you see an Invulnerable Medic and Soldier/Heavy/Demoman combo, WAIT them out. Generally they aren't moving fast enough to run past you, and once its down, you can mop them up (Always medic first, as the other classes are damage sponges with a medic attached). Also, Invulnerable combo is immune to everything, even Sentries. Sentries will still shoot though, and if the medic drops his support of a player for a second, they may have enough time to kill the recently invulnerable player.
          • The "Documents" on 2Fort cannot be carried by a disguised or cloaked Spy, an Ubercharged player, or through a teleporter.
          • Sappers placed by Spies take two wrench hits to remove
          • Scouts count for two when capping CPs
          • Engineer toys build up faster when you whack them with your wrench(*Clank!*Clank!*)
          • Ammo boxes, dropped weapons and Resupply closets in spawn areas all give Engineers build metal, and some other classes ammo.
          • The direction you place a teleporter exit is the direction your teammates will face when exiting. Make sure not to face it into a corner!
          • Remember, spies can call for medics too, so shoot them anyway.
          • Pyro + Engineer is a great combo. Pyro can weed out spies, and Engineer gives the Pyro long-range coverage that allows him to properly apply his CQ trade.
          • Don't change your disguise as a spy while you're visible to the enemy, they can see the smoke surrounding you (even when cloaked).
          • Medic's Ubercharge resets when they are killed
          • Remember, the faster you rush the enemy, the less time they have to setup defenses and get their ubercharges ready.
          • The Syringe Gun the Medic carries can be an effective gun, you just have to learn how to compensate for the slow projectile speed and trajectory drop.
          • If you hear an electrical sound like a short-circuit, that means for next couple of seconds your next shot or two will be critical hit shots. Make em count!

          And for the BEST tip? Make sure all of the Cain's Lair servers are in your Favorites!

          Keep em comin!


            Took out 3 heavies 2day with syringe gun.


              Originally posted by CheebaNinja
              Took out 3 heavies 2day with syringe gun.
              Cheeba is officially the "Good medic of TF2"


                Looking over that list of achievements is imposing. Check out Flamethrower ... you have to set 6 enemies on fire in 30 seconds, which isn't easy given the limited range from the Pyro.
                Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                  set-up your entry teleporter right away, and get as close to the enemy as you safely can, then set-up your exit end. Keep your teammates up front, and use the sentry's as support tools is what I do, works for me.


                    That syringe gun is hard to use but a couple of em in the head and it'll take out anyone with a couple shots.Just use it like your ping is in the 200-300 ms range and lead ppl out by an inch at 20m and boom boom boom dead.


                      Quick Setup and defense.

                      As an engineer, i learned a lovely trick that helps out greatly when you have a piss poor team.

                      During the "setup" time, First, run out, and deploy the box. instead of waitinf gor it to build, run to the nearest resupply area, or even ammo box, and pick it up. this will give you enough resources to drop a sentry. instead of hammering on it, head back to the resupply or ammo box, grab another set, make a quick pass by the hub, and you sould be able to get 1 level upgrade out of the sentry gun, all before 10 seconds of acutal game time has passed. some maps i can get both upgrades done before the maps start, all by simply running around. no one expects them do be done so soon, and it becomes a happy massacre!


                        Originally posted by darth_nevus
                        Quick Setup and defense.

                        As an engineer, i learned a lovely trick that helps out greatly when you have a piss poor team.

                        During the "setup" time, First, run out, and deploy the box. instead of waitinf gor it to build, run to the nearest resupply area, or even ammo box, and pick it up. this will give you enough resources to drop a sentry. instead of hammering on it, head back to the resupply or ammo box, grab another set, make a quick pass by the hub, and you sould be able to get 1 level upgrade out of the sentry gun, all before 10 seconds of acutal game time has passed. some maps i can get both upgrades done before the maps start, all by simply running around. no one expects them do be done so soon, and it becomes a happy massacre!
                        I learned this one real fast, but it doesn't help. As of last night, people had adapted to take advantage of the Beta inbalances: a single engineer, no matter how good, isn't going to stop the FOUR scouts, who each count as 2 guys, taking that flag if he's still building up his gun.

                        Pigworthy commented on this in-game, and I noticed it before that. Scouts are truly unbalancing factors on the node capture maps. A small group of those guys will rip through a defence that has yet to realize what's going on, as was the case in about every round we played last night. Maybe once more players realized just what the heck just happened, it may change, but for now the first team to take that approach wins the map.

                        And online players being what they were, nobody was adapting to the tactic except CLRs, and there weren't enough of us.


                        Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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                          Originally posted by Rand{CLR}
                          I learned this one real fast, but it doesn't help. As of last night, people had adapted to take advantage of the Beta inbalances: a single engineer, no matter how good, isn't going to stop the FOUR scouts, who each count as 2 guys, taking that flag if he's still building up his gun.

                          Pigworthy commented on this in-game, and I noticed it before that. Scouts are truly unbalancing factors on the node capture maps. A small group of those guys will rip through a defence that has yet to realize what's going on, as was the case in about every round we played last night. Maybe once more players realized just what the heck just happened, it may change, but for now the first team to take that approach wins the map.

                          And online players being what they were, nobody was adapting to the tactic except CLRs, and there weren't enough of us.

                          Yeah, in smaller games, scout can seem a bit unbalanced (especially when they count for two on caps). If you have a team that will adjust to your all out scout tactics though, you will have problems. A single decent Heavy with medic in tow can work over 3-4 Scouts in pretty short order. Throw in a sentry, and its good night to the speed freaks. Pyro can also make short work of them, as he can engage, fire em up, and disengage and just watch them burn

                          I think thats the point though. A single engineer, with no backup and only 1 turret, should not be able to turtle all by his lonesome against 4 other players, almost without exception. Unless the 4 players are all poor players or choose less effective classes. If, however, you are a skilled combat class like a soldier or a scout, you MAY be able to hold a point against 4 other players.

                          I think it just gets chalked up to people not understanding the pacing and delicate balance of the game. Once more people get this game, and the skill of the players goes up, we'll see a whole different level of gameplay and balance.


                            With proper placment of said sentry and tactics one engi CAN defend against 4 scouts.The sentry will kill em all in the air or whereever as long as it spots em first.On the other hand there is no stopping a heavy with more than on medic in tow. On Fort this morn there was 3 medics all ready with there ubers and were taking the intel and making it back everytime.Even 3 fully upgraded senrtys and our on haevys coulndt stop em.


                              Tip of the dayont defend locked nodes.


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                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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