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PAIRO update!! (new weapons, info here)

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    PAIRO update!! (new weapons, info here)

    TF2 Pyro Update Includes Significant Class Changes; First Unlockable Weapon Unveiled - Shacknews - PC Games, PlayStation, Xbox 360 and Wii video game news, previews and downloads

    Looks like we know the melee weapon it is getting, which is an axe that does half the normal damage to non-flaming targets, but will crit on flaming targets. If you could get 2 pyros (one flaming, one axing) or like the whole team as pyro (flaming and axing) it could be crazy ^_^!

    Also, it says people will get some updates to the pyro, regardless if you do achievements. It really did need a tune-up, its my least played and worst class.
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    AXETINGUISHER !!!! One point to clarify .. you have to light them up yourself to get the crits .. you can't just come in behind another Pyro and go axe nuts on the retreating baddies.
    Ohh, and I absolutely LOVE Pyro .. its a decimating attack on a tight map. You know where I go nuts and kill multiples ?? Second stage of Goldrush with the chokepoint double corridor (left and right entrances) before it empties out into the courtyard by the CP. If a medic tails me, he's safe from direct fire, and I can flame and retreat, at which point I run to the other side and rain fiery death on them from behind !
    I love spy checks as well, so I just spray a blast at random in a dark corner (2Fort front doors) and you'll hear the screams of agony from some punk Spy running to jump in the water.

    I really like fire too. *HUNNA HUNNA HUA*
    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


      Lol WT you are so passionate, does your special someone get jealous?
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        Originally posted by WalkinTarget View Post
        I really like fire too. *HUNNA HUNNA HUA*
        Your pyro battle cry tells it all, WalkinTarget.

        Ah, the update was just enough to get me curious. Interesting idea with the axe, and I'm interested in seeing what the other weapons will be. I personally cannot imagine 36 achievements for the Pyro. A majority will likely include the flamethrower, but there are only so many different ways to burn people.

        I fear for my life after this update. I absolutely hate fighting Pyros as a Medic. Sneaky pyromaniacs always jumping out of crazy places. I personally don't play Pyro much, mostly just because a few other classes appeal to me more.

        Ubering a Pyro, though....ah, yes. Much different story. So much flames. So much fun.


          Whats all of your Steam names? I feel like playin TF2 now

          I'm usually a medic and my steam name is nAILLIK361 (caps lock was on )


            WalkinTarget ... what else would my screen name be ? Ohh, and guess what class I shall be !!
            Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


              lol WT
              this update takes forever! It's been over an hour and a half now and its been loading at 500kb/s


                ok wtf..... now it logged me out of steam community, and it says my account doesnt exist, but when I go to switch users, it says I must log out


                  Steam has been quirky the last few days, plus there were a few steam updates today...

                  My steam name is _ben_kenobi_, but if you want to add me, just look at the steam cain's lair community.

                  To tails:

                  I play medic a lot as you know, and I actually find pyro one of the easiest to kill!! The trick is getting the unlocked needle gun... once there were 2 pyros on me, AND I was at 30 health. One of them set me fire, and I just let the needles go loose, and every one of them must have hit. Each hit gives +3 health, so if 80% of them hit thats 96 health + the amount regened by the medic itself. thats somewhere like 110 health, and since I was out of range of their flamethrowers, I killed them both with the second needle gun clip. The trick is just stayin out of their flamethrowing range.
                  [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [url=]
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                    Originally posted by BenKenobi View Post
                    To tails:

                    I play medic a lot as you know, and I actually find pyro one of the easiest to kill!! The trick is getting the unlocked needle gun... once there were 2 pyros on me, AND I was at 30 health. One of them set me fire, and I just let the needles go loose, and every one of them must have hit. Each hit gives +3 health, so if 80% of them hit thats 96 health + the amount regened by the medic itself. thats somewhere like 110 health, and since I was out of range of their flamethrowers, I killed them both with the second needle gun clip. The trick is just stayin out of their flamethrowing range.
                    Oh, I love killing Pyros as a Medic. It's usually quite easy, as they don't get close enough to use the flamthrower. It's when I'm healing a guy who wants to hug the Pyro. And, more often than not, I feel obliged to keep healing him. The pyro then makes his way towards me, and I'm forced to defend myself, then run off for health.

                    I'm willing to bet WalkinTarget does this all the time, laughs, then moves on to his next target.


                      As long as the pyro doesnt get crit fire, he/she (we dont know yet do we?) is pretty easy to kill if you can needle them at a good distance, provided they're stupid enough to keep coming at you. If they do turn around and run from healing needles you can always beat their head in with an ubersaw.

                      Anyway, the creation of new class acheivments is apparently going on the lines of least played characters getting new ones first. I guess that leaves the soldier, engy, and heavy the last ones to get new stuff. I was really looking forward to brass knuckles.


                        Thursday seems so far away ....

                        oddly enough, I've been really enjoying 2Fort only instant respawn servers, and that is where the action is !! I even played Scout *GASP* a bit yesterday and finished with two intel caps in under two minutes. Yea, on 2Fort thats ridiculous, but nobody put a sentry up top so I hurt 'em until they figured it out.
                        I even played some Engy as well, but as an offensive one, not defensive. I will go back to my usual Pyro by Thursday, you can guarantee that. I just need to find a crazy Medic to tail behind me from time to time.
                        Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                          Thats it, im coming back on to play


                            The first Pyro unlockable is The Flare Gun, which replaces the shotgun. It allows the Pyro to ignite an enemy at long range, but does require careful aim on their part. It’s particularly useful for causing havoc on Snipers and Engineers who want to keep their distance.

                            The second Pyro unlockable is The Backburner. This flamethrower is built for the Pyro who likes to ambush their opponents. It removes the compression blast capability, instead guaranteeing critical hits whenever it’s used on an opponent from behind. To aid insurvivability, it grants the Pyro an extra fifty health.

                            This makes it a lot better for use on those pesky heavies.

                            And also

                            In addition to the three unlockable Pyro weapons, we've made a significant addition to the base Pyro flamethrower. By hitting the alt-fire key, the Pyro is able to produce a blast of compressed air that knocks enemies away, and redirects enemy projectiles. It’s a highly versatile tool, allowing Pyros to get away from nearby enemies after igniting them, to kill enemy soldiers with their own rockets, or to separate enemy Medics from their healing targets. In particular, it allows a skilled Pyro to contain an enemy invulnerability push, and even to separate the Medic completely if the surrounding terrain supports it.

                            Wow...thats awesome

                            2 more maps too

                            Fastlane and Turbine


                            Hot on Your Heels: Kill 50 enemies with your flamethrower, from behind.

                            Next of Kindling: Ignite an enemy, and the Medic healing him.

                            Second Degree Burn: Kill a burning enemy who was ignited by another Pyro.

                            Weenie Roast: Have 2 enemy Scouts on fire at the same time.

                            Baptism by Fire: Force 10 burning enemies to jump into water.

                            Fire and Forget: Kill 15 players while you're dead.

                            I Fry: Ignite 10 disguised Spies.

                            OMGWTFBBQ: Kill an enemy with a taunt.

                            Got A Light?: Ignite an enemy Spy while he's flicking a cigarette.

                            BarbeQueQ: Cause a dominated player to leave the server.

                            Dance Dance Immolation: Kill 3 enemies while they're taunting.

                            Hotshot: Kill a Soldier with a reflected critical rocket.

                            Firefighter: Kill 500 enemies.

                            Fire Chief: Kill 1000 enemies

                            Attention Getter: Ignite 100 enemies with the flare gun.

                            Pyromancer: Do 1 million points of total fire damage.

                            Hot Potato: Reflect 100 projectiles with your compressed air blast.

                            Combined Fire: Use your shotgun to finish off 20 players you've ignited.

                            Firewall: Ignite 5 Spies who have a sapper on a friendly building.

                            Cooking the Books: Ignite 5 enemies carrying your intelligence.

                            Spontaneous Combustion: Ignite 10 cloaked Spies.

                            Trailblazer: Ignite 10 enemies that have recently used a teleporter.

                            Camp Fire: Kill 3 enemies in a row, all within the same area.

                            Lumberjack: Kill 3 people with your axe in one life.

                            Clearcutter: Kill 6 people with your axe in one life.

                            Firewatch: Ignite 10 snipers while they are zoomed in.

                            Burn Ward: Ignite 3 medics that are ready to deploy an Uber-charge.

                            Makin' Bacon: Kill 50 Heavies with your flamethrower.

                            Plan B: Kill 10 enemies while you're both underwater.

                            Pyrotechnics: Kill 3 enemies in a single uber-charge.

                            Arsonist: Destroy 50 Engineer buildings.

                            Controlled Burn: Ignite 50 enemies capturing one of your control points.

                            Dead Heat: Kill an enemy in the same second that he kills you.

                            Pilot Light: Ignite a rocket-jumping Soldier while he's in midair.

                            Freezer Burn: Provide enemies with freezecam shots of each of your taunts.

                            SWEEEEEET !!! I can't wait to try the Flare gun on those damn Snipers. The Air Blaster looks incredible. Separate an Uber'd Medic from his buddy !!! DOH !! This is going to really open up the Pyro class, and I hope yo unlock at least a dozen of the achievements immediately, as your past kills are credited for the class.

                            Makin' Bacon - set 50 Heavies (fatties) on fiyahh !! Jeffro, my little big boned friend ?? Where are youuuuu ???? *inside joke reference*

                            Anyone see this one ???

                            BarbeQueQ: Cause a dominated player to leave the server.
                            Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                              wow those are lots of pyro achievement i think i only got about 8hr on the pyro its gonna sux cause i rarely play it cause it doesnt do much damage except make other people run away like little girls when they burning. but this is gonna be cool.
                              Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Apache Warrior
                                Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
                                I am not playing anything right...
                                2 Mar 2025, 09:04 AM
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                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
                                1 Mar 2025, 07:24 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                :O hey Pidgeot!

                                Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
                                23 Feb 2025, 06:31 PM