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Pairo update = epic fail

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    Pairo update = epic fail

    complaint of the day:

    Pyro's have way too long range now... they can one shot anyone. they can become immune to rockets and grenades. they are the equivalent of a heavy when it comes to taking damage (almost). they can SNIPE..... Their flamethrower has a longer effective range than a shotty now...

    i know, the backburner should rid it's extra health, flare guns fair game cuz if you meet a pyro you're screwed and you can still defend and i am pretty sure that the flamethrower has actually had that range for quite some time, you just weren't there. The pyro was extremely underpowered although the best of players (walkintarget) had mastered him before. I can see why they did this, but they went a bit over the top


      I agree, I'm getting toasted constantly !


        The second Pyro unlockable is The Backburner. This flamethrower is built for the Pyro who likes to ambush their opponents. It removes the compression blast capability, instead guaranteeing critical hits whenever it?s used on an opponent from behind. To aid in survivability, it grants the Pyro an extra fifty health.
        I have a major problem with the text in bold.

        If anyone has seen a decent pyro vs anything fight, they tend to
        run around over the place when flaming you, and once they run around
        to the point of them facing your behind, thats a definite minus for you.

        Sure a simple solution to that is "Well, don't let them get around to your back, durr"
        But which I think is impossible for this certain fast paced fps.

        I cant think of an alternative for it other than reduce the critical chance attack.

        To aid in survivability, it grants the Pyro an extra fifty health.
        This I can live with, as a scout that just means an extra shot or two till dead.

        As for the flare gun, I have no problems with it other than I find it
        very embarrassing to die from it.


          I love my flare gun, but my shotty is much,much better, it takes down pyros and and i was playing earlier and yes, the flamethrower has gained an extra mile or two for length, bloody hell that thing can shoot far....


            Guys, keep in mind that these are added achievements for the class. When another achievement comes out, you complain that they are overpowered as well !!! When ALL of them are out, each will be balanced once again.

            You're trying to nerf a class that is buffed due to no one playing it before. I just don't see the reason to change it when it is meant to add to the Pyro's skillset.
            Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


              ok.... if they're overpowering the pyro,
              then i want the heavy to get a weapon that kills invulnerables, a melee weapon that crits every time, and something else that is ridiculous.
              Then, i want the engy to get a sentry that can upgrade to lvl 6 or a force shield. The demoman can have claymores and dynamite that blows everything a least 3 feet in the air. The scout can run faster, the soldier gets an always critting rocket launcher... etc.

              maybe that'll even the field.

              the pyro has been overpowered. simple. Theres a reason only a few people used him, just like only a few people use the medic, or the heavy, or the scout, or the heavy. People excell with some classes and hate others with a passion.


                Your right wt, I guess I'll wait for my 0-100 mph under 1 second sprint ability for my scout.

                So fast ya didn't even know what hit cha.


                  I've always enjoyed playing Pyro, he's definitely one of my favorite classes... But, I don't really feel that he needed the +50 HP with the Backburner.

                  The standard flamethrower gave the air compression ability, which allows him to deflect incoming rockets or push sticky bombs away from a choke point. I think this greatly helped the Pyro with the ability to push forward against soldiers/demoman, and it also gave him a more supportive role when it came to opening areas (from stickies) and keeping them off of friendly sentries.

                  The Backburner obviously caters to the Pyro that enjoys springing ambushes and gives him a large advantage to one of his main tactics: flanking. I really like the new weapons and abilities they added to the Pyro, but I didn't really think that the +50 HP was all that necessary, especially for a weapon that stresses ambushes. I'm not complaining about it, but I think the Pyro's high mobility kinda defeats the purpose for having higher HP, since he's pretty quick on the feet and has a weapon that has zero reload time. Personally, I was satisfied more than enough with just the 100% crits from behind to help with ambushing.

                  I guess we'll just see how it continues to play out. The Backburner still makes the Pyro extremely vulnerable to juggling from soldiers and ranged attacks from other classes, though. It's definitely much more painful to run into a Pyro at close range, but I think they just tried to make him more of the CQC specialist that he was supposed to be from the get-go.


                    I know it is kinda off topic, but: How do you use the air compression ability?


                      Originally posted by Dead...Again View Post
                      I know it is kinda off topic, but: How do you use the air compression ability?
                      Just have the standard flamethrower equipped and right click (by default).

                      It takes 25 ammo each time you use it, so don't get too trigger happy! It is a great tool for the Pyro, though.


                        what exactly does it do? i dont' get it


                          reverses the direction of rockets and nades...

                          also, im a bit annoyed at the fact that the backburner, which is supposed to be used for ambushes, has such a long range... they should halve the range of it


                            i think the opposite, flare gun, u need skill to aim the gun and actually hit someone far away. if it hit you it only set u on fire and put you down half health i believe. the 2nd flamethrower i can live with. just when u running back just run backwards so it wont crit you from behind. its what i do

                            i got all my pyro unlocks but i dont find it to be very useful to me. as you can still get cream but other class head to head. i just use the flare gun to annoy sniper and other people.
                            Last edited by AmazingRedd; 23 Jun 2008, 04:46 PM.
                            Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


                              I don't understand this "no one played pyro". I had more time as pyro than my next 2 classes combined. Pyro was/is great fun. I know a lot of people that were playing pyro before the update. Yo Sirex!
                              A change of Pace.
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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                                Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

                                Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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