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Please Help Me To Understand crosshairs

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    Please Help Me To Understand crosshairs

    TF2 is a good game but I do not understand why the crosshairs and the bullets not jive. me and PG like the game but I have tried too kill as much as I can but it seems that killing the opponent is out of the question for me. So what gives? I have empyted all my ammo too kill someone and they never die but can kill me with one or two shots

    It must be certain place too aim and shoot that I have not figured out yet but I am still trying hard too help out.

    I see you usually play Heavy, and their gun needs close to medium range..... someone directly infront of your MG will be mush in moments, a little longer for medium range. With heavy, there's no specific place to aim seeing as it doesn't really matter, because the MG is so inaccurate..... Take it as a massive, rapid firing shotgun.....


      Try a sniper, the dot works lol
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        The only gun in the game that is 100% dead on is the sniper rifle, but to balance it out the sniper has fewer hit points, has to reload after each shot, and gives away where he's aiming with a colored aiming dot.

        One thing that you have to learn early on in TF2 is that teamwork > all. Each class has strengths and weaknesses, and you have to learn to rely on others in your team to make up for the natural weaknesses in your class. The spread on each weapon (like the pistol, shotgun and heavy's minigun) is balanced to give each class distinct advantages at certain ranges. For example, The Heavy is mainly an close up/defensive player, so his weapon is not designed to be used as a sniping weapon. To balance this out, he gets the most hit points of any class but moves slower than any other class. He's a great meat shield and damage dealer, but he can't last long without help from a medic or engy dispenser.

        Also remember that if you are going against someone who is being healed by a medic or a dispenser, you're going to have a much harder time killing them.

        This is why I say the gameplay of TF2 is so deep. With 9 classes, 3 weapons each and a host of specialized abilities, the standard point and click gunplay of your typical FPS just doesn't apply.


          Originally posted by CarbonFire View Post
          has to reload after each shot

          Thats what you think


            here ares some videos on how to play each class, im only post 2 as you can look around youtube for more if you like or u can have a long reading over the steamforums on how each class its play

            YouTube - How to play the Heavy

            YouTube - Team Fortress 2 How to play Sniper
            Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


              Also, Valve games are notorious for a player's damage box to follow them around a corner... even if you think you've missed the enemy by a couple inches, they'll still get hit. Can't tell ya how many times I've just ducked my head behind a wall an inch and it still comes off...

              So, the only time you'll need to lead your enemy is with demoman, and soldier because their munitions take time to cover ground.
              The pistol isnt designed to be that accurate of a long range weapon... so as an engy or scout, you can bother a sniper if he's looking at you from across the map. You wont kill him, but its instinctive for snipers to take cover when they're being shot at because of their low health.


                The vids in ruthless' post have great tips, but try not to get confused lol, that heavy had perfect accuracy with all bullets finding the mark inside the crosshair it's harder when really plaayin


                  I find as a Pyro, it ... ummm ... doesn't much matter about my aim. I don't really need a dot to know I hit somebody, I just hide in a corner and wait til they run by, then BURNNN THEMMMM from behind. It really is a simple thing. No aiming required, unless Naillik is on the other team as a cloaked Spy .. ohh wait .. I don't even aim for that either .. he just runs into my flare gun rounds.

                  I love the simplicity of the Pyro class ... you toss a lil flame on EVERYONE and about 10% of the time you get some luckless Spy that is feeling ballsy. It really doesn't get much easier to play. It DOES need to be played on a tight map, so you can surprise enemies in corners and doorways, so don't get into open area firefights too often.
                  Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                    Thank You everyone for the help.


                      Have you considered other alternatives besides bullets? Like rockets, flames, knives, or an auto machine that does the aim 'n fire for you?

                      Soldier is something I think you can get used to very quickly, and
                      are quite powerful when mastered. .


                        Originally posted by killa_zn View Post
                        Have you considered other alternatives besides bullets? Like rockets, flames, knives, or an auto machine that does the aim 'n fire for you?

                        Soldier is something I think you can get used to very quickly, and
                        are quite powerful when mastered. .
                        Yeah, the heavy certainly is an acquired taste for most people as is the pyro, spy, demoman, and scout... since its obvious you aren't exactly a fish in water at this game, choose the class that doesnt require much finess. The soldier is basically just firing high explosives at people's legs... not too complicated for a beginner... where as you have to expertly position yourself with the pyro and heavy.


                          Originally posted by xGoblin013x View Post
                          Yeah, the heavy certainly is an acquired taste for most people as is the pyro, spy, demoman, and scout... since its obvious you aren't exactly a fish in water at this game, choose the class that doesnt require much finess. The soldier is basically just firing high explosives at people's legs... not too complicated for a beginner... where as you have to expertly position yourself with the pyro and heavy.
                          Definitely agreed on that heavy/pyro positioning. In fact, so does Valve.


                            oooh... there are more things in the teamfortress2 link... Trading Cards!

                            At some point during the shipping of TF2, the TF art team built a set of trading cards as promotional tools at cyber cafes. We find it unfortunate that we were never able to produce these at a larger scale, considering how much work went into them and considering how proud we were of them as final pieces of art

                            Great advertising idea Valve!!!


                              lol yea, and I found this helpful medic thingy

                              The rate of healing actually ramps up based on the amount of time since the heal target was last injured. If it's been greater than 10 seconds since the target was hurt, the heal rate is increased. The amount of increase ramps linearly up to 3 times the base heal rate at 15 seconds since the target was hurt. So if you're healing a target who's been hurt less than 10 seconds ago, you'll only be getting the base heal rate of 24 health a second. If the target was hurt 12.5 seconds ago, you'll be healing at 48 health a second. If the target hasn't been hurt for over 15 seconds, you'll be getting the maximum heal rate of 72 health a second.

                              Like many additions of hidden complexity, this was a solution to a problem we observed in playtesting. Early on, the medigun only had a single base healing rate of 24 health per second. One behavior we saw players exhibit was that of retreating away from the front line to get healed by a Medic, before returning to combat. Over time, we saw players stop doing this, when they realized that the time it took to be healed back there wasn't worth it. They could have kept fighting at the front line, died, and respawned in much the same amount of time. We wanted to encourage that retreat-for-healing behavior, so we needed to reduce the time it took. We didn't want to affect the healing rate 'in combat' though, so we added this ramp. By using the time since the target was last hurt as a measure of how much combat the target is in, we could essentially tune two different healing speeds independently. The base amount is the rate of healing 'in combat', and the fully ramped amount is the healing rate for resting 'out of combat'.

                              Never knew
                              also if you didn't notice, the heavy is the next update
                              I'll agree soldier is probably the simplest class to play


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                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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