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Worst UT launch ever

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      Originally posted by BenKenobi
      I think the main reason is that there are more fun games right now...

      Based on what I saw from the demo, I'm not planning on buying this game, ever...
      I think that's more of a matter of perspective. COD4 sucks imho, and the Crysis MP isn't anywhere near as strong at the SP. And considering 90% of my gaming time is spent online.... i know what game i'll be playing.


        Originally posted by Starfire
        Modding is impossible until they fix the compression issue,
        Are you referring to cooked maps? If so, I am trying to find info on how to un-cook a map. My mods work, but ground textures have weird rainbow colors on them, etc.

        . . . but modding in general works fine.


          This is comming from someone who has never played any of the UT games before, other than 15 minutes of 2k4...

          I'm hoping for a Warfare demo. It looks like more of my thing. vCTF wasn't bad, but it isn't something I would spend money on. I had a couple of hours of fun with the demo, and that was good enough. It just seems... bland to me.

          Battlefield-type games are my absolute favourite FPSes. I got addicted to Battlefield instantly. But I don't feel rewarded playing UT3. I like unlock and award systems; it gives me something to work towards. I can set a goal, so to speak, and have fun trying to achieve it. The "run around as fast as you can and shoot anything that moves" style of gameplay just isn't attractive to me. After playing for half an hour, I start to get a little bored.

          Even though TF2 doesn't have unlocks, it at least has classes. Swapping between being a spy, then an engineer with a sentry, then a heavy, etc., keeps me entertained. I won't stay addicted to it for quite as long as 2142, but it has another level of strategy that I enjoy. It still isn't my prefered BF-type of game, but it can still hold my interest long enough for a several hour long gaming session.

          Anyway, I saw a gameplay video of Warfare mode, and it looks pretty cool. A demo with it included might sell the game for me. It kind of looks like it might be fun, but I'm not ready to pay $60 for it yet...


            I'm really looking forward to the PS3 version and even playing the UT3 demo I was highly entertained w/ the gameplay. I really don't look at each UT rendition just from what was improved from the previous one but more as a new game.

            IMO Warfare seems more like ONS meets Domination w/ a touch of Assault. Many of the side Nodes require a team to hold on to it for a set amount of time until a certain event happens (i.e. Nanoblack Infection Tube, Nanoblack Flood, Support vehicles, ect.) or your team needs to set Shaped Charges on barricades to help control parts of the map. Throw in the power of the Orb and it's far more complex in what one can do to help a team win.

            I've always like the freedom of just playing and not feeling the need to log tons of hours just to get all the goodies. Don't get me wrong the BF series is great but ever since EA introduced the ranked server system it just seems too controlled now.

            Either way have fun w/ whatever game suits your fragging needs...


              Feels like UT2004 with a graphics upgrade. Since UT2004 was never more than a poor shadow of UT99, ...not much incentive there.

              Maybe in a slow game year, but there are just so many other and better games to play right now.

              Epic made themselves' Microsoft's bitch for Gears of War, I wouldn't be surprised to see that they've whored themselves out to Sony now, and the only non-suck version will be on the PS3.

              The trend of developers buying out entire mod teams (i.e. everything on Steam that doesn't start with the word "Half") makes me wonder if there's going to be a thriving mod communtiy anymore, as well.


                Originally posted by Nomadicus
                Originally posted by Starfire
                Modding is impossible until they fix the compression issue,
                Are you referring to cooked maps? If so, I am trying to find info on how to un-cook a map. My mods work, but ground textures have weird rainbow colors on them, etc.

                . . . but modding in general works fine.
                Not really what I meant Nomad.....the file compression that allows us to put compressed versions of custom files on redirect servers for downloads is not working ATM so even if there are mods made, they can't be compressed and put on redirects.


                  26. Unreal Tournament 3 (PC)
                  594 servers, 1101 players
                  Ouch.... really a rough start.


                    Same goes for Crysis. Can't believe how high up 2142 still is. The only thing that made that game good in my eyes was the CLR's i was playing with.


                      Crysis is different because it's mainly a SP game. Who cares if the multiplayer fails?

                      The single player on UT3 sucks. If the multiplayer fails, the game is dead. And unfortunately, so far it looks stillborn. :-(


                        After reading this thread.. I don't think it's the game's fault, it's the people complaining's fault... jesus christ.

                        The game is not like UT2k4... I don't know why anyone would say that. Every gun has changed, and I hate to break this to you, but when it comes to FPSes, a sequel means these things-

                        New maps
                        Changes to existing guns (Or else it's not the same game)
                        Minor changes in gameplay

                        They went for the UT99 feel, and coming from a hugely excited person about the quake series (I hated UT99-2k4 but played it because after Q4, the series died), I have to say that UT3 is almost perfect.

                        It is so finely tuned, and I know this because i've played it enough to realize it.

                        At first I thought the game sucked from playing the demo, but after the first hour it all started to make sense.

                        I promise you naysayers, give it some more time. Play some DM, VCTF, and warfare some more and it will start clicking.

                        If you don't like it, go pick up CS:S and play fisher price deathmatch with the rest of the thirteen year olds and rednecks


                          Originally posted by slinky317
                          Crysis is different because it's mainly a SP game. Who cares if the multiplayer fails?

                          The single player on UT3 sucks. If the multiplayer fails, the game is dead. And unfortunately, so far it looks stillborn. :-(
                          You must think the multiplayer for portal sucks too, huh?


                            rant on/

                            Thinktank, UT3 is a very, very good DM game. Warfare may take a while to grow but I think it does suffer from some pretty fundamental issues. The weapons themselves are reasonably balanced but the vehicles are problematic. Specifically, the Manta which pwns even more in UT3 than 2K4, and it was a monster there.

                            This can be quite easily fixed if Epic:

                            1. Increases the sound of it and all vehicles in general to something reasonable so you can hear it coming

                            2. Provides some better defense against Manta's on foot. I personally believe that the shock ball knockback as evident in 2K4 is the way to go especially since dodge jumping is out.

                            I will play this game and will adjust and its not that I don't like it. The main issue here is that the hype that has been building around this game for the past 2 years (since it was officially announced) has not been realized. We all bought and paid money for a Release Candidate (RC7 to be exact) which has significant, noteworthy and eye raising issues. The UI is a complete disgrace.

                            The lack of admin tools and basic options is a slap in the face of every server admin and signifcantly affects the current numbers in terms of both servers and players online. Given that the single player "campaign" is a too funny to actually laugh at, the only thing that will save this game is a solid online component. How Epic can release a MP game without these basic components is mind boggling.

                            Epic has clearly scoffed in the face of many long term UT players in their actions with this game. Claims that PC is their bread and butter are worth nothing when they have clearly biased UT3 towards consoles. "Its done when its done" statements that they have been shooting their mouth off for the past 2 years are a complete and utter joke given the state of their release. Quite frankly, a level of trust has been lost and a lot of people, me included, are affected by it. Yes I know Epic is in the business of making money and I respect and understand that. Only time will tell if their arrogance will pay off. So far, its not exactly looking that good is it?

                            Personally, I see them gambling an already established market for UT3 while attempting to corner a new but albeit more lucrative one. This fact is not lost on a significant portion of the current UT community.

                            As a long time supporter of Epic (since UT99), I am personally quite disappointed but then that is just me so no big deal. However, I know a good number of other comptetitive and casual players that feel the same. Most of us, including me, are not crying for a UT2K4 clone, BTW. Just some evidence that Epic actually stands behind their claims that PC is king in their viewpoint and the game NOT to be sacrificed in the name of consoles because to a lot of us, Epic sold out.

                            /rant off


                              Originally posted by Slug{CLR}
                              rant on/

                              Thinktank, UT3 is a very, very good DM game. Warfare may take a while to grow but I think it does suffer from some pretty fundamental issues. The weapons themselves are reasonably balanced but the vehicles are problematic. Specifically, the Manta which pwns even more in UT3 than 2K4, and it was a monster there.

                              This can be quite easily fixed if Epic:

                              1. Increases the sound of it and all vehicles in general to something reasonable so you can hear it coming

                              2. Provides some better defense against Manta's on foot. I personally believe that the shock ball knockback as evident in 2K4 is the way to go especially since dodge jumping is out.

                              I will play this game and will adjust and its not that I don't like it. The main issue here is that the hype that has been building around this game for the past 2 years (since it was officially announced) has not been realized. We all bought and paid money for a Release Candidate (RC7 to be exact) which has significant, noteworthy and eye raising issues. The UI is a complete disgrace.

                              The lack of admin tools and basic options is a slap in the face of every server admin and signifcantly affects the current numbers in terms of both servers and players online. Given that the single player "campaign" is a too funny to actually laugh at, the only thing that will save this game is a solid online component. How Epic can release a MP game without these basic components is mind boggling.

                              Epic has clearly scoffed in the face of many long term UT players in their actions with this game. Claims that PC is their bread and butter are worth nothing when they have clearly biased UT3 towards consoles. "Its done when its done" statements that they have been shooting their mouth off for the past 2 years are a complete and utter joke given the state of their release. Quite frankly, a level of trust has been lost and a lot of people, me included, are affected by it. Yes I know Epic is in the business of making money and I respect and understand that. Only time will tell if their arrogance will pay off. So far, its not exactly looking that good is it?

                              Personally, I see them gambling an already established market for UT3 while attempting to corner a new but albeit more lucrative one. This fact is not lost on a significant portion of the current UT community.

                              As a long time supporter of Epic (since UT99), I am personally quite disappointed but then that is just me so no big deal. However, I know a good number of other comptetitive and casual players that feel the same. Most of us, including me, are not crying for a UT2K4 clone, BTW. Just some evidence that Epic actually stands behind their claims that PC is king in their viewpoint and the game NOT to be sacrificed in the name of consoles because to a lot of us, Epic sold out.

                              /rant off
                              I know companies are companies to make money- but there are two exceptions to this rule FOR ME.

                              Valve continues to impress me with amazing value, customer support, and amazing games.

                              Epic... wow. Epic continued to release content for UT2k4 even after release- be it patches, or map packs and supporting the mod community.

                              I think we need to realize that they're essentially working overtime here- they're a pretty small company to be doing so many things at once (Don't forget, they just released GoW on the PC as well), among other things, they also have to re-release the game on 360 and PS3 as well, so they aren't slouching off. They just have a lot on their plate.

                              Today will mark a week for the game's release, so I don't think we should jump the gun and call the launch a failure yet... but we should all realize that they're definately going to release patches to address issues and add more content.

                              Epic's a good company guys... especially in the face of shitty companies like EA, Sony, and Microsoft today.


                                I most definitely agree, Valve and Epic have been at the forefront of quality for quite some time and I believe that Epic will fix this puppy up. I just hope it does not go the way of Quake 4 which when completed and fixed by Id was good but too late and peeps moved on.

                                This is the danger of releasing too early. Let's hope you are right.


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                  Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                  Yesterday, 11:03 AM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Apache Warrior
                                  Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
                                  I am not playing anything right...
                                  2 Mar 2025, 10:04 AM
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                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 08:24 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 06:19 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

                                  Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                  Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
                                  23 Feb 2025, 07:31 PM