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Worst UT launch ever

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    I remember the ONS days when no one used the word jumpstart around here. It wasn't needed.


      Can't believe i missed the fun last night. I was sitting AFK for hours and when i got back the server was buzzing. Just a pity i felt wrecked so i decided call it a night before even starting to play.


        Originally posted by juneau
        Can't believe i missed the fun last night. I was sitting AFK for hours and when i got back the server was buzzing. Just a pity i felt wrecked so i decided call it a night before even starting to play.
        Yeah, where did you go? It was starting to ramp up when you showed, and really started getting busy about half an hour after you came in, to the point where the red team was really hurting at having AFKs. I had to leave shortly after. I tried to switch over to help them before I left, but it wouldn't let me switch because sides were even.


        Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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          Originally posted by Rand{CLR}
          Originally posted by juneau
          Can't believe i missed the fun last night. I was sitting AFK for hours and when i got back the server was buzzing. Just a pity i felt wrecked so i decided call it a night before even starting to play.
          Yeah, where did you go? It was starting to ramp up when you showed, and really started getting busy about half an hour after you came in, to the point where the red team was really hurting at having AFKs. I had to leave shortly after. I tried to switch over to help them before I left, but it wouldn't let me switch because sides were even.

          I'll be back tonight, and hopefully nowhere near as tired.


            I thought the server started kicking AFK's when it became full?
            ??Click me to donate??


              Originally posted by Dead_And_Gone
              I thought the server started kicking AFK's when it became full?
              Don't know about this. It didn't quite get full before I left, it was getting full. There were maybe 12 guys per team, and 3 afks on the red team at the time.


              Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
              Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                There isn't a setting that would tell the server to not kick AFKs except when it's full.


                  Originally posted by WalkinTarget
                  (other than Coret .. I always got lost on that map)
                  Nah man. Coret is the best map =D


                    Last night was fun. It has been a few days since I played with teams that seemed balanced. Some of switched teams (I was able to and some could not). Cain's is still #1 even if Epic is not.

                    As for theories on UT3's demise. Look at it this way, if Epic goes under (unlikely), there would be a fire sale of the Enreal 3 Engine. A bunch of us could pull together some seed money and do it right!
                    [Yes. I am doing rather excellent drugs this morning, but my doctor prescribed them! lol).


                      epic wont go under.... not in todays world. There is to many big companies that have tons of money to spend in getting the rights to epic. While ut3 might not be doing that great the unreal engine 3 has made some good games this year and then of course there is sequels like gears 2.


                        My 2 cents is the same old 2 cents.

                        No CTF??? :P

                        Then I ain't interested.

                        I got UTIII sitting in the box uninstalled. I am playing Bioshock instead.



                          I'm still a big fan of Unreal Tournament 1999 and Game of the Year edition (basically the same) The graphics are not COD4 level, of course, but you gotta love the "Giant Bedroom" and "Big Kitchen" type custom maps. It is awesome and I have the cracked online version but I hardly ever play it anymore.




                            only just got the game and i have loved every moment of it but yeah i see around 24 players on team deathmatch at any given time, i'm worried


                              yeah love the game i recently got it but way to many bugs for anyone to handle. i havent heard 1 person who got the game to work perfectly . =( i hope they evently create another patch that fixes it all so more people would play and then a lot of people would enjoy it more.

                              overall.--- fun game play --- at the moment it kinda sucks. but ingame its fun.


                                AND SUBZERO did u get it to work?


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
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                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

                                  Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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