This is A. Hamster reporting live for CLNN, where your gaming Begins and Ends
So you've been waiting, I've been pacing, we're all here for the same thing, so
Picture of the day:

Weekend Recaps:
Day of Defeat: Source
The funniest thing about a server like this, is that you can really track the evolution of the game by the way people begin to play the maps the same way nearly every time. Which isnt so funny if you happen to be on the receiving end of someone's rifle grenade- which leaves you wondering how the heck they were able to throw it in the first place ....

Anyways, I found out, then I practiced, and then there were hamster bits everywhere- SO I gave up.
Special Point of the Week For Day of Defeat: Source
The game will play out better if you all use the auto feature to choose the team you will be on in the first place. For some odd reason, team balance isnt as effective as it is in other games.
Another point, is to remember to play it fair. If you are a top player, and the other team loses 3 players, why not give yourself the added challenge and join the team that hasnt been fairing so well? I've seen several players go from uniquely good to godly by doing just this.
It's a community for fun, and playing fair is the key to that essential ingredient!
Call of Duty 4- Classic or Hardcore (shaken or gently stirred)
The comment in the parenthesis is something you would only understand if you have spent significant time on these servers. This weekend I was guilty of not spending a lot on any servers- as I was nursing a heavy cold.
For anyone who hasn't figured it out, shaken refers to the TDM Classic server, where there exists an actual equation whereby if you take the number of air strikes, multiply that by the number of nades, you get a number that equals roughly the number of ocular seizures you'll have from playing 2+ hours of TDM Classic here.
(Cain even confirmed this equation, and then explained to me that by asking such a stupid question, I would also be able to take the root of my ping to one of his servers, subtract pi, and to measure the simple escape velocity of my but from this place as I get kicked out of here. A situation, he says, that could make my fillings ache every time I even saw a LCD Monitor)
Stirred refers to the gentle silence of roaming the wide terrain of a mildly populated server with perks that silence, add silencers to your weapons, and the gentle click of a claymore as you go quickly round a corner. Whereby the last three things that go through your online mind are: "Ulp! Click! Sh**BOOM*!"
World of Warcraft- CLR Style
How many of you even realize we have a server?
Guess what, it exists and it is free. You dont even have to buy the game, as there is a free client that you have access to and can download.
There are complete instructions available, links to every site you can think of to enable you to have fun, AND the server gives out more revenue and experience than the public Blizzard Servers.
Keep in mind though- you want to stay on top of the patch build we are at currently. If you exceed the patch of our server, it will not work for you.
(HINT: Download the client- hit escape when the downloader starts, THEN go to the World of Warcraft Config file to add our realm IP and delete the IP address of the Auto Updater. You will never see the autoupdate again if you follow these directions- this saves frustration !

Upcoming Game Review

Crysis War(s)head
On the other side of the Island…
Well I’m sure we’ve all been looking forward to this game, with high hopes for better performance than the disappointment that was Crysis. Originally meant as an expansion to Crysis, Crytek decided to make it a new game. Much more intense than the original, Warhead will be much more action oriented but not quite reaching an Unreal Tournament like insanity.
It will be released in just a few days on September 16th, and Cain will definitely be running a server for it.
Based on the other side of the island from the original Crysis, Warhead focuses on sheer action. With the extremely open kind of gameplay using the nanosuit that lets you customize each battle to your liking, using strength, speed, cloak and other gadgets to turn fights in your favor. Better news, the nanosuit is available in multiplayer, so combined with vehicles and large servers and maps, sounds like BF2 meets CoD4 meets Crysis. Also happy news from Crytek, the game will be able to run on a $700 PC, although apparently it’s a $700 PC of the latest parts.
Nails rating: 7.0

Pistols blowing up houses? Hell yea!
It looks and sounds better than the original, good performance, with excellent lighting and great attention to detail with very dynamic environments and ambient noises. At normal settings looks better than most other games. It should run silky smooth with an 8800GT on very high settings, so I’m sure those of us lower down will be just fine playing at normal.
Nails Rating: 9.0

Now that looks GOOD.
With the nanosuit, and the much improved multiplayer, Crysis Warhead offers so many ways to do everything in both Single- and multi-player, From 6 shot grenade launchers to big APC’s to picking up and tossing enemies away like dolls, this game will offer a wide variety of tactics available. So far in the beta, very few bugs reported that haven’t been fixed.

Nails Rating: 8.5
Crysis Wars, the multiplayer component of Warhead is a separate disk, with a BF2 style of play, but with more CoD4 style bangs and booms. With apparently large server sizes, and a total of 21 maps available at launch, Crysis Wars promises to be a favorite here for a while. For in-depth multiplayer, visit Crysis Warhead: In-Depth Multiplayer Info - Voodoo Extreme
Nails Rating: 8.5

Hop aboard the Warhead Jeep... it's sick, isn't it?
OVERALL: Very promising with excellent multiplayer and performance, it gets a solid
Total score of 8.0
Interview of the Week (BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND)

A man that needs no introduction, a force to be reckoned with in every game. I've seen this person go from slacker to accused hacker with come from behind proficiency. A real quiet favorite in my opinion, this person lets his performance do his talking in game.
This weekend we traded rounds against each other, and it was really frustrating- He NEVER - EVER takes the same route!!!! Not only that, I have been guilty of nearly jumping out of my chair in real life when Holy has quietly come round a corner and destroyed me.

So on with the interview....
Originally posted by H0ly-H@nd-Gr3nade
BONUS Picture of the day:
Thought I'd throw in a curve ball and add this sweet pic of Gene as he fires the sniper rifle. **cough -- camper **cough haha!

Dontate Well-- Dontate Often
Let's take a moment to remember that if we all donate $5 a month, we preserve our gaming environment.
Check out the Donation Link, The link under Juneau's Signature, or simply look into creating a subscription, you can help guarantee our community for the future.
Closing Remarks
This is A. Hamster reporting live and it has been my pleasure serving you.
I hope you all have a great weekend and keep it fun!
~Hammy Out!!