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do u like your omelets well done?

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    do u like your omelets well done?

    Warning: Baby chicks ground alive so we can eat our omelets -- DailyFinance

    do u like your omelets well done?
    u might want to rethink next time u order/eat some.

    "...Horror, but no surprise, was my reaction when I first read of the undercover video shot at an Iowa hatchery, where day-old male chicks are sent, alive, through a grinder. Their sisters are destined for egg production; Hy-Line North America, the hatchery in the video..."

    that video make me sick to my stomach. this is animal cruelty, i dont care what u say, i also cant believe how our need for chicken meat has gotten us into to commit such horror actions against this poor animals and just because of our needs for chicken meat... im not a vegan but it make me rethink whenever i going to eat some eggs or meat next time.
    Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!

    Pretty harsh, Ruthless. I wonder if this "meat" goes into things like mcnuggets?

    I stopped going to KFC a while back because there were some fried feathers on my hot wings...I'm willing to pay a little extra cash to buy free range eggs too. Thanks for the vid, even though I just ate!


      Should we guilt them into becoming our food? lol


        What I find funny about the outrage in this story is that the people who are outraged about this story tend to be the people who are for abortion.

        The male chicks aren't usable so they are thrown into the grinder where they die quickly it's not pretty but it is all a part of farming. If you don't like it then go vegan. The vegans I know may be annoying but I respect their view.

        Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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          Originally posted by Duke{CLR} View Post
          What I find funny about the outrage in this story is that the people who are outraged about this story tend to be the people who are for abortion.

          The male chicks aren't usable so they are thrown into the grinder where they die quickly it's not pretty but it is all a part of farming. If you don't like it then go vegan. The vegans I know may be annoying but I respect their view.
          You can't get meat from a rooster? I have no problem with killing something for food, but just killing something because at the moment it has no direct use, or isn't profitable, is what bugs me about this one.

          As for pro-abortion (choice), I find it funny that pro-lifers are also often anti-welfare and against sex education, and pro-abstinence "education" (we've seen how well that works in the natural world)...we know how many unwanted children grow up to become criminals, jobless, homeless, etc (the male chickens were created on purpose). I won't get into how pro-war doesn't mesh with pro-life....

          Just some counterpoints. Still luv ya.


            Originally posted by Skud View Post
            You can't get meat from a rooster?
            You know, Skud, you can't go bare back riding a chicken on the beach. Surprisingly, roosters can't make eggs either. Business is business, if the chickens gots tah go, teh chickens gots tah go, ya feelin me?


              I knew it was bad but...Seems as though the system is screwed and since this is America, where the dollar is almighty, its probably gonna stay screwed until its more profitable to change.

              I was just telling my mom the other day don't buy Tyson chicken because the last 5 times I got them all the bones were broken and brittle. The store brand was cool but tyson has been like that for years for me.


                A free market solution to this would be to get theses chicks and sell them at the increased cost after they mature. They could be marketed to those that have compassion for these chicks and I think many people would go for it. It is a bit ridiculous though because you are still killing it, it's just not as cute when you do it.

                I don't want argue abortion in this thread I was just pointing out that many of the people I have met in my life have more compassion for animals then they do for humans.

                Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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                  Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                  You know, Skud, you can't go bare back riding a chicken on the beach. Surprisingly, roosters can't make eggs either. Business is business, if the chickens gots tah go, teh chickens gots tah go, ya feelin me?

                  Look no one is arguing about the need to kill animals for food. I think what most folks are asking for are that it's done in a humane manner. I don't really think it's that hard of a thing to do.


                    Originally posted by mapes View Post
                    Look no one is arguing about the need to kill animals for food. I think what most folks are asking for are that it's done in a humane manner. I don't really think it's that hard of a thing to do.
                    It's not hard. It's costly. Instead of throwing the chicken into the grinder, I guess people want them to be electrically shocked, head cut off, feathered, and then into the grinder but that's a waste of time... for a chicken when a machine does it in 30% percent of the time. I'm not saying I want to be treated that way if I was a chicken (hehehe) but it's all teh bidniz.

                    And if we were to talk about torturing animals- Lobsters are thrown into a pot of hot water while they kick and scream for 2 minutes making a high pitched noise (Sounds like Ashly Simpson). Sad? Yes. Delicious? Hells to the yeah.


                      Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                      It's not hard. It's costly. Instead of throwing the chicken into the grinder, I guess people want them to be electrically shocked, head cut off, feathered, and then into the grinder but that's a waste of time... for a chicken when a machine does it in 30% percent of the time. I'm not saying I want to be treated that way if I was a chicken (hehehe) but it's all teh bidniz.

                      And if we were to talk about torturing animals- Lobsters are thrown into a pot of hot water while they kick and scream for 2 minutes making a high pitched noise (Sounds like Ashly Simpson). Sad? Yes. Delicious? Hells to the yeah.
                      The noise that the lobsters make steam escaping from cracks in their shells.

                      Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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                        Originally posted by Duke{CLR} View Post
                        The noise that the lobsters make steam escaping from cracks in their shells.
                        Well that makes me feel better -.-


                          Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                          Well that makes me feel better -.-
                          You can also drop them in head first to make it go by quicker.

                          Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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