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The Division 2 be THE go-to game for Cain's Lair?

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    The Division 2 be THE go-to game for Cain's Lair?

    Hello Peeps,

    Long time no see. I have to say, I've pre-ordered The Div 2 and with the recent news on this game, the HYPE is stupendous! Now, this game gave out info regarding clans and of course, 8 man raids


    So the game is DESIGNED for clans.

    And, the first group I thought of, even though I've not been back in the long time, that this could be the game that could revive CLR participation! (Although, I'm not sure how active this clan has been? Yes? No?)

    Anyways, I highly recommend this game as I've played Div 1, loyally for 2 years. This is a game this group should consider, yes? If you haven't read much on it....once you've played it, you'll never want to go back.

    OH, by the way....if you want to TRY before you BUY.

    OPEN BETA on March 1 to 4th.


    You'll need the UPLAY client to download it come that day.

    Well, Cain's Lair stands for more of a community than a typical clan. But, Cain likes to run/control a game's server and it doesn't appear that is available, which sadly is becoming the norm for games these days.


      Originally posted by Slaughter View Post
      Well, Cain's Lair stands for more of a community than a typical clan. But, Cain likes to run/control a game's server and it doesn't appear that is available, which sadly is becoming the norm for games these days.
      Actually, Ubisoft/Massive's goal is to focus on community and being sociable. It's been touted as highly social game..the "clan" feature by The Division can be run by an administrator and that would be Cain and can be controlled by him, as he can add other people under him and so on.

      Anyways, can't knock it till ya tried it...come March 1 to the 4th, it's free to try out.

      Anyways, I' m pretty good on selling people on THIS game. and I'm a VERY FINICKY gamer.
      Last edited by Evil_T0NY {CLR}; 24 Feb 2019, 04:30 PM.


        More info about the open beta...


        Also., OPEN BETA TRAILER


          Looks unimpressive.


            Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
            Looks unimpressive.
            Well, you can take my word for it. Can't knock it till ya tried it, right? Free open beta.

            Here's a long game play

            The AI are much smarter than in most games. They actually know how to flank you and then some.


              Div 2 is basically the same thing as Div 1 with all the bells and whistles that Div 1 was supposed to have but never made it to final product. That being said, I'll likely pick it up to play with friends but I will never use in game comms due to the same thing that never got fixed back in Div 1 being that if you spoke in game, your IP is sent to every player in the vicinity and/or squad which most people are not cool with. But also being the same engine etc, makes it easier for hackers to do their thing as they did in the first one. Don't expect to have great PvP within the first few months.
              [url=""]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics -[/url] - My LoL stats etc

              [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


                Originally posted by FieryDragon View Post
                Div 2 is basically the same thing as Div 1 with all the bells and whistles that Div 1 was supposed to have but never made it to final product. That being said, I'll likely pick it up to play with friends but I will never use in game comms due to the same thing that never got fixed back in Div 1 being that if you spoke in game, your IP is sent to every player in the vicinity and/or squad which most people are not cool with. But also being the same engine etc, makes it easier for hackers to do their thing as they did in the first one. Don't expect to have great PvP within the first few months.
                Yep, that's why I stuck with Div 1 faithfully and look forward to Div 2.

                Well, that's why it's best to use Discord or Teamspeak. A lot of Div players use it. As far as cheating Div 2, they'll be pretty self-aware with the latest in anti-hack tech. But NO game is completely free of's the nature of the beast.


                  Yeah Cain has his own Discord now as well.

                  If you don't already have it, click and join. A few of us on it as well.

                  [url=""]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics -[/url] - My LoL stats etc

                  [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


                    Just this in....

                    YEAR 1 content to look forward to....

                    Trailer released today:

                    Also, another write-up on Year 1 content:


                    This said, this game will consume your life if you get hooked. lol


                      Not my type of game but I caught it in the middle of a live stream where I watched a couple of guys (DrLupo and another) playing what I guess is the campaign mode and it seemed to move a bit slow compared to shooters like Apex. They easily blew through the bot enemies in most places and while I am sure they will check it out further, I am not sure they would give it as much attention as they do things like Fortnite and Apex.


                        Tony thank you for trying to get us a "new" game, I appreciate you posting and thinking of us.

                        I miss us having a game to play to see old friends.... I'm still looking...

                        Maybe CS:GO?? That thing never dies!


                          No offense Cain, but CS:GO is almost all a collection of hacks nowdays. I wouldnt play it. Dont need my blood pressure up.
                          [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                            Originally posted by {CLR} Cobalt View Post
                            No offense Cain, but CS:GO is almost all a collection of hacks nowdays. I wouldnt play it. Dont need my blood pressure up.
                            Bummer, that's sad. What are you playing these days??


                              Battlefield V... but it aint much fun, not many people get together without dedicated servers. EA messed up just like BF1. I thought Squad was a good game. Really need team work in that one. And they have dedicated servers. But nobody here seemed interested in it cause it was more a military sim. But I thought it could have been good.
                              [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


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