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Old but excellent read on next-gen nuclear reactors

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    Old but excellent read on next-gen nuclear reactors

    It is a pdf file for those who aren't looking closely.

    I had to uninstall acrobat recently, so I cant check it out. In junior year I did quite a lengthy report on modular reactors, is that what it is about? I found that modular reactors would be a great and very cost effective way of energy.


      I'm a big fan of nuclear power. I hope it becomes more popular, but there are a lot of people against it who don't even understand the differences between the old and modern reactors. Not to mention they think it's pronounced "nuke-yeller"


        Kuul Beans... That would ROCK...
        Too bad they are being over cautious about the new designs.
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          Originally posted by L_Mo
          I'm a big fan of nuclear power. I hope it becomes more popular, but there are a lot of people against it who don't even understand the differences between the old and modern reactors. Not to mention they think it's pronounced "nuke-yeller"
          Thats only our President

          When I was in the UK, I was surprised to see large numbers of reactors dotting the countryside. Far more than I've ever seen in the US

          Considering all the crap oil/coal-based power plants have put us through (because of many of the fuel sources), I'd love to see better, safer Nuclear power make a comeback


            Aye when I went to the UK I saw many nuclear powerplants on the countryside I was very surprised because I had only seen one or two before in the states
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              Hunterstone power plant is a nuclear plant, its only what max of 40 miles north of me on the coast line.

              Been inside it was great, the thing i remember most is the lil cartoon vid they show you.

              Was one part where this 'Atom' named Adam or something like that was whizzing about, then the narrator goes
              "and to slow Adam down, all we do is insert a large carbon rod into his path stopping him instantly" then all you see if this Adam atom go SLAM into this carbon block.
              was such a laugh, one of those things you have to see.

              But yeah i got no issues with this type of power, i mean we might find uses for the waste, some of it can be used else where if i remember right, already....

              Be good to see how things change in this line.

              I'm not insane. I'm just overwhelming!

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                It is the Eco Democrat Fanatics that have hurt the power industry the most. They spread propaganda like candy at halloween. Live next to a Nuk Plant? Your kids will have 30 toes, grow horns out of their heads, glow in the dark, and on........

                Look at California. They wouldn't allow them to build new power plants, No nuclear, couldn't bid on fuel futures, yada yada yada. Costs gone up through the roof to keep it going since they have to "Buy Now". And what happened? MASSIVE BLACKOUTS.
                They are working at 98% of capacity. One little hickup, and it causes a cascading/domino affect. No protection, no backups, but the Eco's will cause us to go back to a fire in the back yard if they have anything to do with it.. lol

                (And only Dead trees, can't cut Growing trees down ya know)

                France has a TON of Nuclear plants, and all designed the same way. Cost is astronomically cheaper that way. What did the US do? We RE Designed Every Stinkin NuK plant, no commonality, so the cost is double what it should have been.
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